Chapter 98 Exposure
Seeing this, Chu Qing put the recording pen back into his pocket with some regret. Seeing Chu Qing's regretful expression, President Li was shocked.

It's so dangerous, so dangerous, I almost grabbed it myself!What happened to me today?How could such a low-level mistake be made?
While conducting self-reflection, Mr. Li looked at Chu Qing with a gloomy look.

Chu Qing doesn't care about this kind of look at all. In his previous life, he was the pinnacle of sales. This kind of look really looked too much. Look, can I still lose a piece of meat?
But don't give me a chance, otherwise you won't be as simple as losing a piece of meat.

Some people may think, oh, why is your personality so dark, and you are too vindictive, if someone treats you badly, you want to kill him.

For this kind of person, Chu Qing's only thought is to stay away from him, fearing that one day he will be struck by lightning and hurt herself!

Don't persuade others to be kind without others suffering!
You know what Chu Qing has been through, so you persuade him to be magnanimous?

Huang Bo, the film emperor of the previous life, once said that before he became famous, he was surrounded by malice.

No one regarded him as a human being, and the car that delivered the actors didn't wait for him. In the end, he had to go back in the car that delivered food, and the car was still full of smells.

But after he became popular, he was surrounded by good people. Are you thirsty this Mr. Huang, are you hungry that Mr. Huang.

And Chu Qing is the kind of person who has experienced the lowest level of society, and he has seen too many conspiracies and schemes.

So he has his own code of conduct, he just wants to climb up!

People don't offend me, I don't offend others?

For Chu Qing, I don't care if you offend me or not, but you can't get in my way, I'll kill you if you get in my way!

As for others saying that he is vicious, black-bellied, etc., if you like to say it, you can say it, anyway, when it comes to the end, only the winner can leave a voice!
When he was just doing sales, he was often bullied by others.

Prying bills and spreading rumors are nothing.

At the beginning, Chu Qing also really felt that as long as she works hard, she will surely have a better future!
The boss must be able to see his hard work. The reason why he didn't see it was because he didn't work hard enough. Come on!
It wasn't until later that he discovered that those people who usually play around and work hard when their leaders come here are much better at doing things than themselves, and they are promoted faster than themselves.

And those opportunistic people have much better performance than themselves!

In the end, he discovered a truth, that is, those who play with their mouths are far more popular than those with their legs!
From that day on, he changed his outfits, changed his style, spent money like water, smashed his contacts, and smashed his performance!
For this reason, he also apprenticed to a teacher to learn art, and finally let the other party understand what it means to teach apprentices to starve to death of the master!

So, he didn't care about Mr. Li's threatening and resentful expression when he looked at him.

With this recording in hand, it is enough for the other party to drink a pot.

Although it is not possible to make him laid off, it is still possible to let him accept the investigation and not be able to come forward for a short time.

As for whether the other party blocks or not, it is even more ridiculous. Now it is an online society, and it is no longer the time for TV stations to cover the sky with one hand!

As long as Chu Qing is hot enough to attract the attention of Dao Capital, what can a local TV station do with him?
In the end, the police took both of them to the police station, and both sides made a statement, so let's forget about today's matter.

When the two of them walked out of the police station, Director Liu stared at Chu Qing intently, and repeated the threatening words in his mouth several times, but finally he didn't dare to say it out. Face!
Song Dawei also stared back not to be outdone, so what?Afraid of you!
After waiting for the two to get back to the car, Chu Qing picked up the recording pen and said, "I worked overtime today, edited it out, and announced it directly. It's just to make us popular!"

"Announce everything?"

"Sure! To save face for them by tearing up your face?"

There are now nearly 300 million fans of Shaking Hands, which still has a certain influence. The most important thing is that this matter is provoked by the other party, so are you afraid of a hammer?

It was never Chu Qing's character to keep quiet after being beaten!

It is Chu Qing's style to act first!

So after returning to the apartment, Chu Qing connected the recording pen to the computer and started editing. After half an hour of editing, both of them showed satisfied smiles.

Then Song Dawei became a photographer and helped Chu Qing start recording videos.

Since the release of "Idol Has an Attitude", Chu Qing's fans have grown rapidly, and the quality of fans is also very active!
Especially after Chu Qing's "Wet Body Temptation" was broadcast, that female fan was so active!
And there are countless people who follow the names of Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Feng, and now click on Chu Qing's comment area, and the names of those comments are almost all.

Chu Qing's eldest wife Zhengzhou Fentai, Chu Qing's hidden wife, Chu Qing's concubine No. 10086, and so on.

These people came to see if Chu Qing's video was updated almost every day. Although Chu Qing broadcasted live every day, such things as live broadcasts couldn't be co-produced. In addition, Chu Qing hardly communicated with others, and there was no opportunity for interaction.

Emperor Tian paid off, as soon as they refreshed today, they refreshed Chu Qing's latest short video!
But after reading the content, he almost didn't get pissed off directly!

In the picture, Chu Qing has a serious face.

"I solemnly declare that this morning, I, Chu Qing, have officially terminated the labor contract with Yanjing TV!"

"Here, there are some words I can't spit out, and then there are two recordings"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, he played two audios on the computer.

The first audio is the recording that Director Liu wanted to ask Chu Qing for the copyright white P, but was prevaricated by Chu Qing.

The second is that Director Liu was at the door today, proudly saying that if he sang this song to his nephew, maybe he wouldn't have to leave his job.

Of course, he didn't say these words clearly.

After playing the two recordings, Chu Qing continued to speak.

"By relying on the recording alone, I believe you can tell why I resigned. That's right, I resigned precisely because of the protagonist in the recording, Director Liu of Yanjing Radio and Television Station, Traffic Broadcasting!"

"This person wanted to use his position to coerce me to hand over the copyright. After I refused, he became angry and asked me to abandon the contract with "Idol Has an Attitude" and return to the TV station. After I expressed my desire to finish the recording, he ordered me to choose only two. one!"

"In this regard, I still decided not to let down the fans who have always supported me and voted for me. I chose "Idol Has an Attitude" and my fans. When I left this morning, I actually got Director Liu Threat to block the door, this second recording is what he said this morning!"

As Chu Qing spoke, his expression became angry: "There is a third one! And this one is the ultimate culprit that made me decide to expose everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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