Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 113 Another Interview

Chapter 113 Another Interview

Qu Weiguo took off his reading glasses and rubbed his eyes and bridge of nose.

This action made Chu Qing's heart skip a beat, but he also understood that he had tried his best just now, the kind of acting skills that can see tears but keep them from flowing out is really not good for him!
Song Dawei was also a little worried when he saw this, because the other party's current appearance was clearly thinking of an excuse to send them back.

After rubbing his eyes, Qu Weiguo slowly put on his glasses.

"To be honest, your acting skills are good"

Chu Qing thumped again when he heard the words, and thought to himself, are you going to issue a good card?Do you still have a chance to redeem yourself?
Qu Weiguo continued: "And your image is also very suitable for a character in my movie. Unfortunately, that role has already been booked by the investor, and the rest of the roles are not suitable for you."

Chu Qing heard that there was no change on the surface, but she sighed in her heart, sure enough, she was not selected.

Then I heard Qu Weiguo say: "But I know another director, she is constructing a new play, and she is looking for actors, I think your image matches the image of the hero she wants to find, do you want to go try?"

Chu Qing was somewhat discouraged, but he would never let go of any chance!Although the opponent seems to regard him as a ball kicked back and forth, the ball will also enter the goal one day!
"Of course, I'm interested"

Hearing that Chu Qing was not discouraged by his refusal, but was actively preparing for the next audition, Qu Weiguo liked him even more.

"To be honest, Chu Qing, your acting skills are not bad. At the beginning, I thought that I would let you act casually, and then give you a role of the third male and the fourth male, which can be regarded as an explanation to Director Lu."

"But after seeing your performance, I feel that playing that kind of role is a waste of your talent!"

"What you should be looking for is an opportunity to prove yourself, not a time-wasting male number three!"

"To be honest, if possible, I would prefer you to play the second male lead in my movie, but people can't help themselves in the Jianghu, and you must know this truth. Many things are not in our hands."

Chu Qing was a little surprised, she didn't expect that Qu Weiguo would tell herself so much when meeting Qu Weiguo for the first time.

Qu Weiguo didn't talk nonsense, took out his mobile phone in front of him, and dialed a number.

"Hey, Director Qu, what advice do you have?"

"Xiangxiang, didn't you ask me to help you see if there is a suitable role before? I really found a good seedling."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"My name is Chu Qing, I'm a newcomer"

"Chu Qing? Is it the Chu Qing from "Idol Has Attitude"?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little excited, Qu Weiguo looked at Chu Qing, he didn't know Chu Qing well, he just knew that he was an Internet celebrity.

Chu Qing nodded, indicating that he was that Chu Qing.

"Yes, that's Chu Qing"

"Hahaha, that's great, I wanted to invite him to play, but his agent said he didn't have time to participate in the competition"

The voice on the other end of the phone became even happier, and Chu Qing and Song Dawei looked at each other. Qiqi thought of a person, a person who was regarded as a liar by the two of them at the beginning!

Damn, it can't be such a coincidence!

"Xiangxiang, when will you be able to interview on your side? Now the two young people are here with me."

"Oh oh oh, just come now, I'm on the 33rd floor of Tian'an Building!"

"Okay, I'll let them find you"

After Qu Weiguo finished speaking, he hung up the phone, then took a piece of paper, and wrote a line of phone number and address on it.

"There is a phone number and address on it. The director is Xia Xiangxiang, and he is best at shooting youth movies."

"Thank you, thank you for your guidance"

Both Chu Qing and Song Dawei thanked each other repeatedly. No matter what, the other party gave Chu Qing a chance to have an interview, so it was worth asking the two to thank each other.

The two bid farewell to Director Qu, returned to the car and prepared to go to Tianan Building.

It wasn't until they were in the car that Chu Qing withdrew his smile and sighed, feeling his face was a little stiff.

"Don't be discouraged, your performance today is already great! It's really amazing!"

Chu Qing hummed, and began to review the game in his mind, summing up his experience. This is also a habit he has developed over the years.

After finishing things, he will review the game in his mind, then sum up his experience, and start to think about what he should do to get better results if he is given another chance.

Song Dawei started the car, looked at Chu Qing's closed eyes and pondered, thought he had been hit, and comforted him immediately.

"Hey, don't take it too seriously. Didn't you listen to the director of the song? He doesn't want to delay you. Otherwise, he would have asked you to play the second lead!"

"Besides, with your current number of fans, can you do without 60 or 4000? The other party's total investment is only [-] million, which is not worthy of your status"

Chu Qing smiled, the replay was completed in her mind, she stretched her shoulders and asked, "How much is the appearance fee set before "Idol Has Attitude"?"

"Twenty thousand."

When it came to the appearance fee, Song Dawei felt a little embarrassed. It was only [-] yuan that he asked someone to ask for it. After all, he was thinking about a round of tour before. Who would have thought that Chu Qing would win the championship directly!

If you knew earlier that you could win the championship, Song Dawei didn't want to write the Song characters upside down for five or six million!

It's a pity that the contract was signed long before the recording, so it's definitely not possible to change it.

"What about the debut plan, what does the other party plan to do?"

"To tell you the truth, Xie Kun is the default champion. I originally negotiated a cooperation with Xie Kun's studio. I planned to make an album as a debut plan after winning the championship! But now it's you, and my plan is all over. , I also talked to the program team."

"They said that they can find the best songwriters to create a song for you, and then shoot the MV, but it can only be a single. After all, including the song plus lyrics, there is no such thing as 50 million yuan."

After hearing this, Chu Qing said: "Discuss and discuss, two MVs, how about I don't need them to help me write songs?"

Song Dawei sighed and said: "People have already thought about it, it's unrealistic, they didn't guarantee the resources after their debut in the contract, even if they go back on their word, we have nothing to do with them."

Chu Qing nodded and hummed.

Song Dawei's car stopped slowly and got stuck in traffic.

Seeing this, Chu Qing simply picked up her mobile phone, intending to check the entertainment news, after all, she can be regarded as an 'insider' now.

But as soon as he opened the entertainment news section, Chu Qing looked confused.

"Ugly people often do strange things, the biggest shady scene in history!"

Chu Qing was quite curious at the beginning, and only after clicking in did she realize that it was designed to blackmail her!And the other party deliberately found a picture of him with a weird expression, and put three big characters underneath it, ugly!
(End of this chapter)

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