Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 110 Stealing the Tower Successfully

Chapter 110 Stealing the Tower Successfully
After Liang You finished speaking, he handed the microphone to Ding Cheng.

Ding Cheng took the microphone and looked directly at Chu Qing and said, "Chu Qing! As I said before, you have the appearance of a champion! And you have proved your strength with your work today!"

Out of the five mentors, two of them have praised Chu Qing, which made the other contestants look a bit uneasy, but because they were recording, they had to put on a smile, which seemed like hypocrisy!

The microphone came to Jiang Liangtao's hands, and Jiang Liangtao waved his hand: "Chu Qing! Whether it's "Happy" today or "Red Pity" before, his works always impress me, let me follow his rhythm and enjoy his works. A feast of music!"

Chu Qing bowed down again to thank him, this time he was very sincere, the person in front of him really didn't want anything, just admired his talent, and spoke good words for him more than once.

For this kind of person, Chu Qing still has great respect.

The audience cheered and laughed a little.

It was the first time I heard Chu Qing and the others being praised, but now I'm getting used to it.

The microphone finally reached Bu Ruiwen's hands. Holding the microphone, Bu Ruiwen directly skipped over Chu Qing, looked at Xie Kun and said.

"Xie Kun, your performance has always been super stable. Today's performance is still eye-catching, and it is the only performance that can impress me today. I think you are the best candidate for the championship!"

No one in the audience refuted. They are very complicated now, with a feeling that the palms and backs of their hands are full of flesh.

Naturally, Chu Qing would not say anything about this, because he is the one who is 'digging the wall' now!
The microphone was in the hands of the last Wang Zhe. After hesitating for a while, Wang Zhe still said, "I like Xie Kun more!"

Xie Kun also hurriedly bent down to thank, and the host waited for them to finish their thanks before opening his mouth.

"Everyone, next, it's time to announce the final champion! This time, because two of the teams are in the form of a team, we will take the highest value among them. If the highest value is the highest in the game, Then the whole team becomes the champion!"

After the host introduced the rules, he waved his hand, and the score of No.4 appeared on the big screen!
Wu Xinyuan!The total number of votes was 900 million!
Chu Qing's heart was about to jump out, he forced himself to calm down, and then silently opened the halo of luck, he had to hug Buddha's feet temporarily!
Backstage, manager Xie Kun dialed the number again.

"How about it?"

"The other party is voting, don't worry!"


Xie Kun's agent hung up the phone silently, and smiled when he connected. Now Xie Kun has nearly 2000 million votes!I want to see the [-] million votes!What are you chasing after!

After the other party hung up the phone, he picked up the phone and called Brother Heishui.

"Brother Heishui? How's it going?"

"Don't worry, I'm voting, isn't Chu Qing?"

"Fuck! Brother Heishui, don't scare me, it's Xie Kun!"

"Ah? Ah! Hahaha, I misread it. Anyway, don't worry."

The other party also hung up the phone after hearing the words. After all, the other party has done this kind of thing many times, and the other party has never made a mistake.

Brother Heishui also picked up the phone and called Brother Guan, "Brother Guan! Are you okay? Remember! It's Xie Kun, Xie Kun! It's not Chu Qing!"

The terrible thing was that at this moment, Guan Ge was taking the elevator upstairs, and the signal was not very good, so he only heard the word Chu Qing.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's okay to change people, it's okay!"

The signal from his side was not very good, and the words he said were not very clear, Brother Heishui only heard: "Don't worry, don't worry, okay!"

So, things got interesting.

On the stage, Wu Xinyuan delivered his own speech. Generally speaking, he said that he will continue to work hard and hope everyone can support him.

Immediately the host waved his hand and said, "Next is No.3! Let's count down to five seconds!"

"five, four"

As the audience counted down, a name appeared on the big screen, Huang Ping!The total number of votes is 500 million!

Although Huang Ping knew the result a long time ago, he still felt a little sad after watching it, and delivered his acceptance speech with red eyes.

After waiting for the other party to finish speaking, the host laughed and said, "Let's talk about the first and second together. After all, there are only two people left. Come on, let's count down to five seconds together! Five, four"

Manager Xie Kun in the background was still sneering, when he heard the little assistant behind him say in panic.

"Brother, brother, the number of votes for Chu Qing has caught up, so it's going up!"

"What did you say?"

Manager Xie Kun's eyes widened. He snatched the assistant's mobile phone and saw Chu Qing, who was ranked second on the top. The number of votes was like a rocket. Now it has exceeded 500 million, and it is still going on. skyrocketing!

"How the hell is this possible? He's just cheating! Shameless! He's cheating!"

"What about ours? Where about our 2000 million votes?"

At this moment, Xie Kun's manager was really anxious, and then he looked at the front desk and the host, and his eyes became a little ferocious.

At this time, count down to your grandma's whistle!Hurry up and announce the result while our Xie Kun is the first!Hurry up!



"Announce results!"

On the stage, the host's countdown was finally over, and everyone looked at the big screen.

Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, because the system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Dididi, the main task of the system has been completed! Congratulations to the host for successfully winning the championship of "Idol Has Attitude"!"

"Task reward, [-] points! A random system high-level prop! A random high-level skill blind box! Send it to the system backpack, please check it with the host!"

Amidst the exclamations at the scene, Chu Qing slowly turned her head and looked at the big screen.

No. 1!Chu Qing!The number of votes is 1307!

No. 2!Xie Kun!The number of votes is 1307!

The difference between the two is less than a hundred votes!

At this moment, Chu Qing successfully stole the tower!

At this moment, he almost sat limp on the ground, won, won!The main mission is completed!Ha ha ha ha!With the [-] points rewarded by the system, his little snowball will get bigger and bigger!Roll bigger and bigger!

No matter what competition he will have in the future, he will not be so difficult this time!
On the other side, Xie Kun also stared blankly at the big screen, his eyes full of disbelief and doubt.

how could it be possible?how could it be possible?Isn't he the default champion?The champion should be me!
Backstage, Xie Kun's manager had bruised veins on his forehead, picked up his phone and dialed, and started roaring.

"How do you do it? How the hell do you do it? You took my money, but didn't do it for me! Wait! Wait for me!"

The host seemed a little dazed, and was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to announce the ranking.

Fortunately, he finally came to his senses, and said with a shy voice, "Congratulations, Congratulations to Chu Qing! Became the champion of our first season of "Idol Has Attitude"! Successful debut!"

 Thank you for recalling the boss's reward

(End of this chapter)

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