Chapter 104 Third
After chatting with Lu Xiaoke for a few more words, Chu Qing hung up the phone.

He just felt his heart pounding, acting in a movie?This is really the first time a big girl got on the sedan chair!

Not long after, Song Dawei called and said that the "enthusiastic audience" was ready, and the name was "flowers bloom in May and bloom in June".

After Chu Qing memorized the name, she turned on the live broadcast.

As soon as he started the live broadcast, the number of people online in his live broadcast room began to grow rapidly, with almost no pressure, more than 10 people were online!And the rate of increase has not stopped, and it is still rising.

Chu Qing said with her trademark sunny smile: "I'm sorry, because of the need to record the program today, the live broadcast time has been postponed a bit. Next Monday, there will be a live broadcast of my program on Please help me at this time, please support me, I am now ranked No.4, and I still have hope to win the championship."




Just after Chu Qing finished speaking, he saw the bullet screen showing the number three. Chu Qing was a little curious, and then thought of something. He turned on his phone and looked. Sure enough, his ranking had changed, and he had now been promoted to No. [-] Three!
Now, No.1 is Xie Kun with 6000 million votes!

No.2 Huang Ping, with a total of 500 million votes!

No.3 Chu Qing, with a total of 100 million votes!

Chu Qing was stunned, what the hell is going on? 1000 million votes?Where did it come from?
Chu Qing swallowed a mouthful of saliva. You must know that Wu Xinyuan had outbid him by more than 1000 million votes before, but now he has overtaken him by 1000 million. It's too fake.
Seeing Chu Qing's bewildered look, the audience in the live broadcast room burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, look at this stupid goose, it's so funny to me"

"Ah! Brother Chu Qing is so handsome and has no dead ends, I love it to death!"

"Hahaha, Brother Chu, you have to thank Wu Xinyuan and Liu Yiming for this. These are fans who supported them before, and now they are here to support you!"

The bullet screen was buzzing one by one, and Chu Qing couldn't see it at all.

Later, he understood the reason of the matter through screenshots, and his expression became a little 'complicated' at the moment.

"Hey, I can't say too much, I can only say thank you for the support of these fans, I hope you will continue to support me tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will not let you down!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she picked up her acoustic guitar and sang a song for everyone, and then connected with two small Internet celebrities.

This made the two small Internet celebrities very excited, after all, it was equivalent to Chu Qing helping them increase their popularity.

But they didn't know that Chu Qing made this choice so that Lianmai would not be abrupt today.

After waiting to end the liaison with the two of them, Chu Qing saw the "flowers in May bloom in June" application for liaison in the background.

Chu Qing directly agreed, and the next moment the screen split into two, and the other party appeared in the screen on the right.

The other party seemed very surprised, just like the two young anchors had the same reaction before.

"Brother Chu Chu, wow, you really connected with me, I'm so happy, I've always been your fan, I've been a fan of you since you sang "Over Fire""

The other party was a female anchor, and Chu Qing smiled after hearing this, thinking that the entrustment that Song Dawei invited was quite professional, and she knew how to advertise for herself, which was pretty good.

"Thank you for your support. I seldom chat with people. How about we play a game?"

"Okay, okay, let's play honest and brave, how about it?"

"It can be, but we are still live broadcasting now, and we can only take pictures of such a small place. It doesn't make much sense to choose Bravery."

"Then let's all choose honesty, shall we?"


"Then we two are rock-paper-scissors, the loser has to answer the winner's question"


Chu Qing agreed, and the two started the game. Chu Qing was very lucky, winning the first few games, and asked the other party some trivial questions.

And the opponent finally won the fifth round, and asked directly: "Brother Chu, did Wu Xinyuan really hit Liu Yiming at the beginning? Did the two of them really fight for the C position?"

Chu Qing secretly rejoiced, and the thought came!

At the moment, he deliberately pretended to be a bit embarrassed, and when the other party kept saying that he couldn't afford it, he sighed and replied: "Well, the two of them did fight."

"Is it because of the C position?"


"Then Brother Chu, which of the two of them do you think performed better?"

"It's beyond the outline! It's beyond the outline! How many questions have you asked?"

Chu Qing interrupted the topic on purpose, and didn't finish the sentence in one go. He was the sales champion in his previous life, and he knew too well what it means to be on the pole is not a business!I also understand how to catch the other party's appetite!
Then the two continued the game again, and the other side won after a while.

"Brother Chu, what kind of person do you think Liu Yiming is? Of course, what I'm asking is your personal opinion, don't be influenced by other people's opinion"

Chu Qing didn't even think about it when he heard the words: "He is a person with a lot of aura! He also worked very hard. When we were recording the program before, we were a team, so we also had many opportunities to cooperate."

"He is always the first to come to the training room, and his aura is three meters away. To be honest, I thought there were only two people who could take the C position. One was Xie Kun, and the other was Liu Yiming!"

"It's a pity that the accident later made him regretfully withdrawing from the competition. Otherwise, I, who was ranked at the bottom of the top ten before, might be eliminated."

Although Chu Qing didn't answer directly, he has already revealed his thoughts. In this matter, he is on Liu Yiming's side!

This also proved the fact in disguise that Wu Xinyuan really did something to Liu Yiming, and caused a seeded player to be unable to play and retire!
The audience got excited, and their favorite thing is to eat melons!Especially the kind of melons that are torn apart by actors and actresses, it is so enjoyable to eat!
After playing with the other party for a while, Chu Qing stopped Lianmai, after all, it would be too deliberate if it took longer.

Song Dawei's efficiency didn't disappoint Chu Qing either. Song Dawei had already posted the edited "Chu Qing's Answer" on the Internet before his side was broadcast!
Now is the time when the other party's popularity is at the top, and this video has also reached the top of the other party's popularity, and it was immediately pinned to the top. If it becomes more popular, it might be a hot search or something!

The number of Chu Qing's fans and the number of votes on Kiwi are both skyrocketing, and the fastest growing is the number of his Weibo fans.

Now his Weibo fans have risen to 240 million!Shaking hands fans also rose to 300 million, which is almost double compared to before he participated in the show!
(End of this chapter)

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