Chapter 102

Lu Xiaoke was a little disappointed when he heard this: "Dad, although he didn't major in acting, his acting skills are really good. Would you like to give him a chance to try?"

Lu Sanshi shook his head and said, "Hey, silly girl, why don't you understand? In this play, my father is giving favors, and the actors have already been booked. For example, for the role of Zhang San, he gave me five candidates, and the role of Li Si Give me three choices"

"I can only choose actors among the candidates they give, and this is called returning favors"

Lu Xiaoke was a little disappointed when he heard the words, but he also knew that he couldn't force it.

Lu Sanshi is old, and there is only such a jewel in the palm of his hand. He is usually spoiled by heaven. Seeing her aggrieved expression, he couldn't stand it. After thinking about it, he said: "He has no chance in this drama, but once I An old friend is picking an actor for a new play, you can let him have a try"

Lu Xiaoke became interested as soon as he heard it, and hurriedly asked: "Old friend? Who is it, which great director is it?"

Lu Sanshi shook his head and said, "It's not a great director. He's been working in post-processing before. This is his first time as a director."

"How much is the total investment for the movie?"

"About 4000"


Lu Xiaoke's face turned into a little bitter gourd again, 4000 million is not enough to pay a small fresh meat, what good movie can he act in?
Now making a movie, the investment is less than [-] million, are you embarrassed to say hello to others?

Besides, the director is still playing cross-border in the later stage, can it work?

Seeing his daughter's appearance, Lu Sanshi said seriously: "I tell you, don't underestimate him, he is very capable, and I have read the script, this time, maybe he can perform one of the following Little Bo is big!"

Lu Xiaoke was still grimacing. Her original idea was to use her father's fame to raise Chu Qing's popularity, but if it was an unknown director, maybe Chu Qing would also raise his popularity. .

Lu Sanshi tapped on the table lightly, then took out a business card from the drawer and said, "I'm not kidding you, this opportunity is really good, whether you can seize it depends on his ability, okay, you go out Well, Dad wants to read the script."


Lu Xiaoke reluctantly packed up the dinner plate. After some hesitation, she still picked up her business card and walked outside.

Lu Sanshi said lightly behind him: "I will tell my friend, how can I help him play a role?"

Lu Xiaoke was happier now, and turned around to make a face at Lu Sanshi.

Lu Sanshi smiled wryly, and then his eyes gradually became sharper.

Just because the little girl is innocent and ignorant doesn't mean her father is also ignorant!

After the recording ended on Saturday, Chu Qing frowned and got into the car. He thought of several plans during the day, but they were all refuted by him in the end. Those plans seemed too deliberate, and there was a tendency to kill chickens and get eggs.

Song Dawei also saw that Chu Qing was not in high spirits, and wanted to enlighten him.

"Xiaoqing, a director came to the door and said he wanted to invite you to act in a movie, male lead!"

Chu Qing was a little surprised when he heard the words: "Are you looking for me to act in a movie? Or the male lead? Is this a lie to us?"

Song Dawei smiled after hearing this: "He is not a liar, but he is not well-known."

Chu Qing rubbed her head and said: "Forget it, I still think about it for the past two days. How can I perform well? Now I am still more than 2000 million behind the number one. I really don't have the mood to think about other things."

Song Dawei sighed and said: "Don't put so much pressure on yourself, you can actually prove your strength by making it to the finals. It's not easy for us to get to this step."

Chu Qing sighed, he also knew that this was indeed a bit forced, but it can't be forced!
Back in the apartment, Chu Qing arrogantly spent [-] points to buy a [Good thing Bread]!
A good thing can happen within 24 hours after eating, and I got the permission from the leader to participate in the program because of this!
Thinking that the child would not be able to catch the wolf, Chu Qing simply opened the lucky halo and ate good bread!
Just like that, 2 minutes passed, and Chu Qing's points decreased by more than 200, but after looking at the votes, there was no change, which made Chu Qing feel a little frustrated, what the hell, this won't work!

But immediately, he found a new hot search on entertainment news.

#摇天内表, the assailants are getting away with it!Those who were beaten were eliminated by the underworld! #
Chu Qing clicked in curiously, and almost couldn't laugh out loud after taking a look.

The person being interviewed was actually Liu Yiming!After this period of time, his injury has almost healed, and what is even more shocking is that he has changed another company!
He is not an artist of Lexin Culture now, but an artist of Bingshan Entertainment!
This hot search is because he told the news about Wu Xinyuan's inside story!

He said that Chu Qing was actually the C position at the beginning, but Wu Xinyuan used shameful means to leave the C position. up!

Originally, he thought that Lexin Culture would give him fairness, but unexpectedly, Lexin Culture not only failed to give him fairness, but instead gave Wu Xinyuan all his resources, which made Wu Xinyuan come to where he is today!
During the interview, Liu Yiming's eyes were red, and when he talked about this, he burst into tears on the spot.

Chu Qing almost applauded for him, okay, that's great!This will make me one less competitor!

This kind of negative news is on the hot search, Chu Qing does not believe that Wu Xinyuan can not be affected at all!

Liu Yiming cried about the process of being beaten, saying that only Chu Qing and Xie Kun came out to persuade the fight, and everyone else stood by and watched, which also showed that the original video can be used as proof!

Having said that, he also took out his mobile phone and showed everyone some original videos, which were indeed videos of him being beaten.

This time it was undoubtedly confirmed, and a 'stormy sea' was set off immediately!
The more Chu Qing looked at it, the more interesting it became. Could this be the effect of her [Good Deeds Bread] and the halo of luck?

Chu Qing continued to watch the video, while Liu Yiming was still crying.

"I can't accept this unfair attitude. It's a blasphemy against my years of practice and hard work! So I resolutely left Lexin Culture, even though I sold my house to pay liquidated damages, but I do not regret!"

"For the show "Idol Has an Attitude", it's really a mixed bag! It's true that a contestant who has no strength at all can get into the top ten by swiping tickets! Let me tell you responsibly, all the songs you hear are all The ones that have been tuned, and the ones that the audience listened to are mostly lip-syncing, if you don’t believe me, you can ask the audience.”

"If you want to say that they are really capable, really, there is no one else except Xie Kun and Chu Qing."

After reading it, Chu Qing was so happy that she could see the back molars, hahaha, these 200 points are not in vain, really not in vain!

(End of this chapter)

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