Chapter 100 Fourth
How do you know it has something to do with you?
Li Xinyue complained crazily in her heart, and said in her heart that you have the nerve to ask, how do I know?Of course it's because I'm not blind!I can see the videos you posted on Douhou, and I can see clearly the insulting content of those people's messages!

Thinking of this, Li Xinyue was a little thankful that she hadn't offended Chu Qing, otherwise she would definitely be the one being scolded now.

Li Xinyue found it funny when she thought of how director Liu was furious and shouting to block Chu Qing.

But after all, where is her upbringing and status, she didn't make trouble.

"Cough, cough, because I saw the video of you shaking your hands, Chu Qing, is it convenient for you to delete that video?"

After Chu Qing heard this, her voice became serious.

"Director, I will never delete the video on my shaking hands! First, I have promised my fans that I will never compromise on such unfair and just things! And I am reporting with my real name. I am willing to bear any consequences, but if you want to make a big deal into a small one, then it is absolutely impossible!"

"Second, I am no longer an employee of Yanjing TV, and Yanjing TV has nothing to do with me. I have no obligation to do anything for the TV station now!"

"Third, if I am silent this time, will Wang Qing, Li Qing, and Zhao Qing be bullied and dare not speak up next time? So this time I will definitely not compromise!"

Li Xinyue made Chu Qing choke for three consecutive points, which was also Chu Qing's goal.

To be honest, he still has a good impression of Li Xinyue. There are not many people who can listen to the opinions of their subordinates without taking credit for them in today's society.

But Chu Qing will not give up his plan just because of this. If he deletes the video now, isn't it equivalent to telling his fans that he gave up.

I just posted the video and said that I would not compromise, but I deleted the video the next second, what about playing people?Isn't this slapping yourself in the face?

Li Xinyue was a little embarrassed, and after exchanging a few words with Chu Qing, she hung up the phone, and then she sighed. Although she knew that Chu Qing would not agree, she was still a little disappointed after hearing the affirmative answer.

After the netizens found out that they couldn't comment, their battle zones began to shift. As long as there is a place related to Yanjing TV, there will definitely be 'just' netizens who will leave a message!

Along with their crazy actions, the name Chu Qing was also remembered by many people who eat melons.

Chu Qing's popularity became high, and his deeds and his performance in "Idol Has Attitude" were exposed. Chu Qing's "Exploring the Clear Water River", "Red Pity", Zombie Fall, etc., are all fans of passers-by. Very shocking!
If they were just for eating melons before, then after learning about Chu Qing's "experience" and Chu Qing's works, they all became fans of Chu Qing and joined the "army of righteous netizens" one after another!
This day was destined to be an uneasy day, and what was even more shocking was that Chu Qing's votes began to rise wildly!
His ranking also went from No.10 to ninth, eighth, seventh, and finally stabilized at No.4!
In one day, he raised millions of votes, and made other contestants stunned.

What kind of operation is this?Doesn't this kid have no background?Where did his popularity and tickets come from?
At this moment, not only the players are in a hurry, but also the people behind them who have poured a lot of resources into it are also a little anxious!

Some people may say, is the capital still short of money?Of course capital is not short of money, but it is impossible for capital to directly invest in an artist, unless the artist is his own family.

Otherwise, the usual way of investing is that the capital is given to one person, and that person then invests in artists.

At that time, the artist will become popular, the capital will eat meat, and the man will drink soup.

But if you lose money, it would be nice if that person didn't lose money!Still drinking soup?It would be nice to drink the northwest wind!
And this is still the finals, and the rules are the kind of game rules where you can win with hard work and money, so how could they give up?

That night, the votes of the other contestants began to skyrocket, even Xie Kun's votes skyrocketed. At this time, a post appeared on Tieba and Weibo.

The other party claimed that he was one of the staff members of this show, and he told Chu Qing’s fans not to do any more useless work, because the champion, runner-up and third place of the competition had already been determined, and Chu Qing was not among them, so their efforts were in vain That's all!

I believe the audience should be able to see that the number of votes has been a little abnormal recently. Chu Qing's votes have increased by several million because of popular searches and because of the big melon with the TV station. What are the other contestants?How many millions have been raised for no reason?
As soon as this post came out, not only did it fail to repel the confidence of the fans and audience, but it made them high-spirited and vowed to make Chu Qing debut!
But what these fans didn't know was that this post was not posted by an insider at all, but by Song Dawei himself.

But he wasn't cheating, because what he said was true, and the spots for the championship, runner-up and third place had really been booked a long time ago.

Time soon came to Saturday again, and Chu Qing was ranked fourth. He had to admit that this time he really panicked!
Because the recording next Monday will be a live broadcast, this proves that the time left for him is less than three days!

And he is now No.5, with a difference of more than 1 million votes from No.2000!
Now, No.1 is Xie Kun with 6000 million votes!

No.2 Huang Ping, with a total of 500 million votes!

No.3 Wu Xinyuan, with a total of 5000 million votes!

No.4 is Chu Qing, with 4000 million votes!
There is almost a gap between them. Even if his performance on the day of the live broadcast is wonderful, how many people can vote for him?No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to exceed 2000 million!
Because of the TV station incident before, his popularity has risen a lot, his fans have also increased a little, and he even rushed from the tenth position to the fourth place, but this is not enough!What he wants is number one, otherwise the mission will fail!

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 22"

"LV: 003"

"Current points 480"

"Current experience: 501/3000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

Chu Qing looked at his panel, the points were almost [-], and he could exchange some items in the system mall, but those items could not help him win directly!
Chu Qing was a little annoyed. It was not good for the system to issue any tasks. It had to issue such mandatory tasks. If they were not completed, they would not issue tasks in the future!This leaves him with little room for flexibility!
I was very anxious in my heart, but I couldn't see it on the surface.

Chu Qing in front of the camera is still so sunny and confident.

"No, no! Something must be done, or we will lose!"

Chu Qing was roaring in his heart, and at this moment, Chu Qing was not the only one roaring in his heart
(End of this chapter)

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