Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 108 Mentor Evaluation

Chapter 108 Mentor Evaluation
Chu Qing stood on the stage and thought for a while, then smiled and waved his hands: "I'm a stupid person, and I don't know what to say. If you like me, please vote for me."

Dong Manli, who was on the side, said, "Then I will canvass for him. Chu Qing is definitely the hardest-working person among the newcomers! He is different from other contestants. He has no company and no backer. It is all because of his own strength that he has come to this step."

"For the sake of the competition, I was fired by the company leader, and the methods used were so despicable"

"I have witnessed his talent, his strength! What he lacks is a backer and background who can give him some resources and channels!"

"Unfortunately, he is just unwilling to compromise. He said he believes in justice and everyone's opinion."

"I really thought he was ridiculous before, but now there are people in this society who believe in justice"

"Until yesterday, I witnessed a miracle with my own eyes, a miracle of 1000 million votes a day!"

"From that moment I realized that what he believes is right, but what he believes is not justice at all, but those fans who have been supporting him"

In the entertainment circle, no one who can reach the position of first-line star is easy.

This passage made Dong Manli speak with emotion. Many emotionally sensitive audiences at the scene had tears in their eyes when they watched "囍", and now they are even more tearful.

Chu Qing still had a smile on her face, which was so sunny.

"Actually, it's not as good as what Sister Dong said. I just feel that I am very lucky to be able to participate in this show. As for how far I can go, that is never something I can decide."

After Chu Qing said this, she felt that there was some green tea, but there was no way, the audience would just eat it!

As soon as Chu Qing's voice fell, the barrage of the live broadcast exploded instantly, and Chu Qing's votes began to soar!
The host seemed to be 'moved' too, rubbed his nose and said: "Okay, the above is Chu Qing's speech, please don't forget to vote for the audience who supported Chu Qing, the final championship will be determined by Oh your hands!"

"Okay, next, let's ask the five instructors to comment on Chu Qing's performance just now!"

Liang You was the first to take the microphone. He held it tightly and seemed a little nervous.

"Uh, to be honest, I'm still a little out of your show!"

"What the hell, how could there be such a good show in such a variety show?"

"My God, it's so shocking that I'm about to tie up my words, and now I have an urge to write a song for you! Really, it's great, it's great, I think all the compliments are on you There's not enough in your body, you're really great!"

Liang You said three times in a row that it was great, and he spoke the excited hometown dialect.

Immediately after Ding Cheng took the microphone, Ding Cheng stood up before speaking.

"The dance just now was the best idea I've ever seen in my career, especially the look in your eyes when you reversed later. Really, I think you can be an actor. That look really caught me My heart is broken, and I have an urge to care for you."

When the audience heard it, they started booing.

Ding Cheng smiled and waved his hands and continued: "It's great, it's really great, I almost cried when I watched the performance just now, but then I thought about the expensive makeup I put on today, and I'll have to cry again if I cry." Makeup can only hold back”

The audience really laughed this time, and Ding Cheng handed over the microphone to Jiang Liangtao.

Jiang Liangtao also got up, which seemed to be a kind of respect for Chu Qing.

"Chu Qing, I have commented on your music many times, and I also said that I hope to make music with you, and I even hope to sign you to my company."

"But Chu Qing, when the suona sounded today, all the decisions I made before were overturned by myself."

Chu Qing was taken aback by these words, and so were the audience.

What the hell?overthrown?Why, when we listen to suona, we feel very happy, why are you overturning it?Wasn't the suona performance just now wonderful?

Before they had guessed a result, Jiang Liangtao gave an answer.

"Because I knew at that moment that sooner or later you, Chu Qing, will have a place in the Chinese music scene! Even if you join my company, it will only be a springboard for you. Your future should be a sea of ​​stars!"

The audience cheered one after another, and Chu Qing was also a little surprised.

The other party's evaluation of him now exceeds praise, and even Chu Qing is a little embarrassed for being so thick-skinned.

Jiang Liangtao handed the microphone to Bu Ruiwen. For some reason, this person was not very optimistic about Chu Qing from the beginning to the end.

"The first three teachers have all said your good things, so let me talk about your shortcomings. After all, good words are good for you, and you can't make progress just by listening to praise."

As soon as Chu Qing heard it, her heart skipped a beat, and she thought to herself, you're dead, you're still doing this after the finals!Can you stand firm for the poisonous tongue set?How much did you charge them for targeting me?
She thought so in her heart, but the smile on Chu Qing's surface was brighter than anyone else's.

Off the court, Bu Ruiwen said: "First of all, your breathing is obviously unstable when you dance."




As soon as Bu Ruiwen opened his mouth, the audience booed loudly, which made Bu Ruiwen's face turn pale!

If it’s normal shooting, it’s okay, even if the audience boos, it can be edited later, but today is a live broadcast!

Being booed by so many viewers during the live broadcast is sure to lose fans!

But she didn't know that the audience at the scene had already restrained themselves, and the audience in the live broadcast room had already scolded them.

"I'll fuck you! So the dancing breath is not messy? Do you think Chu Qing is a robot?"

"That's right! I'm really curious, are you used to fake singing, so you feel uncomfortable when you see real singing?"

"Die Sanba, you talk too much every day, why don't you die for a good person? Crap!"

"This guy must have collected money. Have you watched the previous show? As long as it's Chu Qing's performance, she'll be picky!"

"This kind of person is really disgusting. On the surface, I look like I am doing it for your own good, but in fact, I have a bad stomach."

"Yes, yes, this kind of person is the most disgusting!"

"********, guess how I praised you?"

The bullet screens were all scolding Bu Ruiwen. Compared to the boos in the studio, it was really 'civilized'!
Bu Ruiwen wanted to say something more, but the boos from the audience grew louder.

She is an artist, so naturally she doesn't dare to get angry with the audience, especially during this kind of live broadcast, her face is livid, but she can only hand the microphone to Wang Zhe resentfully.

Chu Qing looked at the audience and laughed secretly in his heart, it was done, the cohesion of his fans was finally done!

(End of this chapter)

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