Chapter 112
That night, Duan Peng really taught Song Dawei to be a man!

250 grams of steak, this guy ate twelve servings!Chu Qing was dumbfounded, this is six catties of beef!Although the beef is small in size, not everyone can eat six catties!

For example, Chu Qing didn't finish the second serving.

Song Dawei didn't even finish eating a piece, he just watched Duan Peng eat it.

When he decided to eat steak, Song Dawei deliberately found a good western restaurant, and the steak cost 290 yuan, that is to say, Duan Pengguang's steak cost him [-] yuan.

In the end, Duan Peng really came out by supporting the wall
Chu Qing returned home by subway, and as soon as she got home, she couldn't wait to take out the two gift boxes in the system space.

The first thing to open is the [Advanced Skill Blind Box], open the skill blind box, and there is also a small note inside, which says [Guitar Skill] LV20!

Chu Qing was a little surprised in her heart, and then a little confused.

Guitar skill is a very useful skill, it can control 90.00% of the scores, but doesn't the skill blind box skip the skills you have?I can play the guitar myself, why did I still get the guitar skill?
Then Chu Qing figured it out, it must be her guitar skills, not even entry-level in front of the system!

Immediately, Chu Qing couldn't wait to open the [Advanced Item Gift Box], a flash of light flashed, and there was already an acoustic guitar in Chu Qing's hand.

[Godfather Guitar], advanced props!Made by the godfather of music, you can always trust its pitch, it will never let you down!
This is a very ordinary-looking folk guitar. Chu Qing tried to play it a few times, and the tone is really heaven-defying!

It was only at this time that Chu Qing realized that with his own hands, it was as if he had his own thoughts, and he could perfectly play the score in his mind.

If compared with his previous guitar technique, it is the difference between a normal person and a vegetable person!
Chu Qing was very pleasantly surprised. With this ability, he can pretend to be B on many occasions!
Chu Qing played several pieces of music excitedly, and finally put the guitar away with some reluctance. As for his old guitar, he can retire with honor, but as Chu Qing's first guitar, Chu Qing will not discard it, It's really memorable after all.

Early the next morning, he was a little unaccustomed to the days when he didn't have to go to work, record programs, or run business. After going downstairs for breakfast, he suddenly remembered, yes, he can audition for a movie by himself!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly found the phone number that Lu Xiaoke had sent him in his mobile phone, and after looking at the time, he called.

"Duddu, hello, hello"

"Hello, hello, are you Director Qu?"

"Yes, I am Qu Weiguo, who are you?"

"Hi Director Qu, my name is Chu Qing, this is it, Director Lu"

"I know, Lao Lu told me about you before"

"Oh, director Qu, when do you think it's suitable for me to go for an interview?"

"You can come now, I'm at Hongxin Theater on Xjing Road"

"Oh oh ok ok ok"

After Chu Qing hung up the phone, he called Song Dawei and told him about his interview.

Song Dawei said that they would meet at the entrance of the theater. If the negotiation was successful, Song Dawei would need to discuss everything about the contract.

In addition, I need to talk to Song Dawei about the appearance fee of "Idol Has an Attitude" and the follow-up debut plan.

Because she was going to an interview, Chu Qing also extravagantly took a rare 'online car-hailing'.

When we arrived at Hongxin Theater, we waited for a short while before Song Dawei arrived. The weather was very cool today, but Song Dawei was sweating profusely.

"Xiaoqing, who is Qu Weiguo? Why have I never heard of it?"

"I haven't heard of it, but director Lu Sanshi introduced it, it should be close!"

"Yes, yes, let's go!"

The two walked into the theater, found a staff member, and after explaining their intentions, the other party took him to a backstage room and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

"Director Qu, the actor for the interview is here"

The staff member said something outside before opening the door.

Chu Qing looked into the room, it was a dressing room, the area inside was not too big, and there were some costumes around it.

In front of a dressing table, sat an old man, about five or sixty years old, his hair was half white, and he was looking at some document with reading glasses. After seeing Chu Qing and Song Dawei, he put down the document in his hand and said, "Chu Green, right?"

"It's me, Director Qu, hello, hello"

Song Dawei also hastened to be polite to others: "Hello, Qu, I have always been your fan."

Qu Weiguo looked at him indifferently and said, "This is my first time as a director."

As soon as these words came out, both Song Dawei and Chu Qing were embarrassed.

This person has the temperament of a dean, just looking at it makes people feel uncomfortable.

He didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Your image is not bad, since it was introduced by Lao Lu, I have to give some face, let's try the show first."

"The character is a stubborn young man who wants to see tears, but can't shed them"

Chu Qing was a little stunned when he heard it. He was a salesman in his previous life, and his acting skills were good. Let him pretend to be drunk, sincere, and kind. It can be done in minutes, but this question is a bit out of the box!

Also asked to see tears, but not shed!

Song Dawei was also a little nervous, he still knew a little about Chu Qing's acting skills.

Chu Qing thought for a while, and began to recall some sad things in her mind. No matter what, she had to prepare for tears first!

Qu Weiguo looked up at his watch. All he knew about Chu Qing was that he was an Internet celebrity.

In his eyes, Internet celebrity is almost a representative of an idiom, that is 'jumping clown'!
If Lu Sanshi hadn't said something to him, he wouldn't even have given him the chance to interview.

Don't look at the small investment in this movie, it's the director's first time making a movie, so that's not what everyone wants!
"Director, I'm ready"

After more than ten seconds, Chu Qing opened his mouth to speak.

"Let's get started"

Chu Qing stood at the door with his head lowered, his eyes were already red when he looked up, he pursed his lips, although his eyes were red, his eyes were still stubborn.

Qu Weiguo had to admit that he was somewhat astonished.

"This is not what I want, it gives me a feeling of breaking down in my heart, and it makes him take off his stubborn disguise!"

Qu Weiguo raised his request again, and Chu Qing adjusted his expression, but he is not a professional actor after all, how could he fully meet the requirements, especially in such a hasty situation.

Chu Qing could only perform in his own way. After he took a deep breath, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. It was a smile mixed with sadness and relief, but tears flowed down at this moment.

He failed to fulfill the director's request, but touched the director's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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