Chapter 111 Winner

Chu Qing didn't turn off the lucky halo silently until after the host announced the champion.

Then he walked to Xie Kun's side, hugged and shook hands with him.

Xie Kun's smile was extraordinarily forced, until now he still couldn't believe it, his eyes kept looking at the backstage, which was the direction of his manager.

Chu Qing looked in another direction. Over there, Song Dawei was cheering, with disbelief on his face, but these two disbelief expressions were completely different.

The five mentors seemed to be stunned, and Jiang Liangtao was the first to stand up and applaud. The audience also reacted and applauded together!

Bu Ruiwen hesitated to speak several times, but in the end he still didn't dare to speak.

In fact, anyone who is not blind can see that Chu Qing deserved to win this competition!

The staff brought up the trophy representing the champion, Wang Zhe stepped onto the stage, and carefully handed the trophy to Chu Qing.

"Congratulations, you deserve the title of champion!"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Thank you, mentor, this is also related to the first time you chose me as the C position!"

Wang Zhe smiled, but the smile was a little stiff, and he couldn't tell whether Qing's words were good or bad.

Indeed, it was his decision to choose Chu Qing as the C position, but also, he was the one who deprived Chu Qing of the C position before!

The host has recovered by now, no matter what, the winner today is Chu Qing!
"Let us congratulate Chu Qing again! Chu Qing, what do you want to say to the fans who have always supported you at this moment, and what do you want to say to the other players who have been eliminated?"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "To be honest, I'm very excited and my head is a little messed up. To the fans who have been supporting me, I just want to say that I will live up to my original intention! I will strive to create more works." , At the same time, I also hope that you will continue to support me, after all, to me, you are the whole world!"

"And for those players who were eliminated, I want to say that you have worked very hard. This defeat is just an insignificant experience in your life. In the future, you will definitely become superstars!"

Chu Qing himself felt that these two sentences were a bit hypocritical, but they were undoubtedly the most suitable for this occasion.

Sure enough, following his words, the audience applauded and screamed again.

He waved his trophy twice emotionally, while the host said aside.

"The first season of "Idol with Attitude" has been completed perfectly! Thanks to the audience for their strong support for this season, and thanks to Western Yogurt for sponsoring our show!"

With the voice of the host and the intense BGM on the spot, the show officially came to an end!
Finally, after the on-site director gave a click, the staff began to arrange for the audience to leave.

And Chu Qing went to the audience who were holding their lamp signs, and signed their autographs for a group photo. Unexpectedly, there were so many people, and they signed for more than half an hour.

After he finished signing and taking photos, there was no one there.

Xie Kun didn't leave, and was still waiting for him on the stage. Xie Kun's manager was also there, and of course, Song Dawei and Duan Peng were also there.

Chu Qing walked onto the stage with a smile. He was the winner today, so he was naturally smiling.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Xie Kun smiled and said: "I haven't congratulated you before, congratulations, champion"

Chu Qing smiled and cupped her fists and said, "Thank you very much."

But he didn't even say a word of modesty. Xie Kun's manager stared at Chu Qing with eyes that seemed to be eating people.

Duan Peng also stared at him, as long as he uttered a dirty word, Duan Peng planned to teach him to be a man!

But fortunately, the quality of the other party is still good, and he said congratulations forcefully.

Song Dawei is a fine person, how can he not see that the other party's tone is not kind?

The other party was shameless, so Song Dawei naturally wouldn't give it up.

He also replied stiffly: "It's okay, winning the championship is also within our expectations! We plan to eat something good for dinner to celebrate, so we won't chat with you, Xiaoqing, Dapeng, let's go."



The two agreed, followed Song Dawei and walked out.

Xie Kun's manager was holding his phone tightly. At this moment, he hated his lack of self-confidence. If he didn't buy the last 2000 million votes, then he must be the winner!Why!Why!
The matter has been investigated just now. The other party misunderstood the name and thought that the 2000 million votes were bought for Chu Qing.

Regarding the manager's fury, he didn't take it seriously. At worst, you will get your money back and you'll be done. What are you talking about?
They are pushers who play with data, afraid of you, a little fresh meat?funny!
After waiting for the three of them to go far away, Xie Kun turned his head and said indifferently: "We lost this competition, so don't make any troubles!"

The manager squeezed the phone and said, "They are too arrogant!"

Xie Kun shook his head and said: "To lose is to lose, to win is to win! I will be crazy if I win! Chu Qing is a talented person who is also good at seizing opportunities. It is inevitable for such a person to succeed. There is no need for us to have conflicts with them. If you lose this variety show, why don't you have another variety show?"

The agent held his phone and said nothing, Xie Kun glanced at him indifferently and said, "If you are good at making your own claims, then I will consider our contract!"

The manager was startled, silently put the phone back in his pocket, and hummed lightly.

"Qingzi, that bastard looks at you in the wrong way, it looks like he wants to bite off a piece of your flesh!"

Duan Peng in the back row looked upset, but Chu Qing smiled.

"He was the pre-determined champion, but we didn't expect that we won in the end. Who would be willing to change it? It's normal for him to think we don't like it."

Song Dawei who was driving also laughed and said: "Who said no, I thought the top ten is already very remarkable, but I didn't expect you to give me a big surprise! Tell me, what do you want to eat? I'll treat you today!"

Duan Peng decisively raised his hand and said, "Steak! I want steak!"

Chu Qing also said with a smile: "Then eat steak, today I will show you how much my brother eats!"

Song Dawei was happy, waved his hand and said, "Eat! You can eat! If you don't help the wall to come out today, you will look down on me!"

The few people in the car were laughing and chatting, and Chu Qing also felt like a nouveau riche.

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 22"

"LV: 003"

"Current points 10280"

"Current experience: 621/3000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

Looking at his more than 1 points, he really felt confident!This is called having spare food at home, so don’t panic!

And he still has two gift boxes in the system space, one high-level item, and one high-level skill blind box, and he can't wait to open it!
(End of this chapter)

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