Chapter 115 Make Money!

Then the shooting time was also fixed, and the shooting will officially start on October [-]st, and it will be expected to shoot for three months!

Of course, there may be delays, advances, or reshoots, etc., and Chu Qing has to cooperate with the crew.

After the two parties draw up the contract, the matter will be settled. No matter which party breaks the contract during the period, they will have to pay 100 million liquidated damages to the other party!
As for Chu Qing, he also got his male lead script, and after he finished reading it, he confirmed that it was "Take My Brother Away"!
It's just that some plots and the names of the protagonists have changed. Compared with the last life-born manga movie, it is more like a movie that was written directly, and the supporting characters are more clearly portrayed.

And Chu Qing is playing the role of the heroine's brother, the titular hero!
After signing the contract, Chu Qing bid farewell to Song Dawei, and the other party promised that the remuneration would arrive before the official filming. Of course, this was also signed in the contract.

Giving money first, then handling affairs, has become an unspoken rule among strangers in this circle.

Chu Qing didn't think she was that familiar with Xia Xiangxiang, so it was better to get the money before shooting.

Before leaving, Chu Qing also mentioned Duan Peng's matter to Xia Xiangxiang.

Xia Xiangxiang obviously knows about Duan Peng, after all, Duan Peng also has some scenes in "Idol Has an Attitude".

It's a pity that the other party declined directly, saying that Duan Peng is not suitable for the image in this movie, but if there is a suitable role, he will definitely be contacted.

Chu Qing knew immediately after hearing the words that he was politely refusing.

After going out, Chu Qing and Song Dawei went directly to a small restaurant for dinner.

"There are a lot of music platforms looking for me to talk about cooperation. At present, the most sincere one is Teana! They have now offered two plans, one of which is to share for free! That is to say, the songs are all free, and you can download them without membership. can also listen"

"The second option is the normal payment. Members listen for free, while non-members need to download. They will check out according to the number of times the song is played every month."

"Looking at it now, the second is obviously more suitable, especially when your popularity has not yet passed. I think if you put "Red Pity" and your "Overfire" and other songs on the shelves now, you will get two or three million. should be no problem"

Chu Qing's eyes brightened upon hearing this, and two or three million yuan is still very tempting to him.

"What if it's the first one?"

Chu Qing asked curiously, and Song Dawei wiped his mouth and said: "The first one, Teana will give you 10 yuan after tax for each song, but it can only be played on their platform, that is to say, it is exclusive, and then it is also based on the broadcast The amount of money is given, but the points given are relatively small. After all, the amount is large, but it is more suitable for those singers who have been out for a long time and have a fan base, not suitable for newcomers like us.”

Chu Qing nodded: "What about the rest?"

"The rest of the companies are okay, but they are not as good as Tian Lai. Of course, their background is better than Tian Lai, but fortunately, Tian Lai has never cheated people. Unlike the other companies, they were all known as rookie skinkers back then! "

Chu Qing nodded and said: "That's the way, it's the sound of nature, but I choose the first one."

Song Dawei was a little puzzled and said, "Why? Are you afraid that the audience will think you look ugly? Actually, you don't need to worry at all, 90.00% of the singers now choose the second type!"

Chu Qing shook her head and said, "I still choose the first option."

Song Dawei sighed and said: "Your worry is really superfluous. No one else will talk about it, just talk about Wu Xinyuan. At the beginning, Wu Xinyuan went out to play and took a few photos. After returning home, he set a fee to watch it. It costs six yuan. Only money is needed to unlock the photos, how many people do you think have seen them?"

Chu Qing shook his head, how could he know these things.

"In one night, the number of views exceeded [-]! That is to say, people can make money by taking pictures and lying at home! Have you seen this picture of eating? This is called cheating money, and it's all cheating money from fans!"

But Chu Qing shook his head and said: "No, it's different, the human design is more valuable, and only by gaining a foothold in the human design can you make more money!"

Song Dawei shrugged and said, "Okay, okay, then listen to you, all the songs?"

"Well, that's fine, let's all go."

"Okay, then I will talk to them in the next two days, and then I will talk to "Idol""

"to make"

After dinner, Song Dawei sent Chu Qing back home.

Chu Qing simply counted the songs he sang, ten simple songs, just enough to get the 100 million in the early stage!

Adding the salary of 100 million, that's 200 million, which is enough to buy this small apartment of mine!

Unfortunately, I can only think about it, because I have not paid taxes locally for five years.

And even if he could buy it, he wouldn't buy it. It can't do things that crush all the liquidity to death.

Lying on the bed, Chu Qing began to think about Duan Peng.

My silly brother, I can't always be my assistant, what can I do if I am always an assistant, how can I push him to the stage?

That night, Chu Qing received a call from Song Dawei. He said that he had finished contacting the Teana platform, but they needed to re-record all the songs before uploading them. If Chu Qing had time, he could record the songs tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

In addition, "Idol" also agreed with Chu Qing's suggestion that they can help Chu Qing shoot an album. Now Chu Qing needs to think of a genre and direction, and then they will find someone to come up with a special plan for Chu Qing to choose.

Chu Qing also directly gave her own thoughts, reflecting loneliness!Also want a younger band.

Song Dawei hung up the phone as soon as he agreed, and called again a few minutes later, telling Chu Qing that it was OK!Pick a plan the day after tomorrow!

So early the next morning, Chu Qing followed Song Dawei to record songs. Teana Media has a special recording studio in the company, which saved Chu Qing some money.

Although Chu Qing also wanted to record all ten songs in one day, it was a pity that Chu Qing was out of shape after only recording six songs, and had to make an appointment to come back the next day.

The next day Chu Qing performed exceptionally well, and recorded the remaining four songs in the morning. The other party also promised that the upfront payment will definitely arrive within a week, and only the payment will be made on the tenth of each month. If it is six weeks or a statutory holiday, it will be issued in advance.

In the afternoon, Chu Qing followed Song Dawei to the Kiwi Building.

According to Chu Qing's desire to express loneliness, the official Kiwi Fruit has already formulated four sets of plans. Today, Chu Qing is asked to choose one of them. Once the selection is complete, the filming can start.

After arriving at the building, it was their old friend Zhang Jianshe who received them.

Chu Qing was a little surprised and said, "Brother Zhang, do you also take care of the MV?"

Song Dawei chuckled and said, "I don't know, this kid started out shooting MVs. Don't worry about the things he shoots. If it's not for my sake this time, even if I want him to shoot, he won't be able to come!"

(End of this chapter)

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