Chapter 96 Resignation
At the same time, Chu Qing finally realized that he was a star. Now that he was walking on the street, he was occasionally recognized by fans.

Most of the people who recognized him were female fans, but none of the male fans had met.

But this is also normal. After all, there must not be many male viewers watching that kind of program. Wouldn’t it be nice to watch two episodes of Ultraman with that time?Gaia~
Time soon came to Saturday again. This time, unlike the previous recording, the final elimination quota will be announced on Saturday, and the last ten people will be selected to regroup, or these ten people will simply form a group together!
But this time, Chu Qing's ranking was actually tenth!With more than 11 votes for No.[-], they barely qualified!

And the number of votes in the top ten is not much different, except for Xie Kun.

The number of votes for Xie Kun has reached an astonishing 3000 million votes!

No.2 Huang Ping only has more than 2000 million, which is almost 1000 million behind by the opponent.

After that, No.4 and No.5 were almost the same, and the difference with Huang Ping in front was less than 100 million.

It was not until No.8 started that the number of votes dropped to 2000 million.

Chu Qing's final vote count was 700 million, barely making it into the top ten!
After entering the top ten, the director team began to divide into teams. According to the previous rules, the top three were still divided into teams, and then the lottery began.

Of course, other players can also refuse.

Xie Kun chose a single pair, Huang Ping, who ranked second, chose four other players, and he chose to form a team.

The person ranked third also chose to form a group, and he selected two more people, including Wu Xinyuan, and the three of them chose to form a group.

In the final finals, there were only four teams left, among which only Xie Kun and Chu Qing chose to go it alone.

Then there were two days of rehearsals on Sunday and Monday. During these two days, Chu Qing had been practicing dancing with Dong Manli.

What he challenged this time was a very good dancer. Similarly, the difficulty was not small, at least much greater than the previous "No. 89757".

Also on Monday night, the latest program aired, including the performance of Chu Qing and Xie Kun's "wet body temptation", and the Internet immediately exploded!

Xie Kun's reaction was rather average. After all, his fans have always been very popular, and now they have reached a period of weakness, but Chu Qing is different. His fans have just formed and have not yet exerted their strength!
At the moment, Chu Qing's votes are soaring upwards at a particularly terrifying speed, but it is a blessing in disguise.

He wanted to perform well, but it wasn't that easy. Director Liu of the TV station suddenly got into trouble!

He directly held a meeting, feeling that Chu Qing's performance in the two episodes was a bit embarrassing to the TV station. Didn't he say to promote traditional culture before?The first scene was adapted in a messy way, and the second scene even had some kind of wet temptation. That kind of thing is called traditional culture?

That's called dross, that's called teaching bad children!

People who go out on our TV station should establish correct values, instead of soaking up their clothes so that people can see their abs!
This statement was directly affirmed by many leaders of the TV station, so after the decision of the TV station, Chu Qing was immediately asked to give up the program he was recording and rush back to work at the TV station!

When Chu Qing heard what Director Li Xinyue had said on the phone, he was a little dazed and said, "Leader, the finals will be here soon, just give me another week."

"Xiao Chu, I understand how much you have paid. I usually watch your show. I also know that the reason why you can't perform the old-style show is because the director team won't let you. But Xiao Chu, this is the decision of the superior. , I can't resist."

Chu Qing naturally knew this too. After thinking about it, she tried to ask: "Then if I ask for a week's leave personally, will my superiors approve it?"

"will not!"

Li Xinyue answered very happily, and said directly: "In the end, it's just that Liu who wants to mess with you, but the leader listens to him."

Chu Qing understood, nodded with a smile and said: "Then I resign, leader, I will go through the resignation procedures tomorrow."

Li Xinyue on the other end of the phone fell silent, as if she didn't expect Chu Qing to be like this.

After a few seconds, Li Xinyue said, "Resign? Xiao Chu, you're still young, there's no need to be so impulsive. It's just a show. How does it compare to our company's stable job?"

"Leader, everyone has his own aspirations. I will never give up at this critical moment!"

"Xiao Chu, there is really no need for such a small matter."

"Thank you Director Li, I know you said this for my own good, don't worry."

After talking to Director Li for a few more words, Chu Qing hung up the phone. No matter what, he couldn't give up this competition, because it was a major event that determined whether he could complete the main task!

After Chu Qing thought about it, he called Song Dawei. Song Dawei didn't respond much. In fact, according to his thinking, he wanted Chu Qing to resign a long time ago.

After all, it is not free to be a host, and how much money you can earn a month, it is decent to say it, but how many people nowadays watch this?
How many hosts have started doing business behind their backs, and another point is that there are too many constraints on being a host. For example, a certain abbot with the surname Sa in the previous life only let himself go after leaving CCTV.

Of course, it also has something to do with a certain person surnamed Ma who said that he has no interest in money.

Chu Qing began to think, how can this incident increase her popularity?

"Viagra, do you have the original recording?"

"Yes, but the other party is very polite, and there should be no entry point."

"I'm sending you my recording now, you can see if you can use it"

"You're thinking?"

"Now I'm too short of calories. There is still one week to go before the competition, and now I'm still more than 1000 million votes away from the number one!"

"OK, I see"

Chu Qing sent his recording to Song Dawei, and it didn't take long for Song Dawei to call.

"It is enough, this is enough, but there is still one chance, a chance of exposure, otherwise the effect may not be very good"

"No time for Viagra, I just need heat this week"


"Come to the TV station with me tomorrow, I will handle resignation"

"Well, are you still an intern?"


"Then it's easy to handle, just go with me tomorrow, and make sure it goes well"

Early the next morning, the two arrived at Yanjing TV Station. Just like what Song Dawei said, the resignation process was extremely smooth. Of course, this was also one of the reasons why Chu Qing had always been an intern.

It's funny to say that Chu Qing was about to become a regular after graduation, but it was postponed because of variety shows.

But now I didn't expect that because of the variety show, I would resign.

But Chu Qing really doesn't care. With the system in hand, does she have to rely on death on the TV station?
Moreover, because of the fact that the other party fired her indiscriminately in the previous life, Chu Qing did not have the slightest affection for them.

(End of this chapter)

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