Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 101 Lu Xiaoke's Recommendation

Chapter 101 Lu Xiaoke's Recommendation
Chu Qing has been practicing dancing with Dong Manli these days. Dong Manli's background is very good, at least much better than Chu Qing.

After Chu Qing demonstrated to her a few times, she had fully grasped the essentials, and the rest was for the two of them to adjust.

Dong Manli also clearly felt Chu Qing's nervousness in the past two days, but she thought it was because Chu Qing was nervous because the final was about to come.

"Chu Qing, in fact, you don't have to be so nervous. You have worked very hard, and I think this dance is amazing enough, and the soundtrack is also very good. I think the audience will like it by then."

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled wryly and said, "If you like it, you can't vote for me more than 2000 million votes in one night!"

Only then did Dong Manli realize that Chu Qing was worried about winning the championship!
However, this is really a bit of a dream!
The gap between him and No. 2000 is more than 1000 million votes. If it takes a long time, for example, there is still a month to win or lose, maybe we can still operate it, but now there are only two days. [-] million votes a day is like child's play!
Even if the two of them start scandals now, it's too late!

Chu Qing shook his head, showing a confident smile and said: "Forget it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, come on, keep practicing!"


Yanjing, Lu's family

Director Lu Sanshi rarely went out today, but read the script in the study.

His study room is not big, only about a dozen square meters, and the surrounding bookshelves are densely filled with books, such as "Modern and Contemporary Film Art", "On Film Reform for 30 Years" and so on.

Lu Sanshi wore reading glasses and carefully looked at the script in his hand.

This is a script that he has just received, and the quality is not bad. Now the investors have entered the stage, ready to select actors and start filming.

And he, as the chief director, naturally has the right to choose actors.

On the desk in front of him, there is a list of actors, which records many celebrities who are currently available and able to film.

On the tablet next to it, there are still some test shots of these big names.

"Hey, this kind of script is not easy to shoot. There are too many of the same type now, so there is nothing new."

Lu Sanshi pinched the bridge of his nose with some headaches. After wearing glasses for a long time, the bridge of his nose was a little sore.

"dong dong dong"

There was a knock on the door, and then Lu Xiaoke walked in with a smile on his face, holding a plate with a bowl of soup in his hand.

"Dad, let's see it later, this is the wax gourd pork ribs soup that mom made for you, drink it while it's hot"

Lu Sanshi couldn't help smiling when he saw his daughter.

"It's fine to ask me to go out and drink, but it's too troublesome to bring it in."

"Don't bother, don't bother, if I disturb Dad's thinking, then my sin will be serious"

After speaking, he looked at the script casually and said, "Huh? Dad, what script is this time? Is it the script from above?"

Lu Sanshi shook his head, picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup before saying: "This time I'm paying back the favor. He helped me before, but now he's begging for me, and I can't refuse it."

"Can I take a look?"

"Look, a script is not a big deal, as long as you don't spread it to the outside world."

"Dad~ You treat me as a three-year-old child, you can't tell the difference."

"Hahaha, okay, okay, you're not three years old, let's see."

Lu Sanshi was reluctant to say something serious to his daughter, but he was a little curious, isn't her daughter not interested in filming?Why are you suddenly reading the script now?

But Lu Sanshi didn't care, he just drank the winter melon pork rib soup spoonful by spoonful.

Lu Xiaoke's sudden change of character naturally had her purpose. She also knew that Chu Qing had been suppressed and beaten during this time.

As the president of Chu Qing's fan club, she was very anxious.

She is a little rich woman, and she is rich, but how can she have more money than someone who has capital as a backer?So since the news of the 'shady scene' was made public, she began to accumulate strength, and at the same time asked people in the fan group to suspend voting.

They are going to 'steal the tower' on the last day!
But stealing a tower is stealing a tower, and no one can guarantee to win. No, she couldn't bear to miss the opportunity to increase Chu Qing's popularity.

For example, in the script in front of me, if Chu Qing can play a role in it, and add her father to say "Looking forward to cooperation", I believe the popularity will not be worse. How can it increase the number of votes by hundreds of thousands, right?

At this moment, let alone hundreds of thousands, she wants dozens of votes!

Lu Xiaoke read the script at a glance, without asking for a deep understanding, but just memorized the image requirements and personality of several main characters.

"Dad, have the actors been decided yet?"

Lu Sanshi had just finished eating the last piece of ribs when he heard his daughter's question. He wiped his mouth with a tissue and said.

"No, the male one, the male second and the female first have been decided now, and the rest are still being selected."

Lu Xiaoke's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it, and he pointed to a name on the script and said, "Dad, I have a candidate for this role to recommend to you!"

Lu Sanshi was surprised after hearing this: "Recommend an actor for me? Who is it?"

"Chu Qing!"

Hearing this name, Lu Sanshi frowned, but couldn't remember who this person was after thinking about it for a long time.

Lu Xiao was not surprised by this situation, after all, her father was usually very busy, and he didn't care about Chu Qing's "little fresh meat".

She hurriedly took out her mobile phone, and found videos of Chu Qing's zombie falling, singing "Red Pity", "Exploring the Clear Water River" and so on.

After hearing this, Lu Sanshi raised his eyebrows and said: "The voice is good, and the charm is also good."

Having said that, Lu Sanshi was a little vigilant in his heart.

what's the situation?My daughter wanted a role for a handsome guy, needless to say, he also knew that there must be something tricky about it!

The old man has worked so hard to raise the cabbage for more than 20 years, how can any pig be able to do it?

Thinking of this, Lu Sanshi coughed lightly and asked, "Is he an actor?"

"That's not true, he is a host and worked in a TV station before."


"Yes! Dad, let me tell you."

Lu Xiaoke told the story of Chu Qing and the TV station in an angry voice, as if she was the one who was wronged.

Now Lu Sanshi is almost certain that his daughter must have thoughts about this 'little boy'!

"Xiao Ke, what is your relationship with him?"

After Lu Sanshi coughed lightly, he asked directly.

Lu Xiaoke said without blushing, "I am the head of his fan club, and I usually help him organize and manage his fans."

Lu Sanshi breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not let down his vigilance.

"He's not a good fit for this movie"

"Inappropriate? How could it be inappropriate? Isn't this role just for a young actor? Dad, can you find a more suitable actor than him?"

Lu Sanshi pushed his glasses and said, "Let me tell you this, the curtain-raiser in the Beijing Opera Troupe is more suitable than him!"


(End of this chapter)

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