Chapter 105 Second
No.1 is Xie Kun, with 100 million votes!

No.2 Huang Ping, with a total of 600 million votes!

No.3 Chu Qing, with a total of 300 million votes!

After downloading the broadcast, Chu Qing took another look at the number of votes. In just a short while, it unexpectedly increased by another 200 million. His heart was beating violently with excitement, and he was even a little out of breath.

At this moment, Chu Qing really felt that she was going to be on fire, not that kind of general fire, but that kind of big fire!The kind that is so hot!
Chu Qing tried her best to adjust her mentality, trying to persuade herself to relax and not get excited, but the corners of her mouth continued to grow wider and wider, and finally she couldn't help laughing out loud.

The next day, when Chu Qing came to the studio, she clearly felt that some staff looked at her differently.

Chu Qing also knew why, it must be because of her soaring votes!
After returning to the practice room and waiting for a while, Dong Manli arrived.

Dong Manli had four assistants alone, and it was really powerful in terms of ostentation. The four assistants came in first to check before letting Dong Manli into the room. Chu Qing didn't understand what they were checking.

During the rehearsal today, Dong Manli seemed to be in a good mood, humming a few lines of the lyrics from time to time, which made Chu Qing a little surprised.

"What's the matter, Miss Dong, are you in such a good mood today?"

Dong Manli said with a smile: "Because I finally gathered the candidates for the band and I can record the MV."

Chu Qing asked in surprise, "Band?"

"Yeah, the drummer I invited is Mr. Li Xin, the guitarist"

Dong Manli mentioned the names of several musicians like a few treasures. Chu Qing didn't remember any of them, but because there was a camera from the program team behind him, she still had to pretend that it was him!

After Dong Manli finished speaking, she smiled and said, "After my album comes out, I will definitely send you a physical album as soon as possible!"

Chu Qing shook her head, and Dong Manli asked in surprise, "What? Don't you like my new album?"

After she finished speaking, she deliberately pretended to be annoyed. I have to say that women in their 30s are actually pretty good-looking.

But Chu Qing said seriously: "I think it's better to buy the album yourself. When your album comes out, I will definitely support you to buy a collection."

Dong Manli smiled after hearing this, and then said with a smile: "It's a bit petty to buy only one. With our friendship, you should start with a hundred!"

Chu Qing seemed to have made a lot of determination, and nodded heavily: "Okay! One hundred tickets will be one hundred! Even if I eat pickles next month, I will definitely support you!"

Dong Manli was flamboyant after hearing the words and smiles, and then the two continued to practice dancing.

After finishing a day of practice, Chu Qing glanced at the votes for the first time.

No.1 is Xie Kun, with 900 million votes!

No.2 Chu Qing, with a total of 100 million votes!

No.3 Huang Ping, with a total of 900 million votes!

Chu Qing swallowed a mouthful of saliva, second, and she was second!
With a gap of more than 2000 million votes, he was forced to catch up with less than 800 million!
In terms of the process, Chu Qing was successful!

But in terms of results, what we have done now is not enough, far from enough!Because as long as he does not win the championship, it is a failure for Chu Qing!

After returning home, Chu Qing continued to broadcast after taking a cold shower. Anything is possible before the last moment!He will not give up any chance to increase his popularity!
But today, Chu Qingguang just sang a song, but didn't connect with the mic, which disappointed many small Internet celebrities.

Soon, the night passed.

Xie Kun's votes reached a terrifying 500 million!
No.2 Chu Qing also reached 7000 million!
No.3 Huang Ping has just reached 6000 million, I don't know if he is holding back some big moves.

After arriving at the studio, Chu Qing was led by the staff to the lounge. This time it was the finals. In order to prevent any accidents, the players no longer share the rest area, but each team has its own rest area. room.

Not long after Chu Qing sat down, Dong Manli also came to the lounge, and the staff who brought her said very thoughtfully.

"There is still about an hour or so before the audience will enter the arena, you can take advantage of this time to practice again"

Chu Qing thanked the staff very politely, but had no plans to practice any more.

In such a short period of time, practicing will only increase the pressure on the two of them. It's time to practice. The two of them have practiced countless times during this period.

An hour passed quickly, and the staff outside the door came and knocked on the door. As soon as Chu Qing opened the door, he heard the noise outside, and the audience had already entered.

"Mr. Chu, Ms. Dong, the audience has already entered the arena. You are the second to appear on the stage. You need to prepare."


Chu Qing agreed with a smile, and simply walked out of the rest room, followed by Dong Manli.

There was a lot of noise outside, and it was mostly female voices. You could often hear girls praising someone for being so handsome. Among them, Chu Qing heard his name many times, which made him somewhat proud. It seemed that he He also has the potential to be an idol!
The staff wore earphones and looked at their watches from time to time. About five or six minutes later, all the audience had entered the arena, and the staff walked up to Chu Qing and said.

"Mr. Chu, this time is different from the previous program recordings. Today will be a live broadcast of the entire program, and there will be no rehearsal. After everyone's performance, there will be a canvassing session. This opportunity is very important and must be seized."

"Okay, thanks for the reminder"

Chu Qing's voice has always been gentle and polite, which is also the voice he is best at.

The staff smiled, and led Chu Qing to an actor's channel, looked at his watch and said: "The first group of contestants will be on stage soon, and the host will read your name after his performance is over." , when the time comes, other staff members will remind you to come out"

"Okay, sorry for the trouble"

"You're welcome"

The staff smiled, turned around and walked out of the staff passage, he had other actors to inform.

Chu Qing sat on the spot and did some warm-up exercises to prevent his muscles from becoming stiff during the performance.

It is Wu Xinyuan's team who is currently performing on the stage. This guy is working extremely hard now, as if nothing on the Internet has affected him before. I have to say that his psychological quality has really improved a lot.

However, the psychological quality of his teammates was obviously not as good as his. Chu Qing clearly saw that they were not keeping up with the tempo, which was a big mistake.

Fortunately, the guests he invited are eye-catching and good-looking. They are the most popular young meat of Lexin Culture. They successfully covered up the mistakes of the two behind.

Not long after, their performance ended, and the live host came up.

"Thank you for your wonderful performances, and welcome Mr. Mo Ge to our show!"

Mo Ge, who is Lexin Culture's hottest little fresh meat, heard that he took two steps forward, clasped his hands together and bowed.

(End of this chapter)

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