Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 107 "囍"

Chapter 107 "囍"

"The eighteenth day of the first lunar month"

"Auspicious Day"

"Sorghum Carrying"

"Put on the red dress"

"One Foot, One Hate"

"hasty cut"

Amidst the music, Dong Manli got up first, but Chu Qing was still sitting on the ground, like a marionette, and Dong Manli was his puppeteer, controlling his body!

The audience in the audience watched intently, and also listened to the lyrics sung by Chu Qing.

"Cutting off the Beloved"

"How can I not return"

"Pretending to be pretty"

"Cantantal Red Sandalwood"

"Speak briskly"

"It's hard to guess"

The dance moves of the two are very fast. With such fast movements, they can still maintain a stable breath. Either lip-syncing or super solid basic skills, and Chu Qing is obviously the latter!
Listening to the lyrics and watching the dance of the two, the audience couldn't help but look forward to it.

There is even a feeling in my heart that these two people are a good match!

The singing on the stage continued, but it was all Chu Qing's solo, and his breath also began to change, and it could be heard that he was trying his best to balance.

It has to be said that Chu Qing is not a professional singer after all, it is not easy to be able to do this under such a violent dance!
"She failed to answer the conversation again this time."

"She laughed and cried"

"Guess why she laughs and cries"


"Look at how she is crying and laughing"

When the song entered the chorus, Chu Qing's voice was fast and anxious, as if the sky was about to rain, and you were still some distance away from your home.

You are in a hurry, your pace is fast, and you know that when you get home, the rain will not be able to drench you.

At this very moment, the scalp-numbing suona sounded!
It's raining!
All of a sudden, the entire audience felt their scalps go numb. That feeling was better than eating a piece of iced watermelon in summer!
At the same time, a play sounded!
"Worship heaven and earth!"

The two people changed their shapes, one left, one right, one front and one back, each bowed and saluted in front of them.

Immediately, the dance continued, and the flexible body seemed to have no effect on the two of them.

They jumped to the center of the stage, facing the five mentors, the opera sounded again!
"Two thanks to the high hall!"

The two worshiped again, and the scene was dumbfounded. At this moment, the audience even forgot to breathe, so they just held their breath, for fear that their own breathing would break the beautiful scene in front of them!

The reactions of the five instructors were also very exciting, especially Ding Cheng, who couldn't sit still anymore, and leaned forward to watch the performance, looking a little funny.

But now no one is going to laugh at her, because everyone's reactions are similar at the moment.

The dance between the two continued, and at the same time the third opera sounded.

"Bye husband and wife!"

The two were full of joy and bowed to each other, then Chu Qing grabbed Dong Manli's hand, pulled her into her arms, and kissed on camera.

Of course, the kiss was not kissed, but when the camera ended, the audience thought they did.

The scene immediately exploded, and the audience cheered!

At this moment, they don't care if it's a competition or not, eating melons, eating melons is the most important thing!What could be better than watching two people kiss?

The five mentors all got up and looked at the stage in a daze.

Jiang Liangtao was the first to react, and began to applaud with a smile. The other instructors also reacted at this time, and applauded.

Liang You also joked with a smile, saying that Chu Qing really knows how to play, but he openly took advantage of the stage.

They thought the show was over, but they didn't know that the reversal had just come!

"He said something from the bottom of his heart"

"Break on Promise"

"How can you be chic"

Chu Qing didn't speak this time, but his recorded voice sounded on the stage, which was originally recorded in the BGM together with the drama.

The dance of the two continued, like a young couple looking forward to their newly married life in the future.

At the same time, the drama sounded again.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

At this moment, the two turned around silently, only to see that Dong Manli was dancing alone, while Chu Qing looked confused, and then turned to bowing to the audience in pain.

The suona sounded again, its power was still the same, and it still made people feel scalp numb, but why did it make people feel bitter this time?
The booing audience and instructors didn't understand, what's wrong?
"Two thanks to the high hall!"

The opera sounded again, Dong Manli was still dancing to her heart's content, while Chu Qing lay limp on the ground, gritted her teeth, and bowed heavily with tears in her eyes.

"Bye husband and wife!"

"Bye husband and wife!"

"Bye husband and wife!"

The husband and wife rang three times in a row, and Chu Qing bowed down three times in a row.


With the sound of a gong, Dong Manli, who had been dancing solo, silently hugged Chu Qing who was sitting slumped on the ground.

His right hand brushed past his ear like the wind, and slowly disappeared behind him.

Chu Qing's eyes were empty, like a walking corpse, just staring into the distance, the crystal tears in his eyes were still swirling, as if they could fall down at any time.

The scene was as quiet as a ghost. The audience, instructors, staff, and even the host didn't speak. They just looked at Chu Qing who was sitting dryly on the stage. After seven or eight seconds, Wang Zhe woke up. Said tremblingly.

"Fake, fake!"

Everyone at the scene woke up like a dream, my God!
They just felt as if an invisible thug was holding their heart!
When I watched the two praying to heaven and earth before, I was still happy for this couple, and felt that lovers would finally get married!
But where are the newcomers!This is simply a scene that Chu Qing 'imagined' alone!

He was the only one from beginning to end!
At this moment, whether it is music, dance, or creativity, the audience at the scene feels scalp numb. This is a good performance, and this is a creative performance!

"My goodness!"

"Chu Qing! Chu Qing! Chu Qing!"

"Chu Qing! Chu Qing!"

"Chu Qing! Dong Manli! Come on!"

"Champion! Champion!"

The audience shouted uncontrollably, and many people even cried in their voices.

They were deeply involved in Chu Qing's performance just now, and some of them still haven't come out.

The five mentors looked at each other, feeling that they didn't know how to evaluate it.

This idea, this music, especially when the suona sounded, it made their skin crawl!

"clap clap"

"Clap clap clap clap!"

The five instructors took the lead in applauding, and the audience stopped shouting and began to applaud following the rhythm of the instructors. This lasted for more than 20 seconds, which was really shocking!
The host also walked onto the stage at this moment, and he smiled and said after the applause stopped.

"Oh my God, I just knelt backstage and watched the performance of the two of you. My God, it's wonderful, it's really wonderful, let's give the two of you another round of applause!"

After another burst of applause at the scene, the host said: "Then next, please ask Chu Qing to canvass for himself."

(End of this chapter)

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