Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 116 "The Ugly 8 Monsters"

Chapter 116 "The Ugly Monster"

Chu Qing was really relieved when he heard the words, after all, the principle that having acquaintances is easy to handle is common throughout the world.

Although Zhang Jianshe is the director, he doesn't have his own independent office, so he can only bring Chu and Qing to the conference hall.

After several people sat down at the desk, Zhang Jianshe took out the tablet and said, "Your request is to reflect loneliness, and then you want a young band."

"Now the band has been settled, it is our own band"

"Well, there are four options. Which style do you like better?"

Chu Qing took the tablet and looked at it.

The first style is a street full of traffic, surrounded by people in a hurry, and only the protagonist sits motionless on a bench by the side of the road.

The second style is an unfinished upstairs, a figure sitting on the roof, with some wine bottles behind him, looking at the feasting lights in the distance.

The third style is a bar, with a smile on the corner of the mouth of the figure, but sitting silently in the corner, completely unable to blend in with the unrestrained crowd.

The fourth style is an oversized dead tree, and it should not be a dead tree, because there is a thick layer of fallen leaves underground, and a white Western-style building and a statue can be vaguely seen next to it.

Chu Qing frowned and began to think about it, but Song Dawei pointed at the fourth one and said, "I suggest choosing the fourth one."

Chu Qing looked up at him, and saw Song Dawei said with a serious face: "I think this is the most expensive!"

Chu Qing laughed, and Zhang Jianshe also laughed.

Don't think it's stupid, most of the time, the price represents the quality!

In the previous life, Chu Qing always liked to say a word when selling products, the only advantage of cheap products is that they are cheap, and the only disadvantage of good products is that they are expensive!

"I choose the fourth!"

Chu Qing listened to Song Dawei's suggestion and chose the fourth style.

Zhang Jianshe laughed and said, "You have vision! And the time is just right. This is actually a leftover set used by the production crew. They will take it away after two days of filming."

Song Dawei slapped his thigh and said, "Then you are white P!"

Zhang Jianshe curled his lips: "The people in your film crew are idiots, how can you still make us useless?"

After thinking for a while, Chu Qing said: "I need to shoot a rain scene, can the waterwheel be prepared?"

"Of course, those are small things!"

After choosing the shooting style, several people began to discuss the shooting details.

Chu Qing didn't see anything, and opened his mouth to say something he needed, such as an old-fashioned piano, a few masks with simple colors, and so on.

Zhang Jianshe is also an old director. With Chu Qing's narration, he knew the style Chu Qing wanted. In the end, he even drew a simple sub-shot, which made Chu Qing admire.

After all the details were discussed, it was dark outside, and the three of them went out to have a simple meal, and they parted ways after they agreed to officially start filming the day after tomorrow.

After returning home, Chu Qing continued the live broadcast, and said that her song will be released on Teana, and that she is also shooting a single MV, and will meet you soon.

The audience in the live broadcast room were very excited about the news, especially when they knew that Chu Qing's songs would be free.

Regarding this, Chu Qing said very seriously, 'I love music very much, and I also love my fans, so my songs will always be free, and I will give them to those fans who support me'!
These words have made Chu Qing countless fans, especially now that Chu Qing is still on the cusp of silence, whether it is the 14-year-old "pianist" incident a while ago, or the "Idol Has Attitude" championship incident, he has maintained a certain level of confidence. heat.

This matter has become a topic of super talk, but it is a pity that it has no chance with the hot search.

When the appointed day came, Chu Qing, Song Dawei and Duan Peng arrived at the shooting location.

The location is located in the Yidong West Manor in the suburbs. There is a villa here, or it is more appropriate to call it the White Castle, and there is a huge tree in the courtyard. Chu Qing doesn't know what kind of tree it is. Yes, it's infiltrating just looking at it.

There is a layer of brown leaves on the ground, and there is a small fountain not far from it. In the center, there is a white female statue holding a vase, which seems to be the outlet of the water.

Chu Qing's eyes lit up, and he thought of another idea.

Zhang Jianshe led four young people over and introduced Chu Qing.

"This is our company's band, this is the lead singer Liu Yu, and this is the drummer."

Zhang Jianshe briefly introduced a few people, Chu Qing nodded and said, "A few of you guys have to wear masks in a while, have you bought the masks?"

"Bought it back!"

Zhang Jianshe greeted the props, and the props ran over with a few masks in their hands.

The four members of the band were a little reluctant when they heard that they were wearing masks. The lead singer Liu Yu said: "It's not possible, you have to wear masks to shoot an MV, and it's not a big production."

After Zhang Jianshe heard this, his eyes widened and he said angrily, "If I tell you to wear it, you can wear it. How can there be so much nonsense!"

The other party's face turned red with anger, but he didn't dare to refute.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay if this brother doesn't want to, just find someone else to wear the mask, mainly young people have musical instruments, it doesn't matter if it's a real band or not."

Chu Qing looks like a peacemaker on the surface, but what he actually says is, wear it if you want to wear it, and get out if you don't want to wear it!

Liu Yu's face turned redder, but he didn't dare to resist, and left with his fists clenched.

Looking at the direction Liu Yu was leaving, Zhang Jianshe curled his lips in disdain.

"What the hell, you don't have the life of a princess, but you have princess disease!"

Chu Qing smiled, and lamented that this person was too young.

For example, now the boss asks you to work overtime, there are only two options before you, work overtime, but you will feel a little uncomfortable.If you don't work overtime, the boss will look at you unhappy.

Of course, you can say that you have to work overtime. I quit. Even if I go home and stop working for half a year, someone will support me!
Of course, it goes without saying that you can do whatever you want, and no one can control you.

But if you can't lose your job and have to work overtime because of a series of things such as mortgages, car loans, and credit cards.

So even if you are reluctant in your heart, try to be calm when working overtime.

After all, the work is done, so why not impress the boss again?

Some people may say that it is his right to let me work overtime, but it is my right to work overtime and express my expression.

Of course, you're right to say that, but think about it, is it beneficial for you to do so?

In the world of adults, everything cannot be based on emotions, most of the time it depends on the gains and losses of interests!

"Qingzi, it's still early, I think we can record the pictures inside the house first, and then record the outside when it gets dark, what do you think?"

"Brother Zhang, what are you talking about? You are a professional director. I am a layman who expresses his opinion in front of you. Isn't that a big knife in front of Guan Gong? You have the final say. I will shoot whatever you want me to do!"


(End of this chapter)

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