Chapter 114 Cooperation
"This is the biggest shady scene I've ever seen. It gained 2000 million votes in half an hour! Is this taking us audiences for idiots? Stealing towers is not such a way of stealing"

"Besides, how can he beat my Xie Kun? Just relying on those two slobbery songs, just relying on that so-called original dance? Sorry, I'm sick of it!"

"The tutor's evaluation is even more disgusting. It makes me wonder if I have received black money. There is still style and level! Is that also called level?"

"I am 14 years old and have played the piano for 11 years. In my eyes, only Xie Kun's music is world-class in Chinese music!"

This is today's Weibo super chat, Chu Qing was dumbfounded, what's going on?This, how does this feel like a friendly army?
Chu Qing went to leave a message below, and sure enough, the message was almost one-sided.

"To be honest, I don't know who Chu Qing is, and I don't even know who it is, but I don't even know who Xie Kun is. He is the only one who is world-class in Chinese music. Do you have long ears?"

"I'm 14 years old, and I've played piano for 11 years. In your eyes, Xie Kun's music is world-class. If your piano teacher knew, he might jump off the building, right?"

"No matter what your psychology is, please don't recruit my Kunkun, thank you! Also, let me tell you, my Kunkun is just covering songs now, and hasn't released an album yet!"

"Sister, they don't understand you, but I understand you! What do these adults know? The happiest place is hell, and the most painful thing is to live! They have never drank blood, and they don't understand us at all - Makabaka The trolley (has been blackened)”

"To tell you the truth, I will bear it if you say that Chu Qing is not talented, and I will bear it if you say he is shady, but you call him ugly! I can't bear it anymore! Let me ask you! Where is my husband ugly? Tell me! How ugly!"

"Returning Chu Qing's shady scene, I advise you to go and see Xie Kun's ticket price fluctuations, it's funny! Only Chu Qing himself has raised 2000 million, and you Xie Kun hasn't raised it? Funny!"

There are already [-] to [-] comments below, and it's super talky, and it even has the potential to become a hot search!
Chu Qing looked at that 'ugly photo' of herself and suddenly laughed, what the hell, it would be a pity if he didn't rub off on such a good heat in front of him?


"We don't use their songs, one MV is one MV, I want to do it as soon as possible! Try to produce the finished product within a week"

"Okay, I'll call them in a minute"

More than an hour later, the two arrived at the gate of Tianan Building, registered at the security office, and went straight to the 33rd floor.

After arriving at the 33rd floor and registering again, the security guard brought Chu Qing and the two of them to Director Xia Xiangxiang.

"Haha, Chu Qing, welcome!"

Xia Xiangxiang is a slender and petite woman, about 1.6 meters tall, and her slender figure seems to be broken. Whether she can weigh [-] catties is a problem.

The age is hard to tell, about 30, nearly forty.

"Director Xia, I have admired you for a long time, I have always been your fan!"

Song Dawei was also full of smiles, and skillfully said this universal communicative sentence. Fortunately, Xia Xiangxiang did not say this time that this was his first filming.

After Xia Xiangxiang brought the two of them to her office, she said with a smile.

"That's right, Mr. Chu Qing, I recently received a very good book. It's a manga book, but it belongs to the kind of manga that is relatively small and not too many people know about it."

"The main story is about a pair of high school brothers and sisters. Now the heroine has been decided, but I'm still choosing the hero."

"I wanted to invite you for an interview at the beginning, but at that time you were preparing for the program "Idol Has an Attitude", and Mr. Song refused."

"But we are really destined, and finally we will wait for you."

Xia Xiangxiang's smile is very sincere, and it can't help but make people feel convinced.

Song Dawei's expression was somewhat awkward, but as a veteran of society, he had adjusted his state in the blink of an eye.

Chu Qing touched his face. Although his body is only 22 years old now, the soul in his body is not!When he heard that he was going to play a high school student, he still felt very ashamed.

Mainly because of embarrassment, it feels like an old cucumber with green paint.

"Director, I'm already 24, playing a high school student, will it, will it be a bit embarrassing?"

"What's so embarrassing? There are more than 30 acting high school students, you are in a good age group!"

Xia Xiangxiang replied seriously, and then helped Chu Qing explain.

"Besides, there will be a makeup artist at that time. You have such a good foundation, it will be more than enough to pretend to be a high school student when the time comes."

When Chu Qing heard the director said so, she felt relieved.

"Director, take a look, do I have to give it a try?"

"Well, that's fine, but I have to tell you first that the total investment of this movie is only 3000 million."

Song Dawei secretly sighed, this is good, another 1000 million less.

Chu Qing also hummed, somewhat disappointed in her heart, after all, who doesn't want to make blockbuster movies?
But then again, if it was a big production, how could he possibly get an interview with the male lead?

Seeing Chu Qing nodding, Xia Xiangxiang smiled and said, "The male protagonist is set up to be mischievous and cheap, but in fact this is all his disguise. In fact, everything he does is to protect his sister."

After hearing this, Chu Qing thought, why is this plot so familiar?
"So in normal times, he only needs to keep a sunny smile, or a cheap smile."

"This is also one of the reasons why I think you are competent. Your smile on the stage really impressed me!"

Chu Qing nodded shyly, thanked the director for his compliment, and then asked.

"Then director, how do you try the play?"

"In this way, this movie has a very critical scene, that is the last crying scene, you give me a scene where tears can be seen, but the tears don't flow out!"

The corners of Chu Qing's mouth twitched when he heard the words, and he turned to look at Song Dawei, only to see that Song Dawei also looked confused.

What's wrong with these directors?Are interviews like this?

Chu Qing thought more about it. He was wondering if the interview project Qu Weiguo gave him was the script directed by Xia Xiangxiang in the first place.

Chu Qing immediately turned to director Qu Weiguo to perform, and Xia Xiangxiang made a decision immediately, Chu Qing was chosen as the leading role!

What happened next was that Song Dawei talked to her.

Song Dawei had to discuss matters such as salary, shooting time and so on.

After the last bargain, Chu Qing's final salary was set at 100 million after tax!

This price is definitely not low for a newcomer who has never acted before, but for a "little fresh meat" like Chu Qing who has a fan base, the price of 100 million after tax is actually a bit low
(End of this chapter)

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