Chapter 99 How dare he!
On the screen, Chu Qing played his third recording.

The third recording is exactly what Mr. Li said today.

"There are too many people, I don't want to make things big, do you really think you can turn the world upside down with a small agent and an announcer? Just because you have two small fans, you think we will regress? Just because of you two ?”

Chu Qing solemnly raised the recording pen in his hand and said: "Fans, I promise that I will not give in! I will not compromise either!"

"But I know that the other party must have good hands and eyes, and may even delete this video without my permission. Please watch and cherish it!"

"Now that I've left that company, I don't want a fair and just answer. I just want to say that what they did made me sick! It made me feel angry!"

"It's really hard to imagine that in today's society, there are still people who want to cover the sky with one hand, relying on a little bit of power, and want us to hand over the works we have worked so hard to create."

"And just because I didn't compromise, I will be persuaded to quit!"


"I am Chu Qing! I will disclose my real name today! Make this matter public! If there is any lie in this, I am willing to accept all consequences!"

This is the end of Chu Qing's video, and Chu Qing's fans are all angry after watching it!Not to mention Chu Qing's fans, even passers-by were blown away.

"Fuck! What the hell!"

"Do you really think that you are a leader and you can cover the sky with one hand? You threaten to be fired because they don't give you a white P?"

"The 10 yuan can be used casually for three years. It's the same as picking it up for nothing! You call this a big mouth of a lion? Is your family a Chow Chow?"

"Shameless, shameless! Everyone listen to the last recording, isn't this the threat of Chill?"

"Expose them! Official deletion? I'll download it now!"

"Yes! I'll download it too! Expose them together!"

"It's definitely not the first time this kind of moth in society has done this kind of thing, but this is the first time someone has stood up. We can never compromise with the darkness!"

"Yes! Never compromise, fight to the end!"

The combat effectiveness of Chu Qing's fans rose immediately, and they all ran to Yanjing TV to leave messages!There were also many people who directly left messages under the Discipline Inspection Commission and reposted Chu Qing's video.

For a while, the name Chu Qing once again caused a storm in Shaking Hands.

And this wave of turmoil is different from every time before, and no one dares to rub the heat.

Yanjing TV Station, Statistics Department.

"Hey, Zhang, let's have a drink together after get off work?"

"I won't go, I won't go, hey, my tigress is coming back today, let alone drinking, I can bear it if I go back a few minutes late."

"Tsk tsk tsk, as for not? The majestic Yanjing men can still be taken care of by girls?"

"What is cleaning up? I call it love! Do you understand love?"

"I don't know what to tell you? What kind of data is that, and how did it rise so fast?"

Known as Lao Zhang, he was stunned for a moment, turned to look at his computer, and sure enough, he saw one of the data rising rapidly.

"This is a message. It's weird. Usually, no one leaves a message in the eighth generation. What's the matter today?"

While talking, Lao Zhang curiously opened the message board, and after a glance, he was stunned.

Seeing this, the colleagues around him came over curiously and took a look, but they were also stunned.

"Reporting Director Liu's abuse of power in real name, abandoning the public for his own sake!"

"Drafting! A TV station like yours will be finished sooner or later!"

"Look down on our fans? Come, we will show you the power of fans today!"

"Who can be a leader now? Come on!"

"Hehe, what good results can you achieve with a leader like your TV station? Rubbish TV station, what a shame for us Yanjing men!"

"Hehehe, Director Liu, you have such great authority! People who don't know think you are the director!"

"Yanjing Radio and Television Station, bull! I will take another look at your television station in the future, I am your grandson!"

Lao Zhang swiped down, and there were hundreds of comments, all of which were scolding!

The most mentioned name belongs to Director Liu. Although the full name was not mentioned, how many directors Liu are there in the traffic radio?Needless to say, everyone knows, it must be Liu Jiabao!
But Lao Zhang couldn't care less about laughing at the other party, so he hurriedly picked up the landline beside him and dialed an internal number.


"Director Zhang! It's not good, our message boards have been slaughtered! They are all scolding Director Liu of the Traffic and Broadcasting Department!"

"What? Speak slowly, don't worry"

"Just now, our message board suddenly had two or three thousand more comments, and now the number is still rising, and almost all of them scold Director Liu!"

"Why? They didn't say why?"

"Not sure, but it seems to be because of someone named Chu Qing or something"

"Chu Qing?"

"Yes, the name appears many times"

"You can report the situation at any time! I will go to the message board to check now"


Lao Zhang hung up the phone and heaved a sigh of relief.

The colleague on the side gulped, and said dryly, "Well, who did Director Liu offend? This is too scary!"

Looking at the comments that were still rising, Lao Zhang smiled wryly: "I don't know, but we definitely can't afford it!"

The director, Zhang Xin, looked at the insulting messages that were still rising, and first took two screenshots, and then immediately reported the matter to his leader!
Immediately, he received a call from the leader, who ordered him to immediately close the comment function, and then organize to delete the post!
Unfortunately, it is already a bit late!
Soon, the matter about Yanjing TV station being massacred became a trending topic!

Immediately afterward, Chu Qing's name also became popular in the search!Afterwards, countless "just" netizens began to support Chu Qing, and the TV station was caught off guard!

Then, Song Dawei received a phone call from Shaking Hands. The other party said that the TV station had contacted them and asked them to delete Chu Qing's previous video, but they did not agree, but respected Chu Qing's opinion!
This made Chu Qing very useful, even though he knew that the other party was doing it for the sake of selling, and for the sake of popularity, Chu Qing was still very useful.

After thanking the other party, Chu Qing's private phone rang suddenly, and the caller was Li Xinyue.

Chu Qing thought for a while, and after thinking about what the other party might say and how to deal with it, he answered the phone.

"Hello? Director Li"

"Chu Qing, do you know about the messages on our station's message board?"

"Message? What message?"

"Ahem, cough, that's right. Today, there are a lot of insulting messages on the message section of our TV station. There are thousands of them. Now the leader has ordered the message function to be temporarily closed. Do you know about this?"

The corners of Chu Qing's mouth twitched slightly, but his voice was full of surprise: "I don't know, director, why do you think this matter has something to do with me?"


(End of this chapter)

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