Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 97 Come on, grab it!

Chapter 97 Come on, grab it!

After resigning, Chu Qing went to the office to simply pack up his things, bid farewell to several colleagues and left the TV station. At this moment, he felt extremely relaxed.

As soon as he walked to the entrance of the TV station, he saw a short and fat Mediterranean man standing outside. After seeing Chu Qing coming out with a box in his arms, the man puffed out his stomach and said as if he had come here.

"Look, if the song was used by our TV station, there is no need to create such a situation now."

Upon hearing this, Chu Qing turned her head to look at him, and said with a smile on her face, "Are you Director Liu?"

Director Liu puffed up his stomach again when he heard the words, coughed lightly and said: "Yes, I am Director Liu, Xiao Chu, from my point of view, this matter is actually not irreversible. I have a nephew who is also a singer. If you are willing to sing your song "Yanjing Yanjing" to him, it is not irreversible, as long as "

After hearing the other party admit her identity, Chu Qing silently opened the halo of doom.

Before he finished speaking, Chu Qing took a big step forward, which startled Director Liu, and he relaxed a little when he saw that there were security guards on the left and right.

"What do you want to do! Do you still want to do it?"

Director Liu was somewhat restrained, but Chu Qing showed her white teeth and said, "Do you remember what I told you before? I like recording very much."

After speaking, he took out the recording pen from his arms and shook it at Director Liu. Upon hearing this, Director Liu hurriedly said: "Hand over the recording pen, what right do you have to record? Hand it over!"

After speaking, he wanted to grab the recording pen, but with his small body, could he be Chu Qing's opponent?

On the way to snatch the recording pen, Chu Qing "accidentally" elbowed him, immediately knocked Director Liu to the ground, and the security guards rushed over and called the police.

Chu Qing looked back at Song Dawei, and Song Dawei made an OK gesture to indicate that there was no problem.

"Mr. Chu, please cooperate with us. Now that Director Liu has been knocked down by you, we have already called the police."

"Hey, food can be eaten indiscriminately, but nonsense can't be said. It's clear that you, Director Liu, deliberately touched me. Let me tell you, I've been recording here all the time!"

The security guard was not frightened when he heard the words, and continued: "We have all-round surveillance here, and the police will naturally deal with right and wrong when the time comes."

In less than 10 minutes, the police came over. After asking about the situation, the police went to investigate the surveillance video.

During this period of time, there were more and more onlookers, and finally even the leaders of the TV station came out.

"What's going on, what's going on? Who started the fight?"

"Chu Qing! I heard that Chu Qing resigned. Before he left, he took revenge on Director Liu and gave him an electric cannon."

"What is an electric cannon?"

"Don't worry about what it is, you just know it's great and it's over"

"Oh, oh, how did it end?"

"I don't know, isn't the police dealing with this?"

When the leader came to see the noisy appearance, he became angry, and after a few loud reprimands, he drove away the onlookers, and then he went to one of the middle-aged policemen to ask about the situation.

Judging by the expressions of the two, it is obvious that they have known each other for a long time and have some friendship.

"Officer Zhang, what happened?"

"Ah, Mr. Li, it's like this. According to the monitoring, it was your Director Liu who went to grab the recording pen first, and accidentally injured Director Liu when the two sides were fighting."

"Then how should this responsibility be calculated?"

"Of course it's on Director Liu. If he robs other people's property, it's self-defense. You can even sue him."

Mr. Li nodded, bid farewell to Police Officer Li, and went straight to Chu Qing.

"You are Chu Qing, right?"

"Yes, I am Chu Qing"

"Why did Director Liu snatch your recording pen?"

"You should ask Director Liu about this matter, why ask me?"

Hearing Chu Qing's answer, Mr. Li frowned. Since he took this position, no one dared to talk to him like that for a long time.

"Chu Qing, haven't you been fired? Why are you still on the TV station?"

"Mr. Li, first, I was not fired, but I resigned. Second, if it wasn't for the one who is still lying on the ground to snatch my recording pen, I would have already left by now."

"Then what if this matter ends here? You know, it's not good for both parties if this matter gets bigger"

"Mr. Li, are you threatening me?"

"It's not a threat, it's just my personal suggestion"

Before Chu Qing could speak, Song Dawei came up from behind, stood beside Chu Qing and asked.

"Sir, what do you mean, the other party came to grab our things, but they didn't get them, so forget it?"

Mr. Li frowned subconsciously, then looked at Song Dawei and said, "Then what do you mean?"

"What I mean is to leave the matter to the police, I believe the police can give us an explanation"

"Director Liu is still lying on the ground and needs to go to the hospital for an examination. Are you paying for the medical expenses? I said that this matter is over for the benefit of both of us, but now you are holding on to it. Is this the case? Did you do everything on purpose?"

"It's a joke, I saw it on the surveillance, he is lying on the ground and wants to touch the porcelain even more! And why should we be responsible, the police are right next to him, please ask me what it means to be a good person when you come out in self-defense?"

Mr. Li was really angry this time. He moved forward slightly and said, "There are too many people, I don't want to make things big. Do you really think that a small manager and an announcer of yours can turn the world upside down? Just because you have Two little fans, think we will regress? Just the two of you?"

Chu Qing smiled when he heard the words, and moved forward as well.

In fact, this is a technique used during negotiations. The body is forward and aggressive, which tends to give people a sense of oppression.

"Do you know why Director Liu wanted to snatch my recording pen?"

Hearing Chu Qing's words, Mr. Li felt a thump in his heart, subconsciously feeling bad.

Chu Qing stepped forward slightly and said, "Because he said the same thing to you just now, and it just so happens that I like recording very much!"

Looking at the flashing red light on the recorder, he understood that the recording was still going on, which meant that his threatening words just now had been recorded.

Damn it, how could I make such a low-level mistake?Of course he didn't know, it was because of the influence of Chu Qing's halo of bad luck!
At first Chu Qing wanted to activate the aura of luck, but after thinking about it, she decided to try the effect of the aura of bad luck.

As a result, after trying it now, I found out that this is not a halo of doom, it is clearly a halo of descending wisdom!

Mr. Li subconsciously wanted to snatch the recording pen from Chu Qing's hand, but he only remembered when he raised his hand halfway. There are so many people watching around.
(End of this chapter)

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