Chapter 117 MV debut!

"Come on! The actors are in their positions, turn the No. [-] machine a little bit to the left, and push the camera over to me in a moment. Do you understand the close-up of the side face?"

"Camera No. [-], you catch the actor's expression"

"Props! Props! The wind should not be too strong, just the second gear!"

"Lighting, you can control it so that the left half of your face lights up, understand?"

Zhang Jianshe sat on the director's chair not far away and began directing. After all the staff members were ready, with the sound of the start, the MV officially started recording!
On the spiral staircase in the house, Chu Qing walked down slowly in a suit with black and white diagonal stripes.

"If the world was dark"

"Actually, I am beautiful"

"Advance and retreat in love"

"Most consumed"

Chu Qing is as elegant as a noble vampire, strolling in the courtyard to patrol his territory, looking for delicious prey.

It was dimly lit, because the windows had been shut by heavy curtains.

Only a faint light came from under the stairs, and Chu Qing continued to descend.

"Irrelevant right and wrong"

"What's wrong"

"It doesn't matter"

There was a smile on the corner of Chu Qing's mouth, as if he was mocking, or mocking himself.

Really answered that sentence, the face of the fan-shaped statistical chart is three points cold, three points sneer and four points careless!
"Crap! This one is good. Come on, come on, actor photography is included, and then keep a new one. Lighting, your light can be darker."

"Props, the wind should be stronger, slightly stronger!"

Chu Qing walked back to the starting position, ready to shoot again!
In this way, Chu Qing filmed the MV here for two consecutive days!

Then it took a full day to record my own single, "Ugly"!
Chu Qing has absolute confidence in this song. After all, the old Xue Ke in the previous life became popular with this song. It was also popular all over the country back then. In addition, the 14-year-old pianist on the Internet said that he was 'Ugly' is hot enough, it's hard not to think about it!

When I was waiting for the post-editing, I found that the contract and tree alone were still a bit thin, and finally spent another day recording some unfinished building shots to add some highlights.

Then it took another two days, the MV was completely completed, Chu Qing's debut work "Ugly Monsters"!
According to the agreement in the contract, the cooperation between the two parties ends here.

But a leader of fell in love with this song. After watching the MV, he found Song Dawei. He hoped that this song would be released on As a price, they would give this song enough publicity channels!
After discussing with Chu Qing for a while, Song Dawei agreed. After all, this is the MV that helped produce!

As for the sharing plan, it is also simple, and the money is collected according to the number of views.

Thus, the MV of Chu Qing's first single was launched quietly.

Han Jie is a music critic. His usual job is to listen to songs and then express his own comments.

Although he is not a big V on Weibo, he is also a person with a lot of weight in the circle.

When eating at noon that day, he turned on the computer silently, wanting to find two new songs to listen to as usual.

"Ding! Son of idol! Chu Qing's first MV "Ugly Eight Monsters" is dedicated to you by Kiwi!"

Han Jie bowed his head and took a bite of the noodles. Because he always likes to search for songs, many big data applications on his computer will push songs to him.

""Ugly"? The name is interesting."

Han Jie clicked on the playback, and after VIP members skipped the commercials, the MV officially started.

The sky was gray and the clouds were surging, as if to herald the tranquility before the rainstorm.

The camera slowly descends from the sky, then descends, and finally stops in front of a dead tree.

This dead tree should be some years old, about eight or nine meters high, and the whole is as black as steel.

A pile of dead leaves on the ground seems to be telling the wind and rain of these years.

The faint sound of the piano sounded, and the camera panned to the left of the big tree, behind an old-fashioned piano, Chu Qing was wearing a black slim-fit suit, and was playing the piano gracefully.

"If the world was dark"

"Actually, I am beautiful"

"Advance and retreat in love"

"Most consumed"

A few simple lines of lyrics caught Han Jie's heart immediately, making him stop his careless eating before, and watch the MV quietly.

This voice was something he had never heard before, and it naturally gave people a sense of high class!

"Irrelevant right and wrong"

"What's wrong"

"It doesn't matter"

There was a pause on the piano, and Chu Qing sang the three words "It doesn't matter", but it was imprinted in the minds of all the listeners.

The MV shot changed, and Chu Qing appeared in a living room. He was sitting alone on the oversized white leather sofa, quietly looking at the fireplace.

There was no flame in the fireplace, only the ashes left over from the burning, and the ashes formed a mask pattern, which looked a little weird.

"If Like You"

"There is always praise"

"Humbleness Surrounding Me"

"Maybe it will subside"

Chu Qing got up, and stretched out her right hand towards the ashes mask in the fireplace, as if trying to grab something, but in the end she withdrew her hand in vain.

"Actually I don't care"

"There are many opportunities"

"Fearless Like a Giant"

"Let go of the ghost in me"

"But I'm not worthy"

I don't deserve the last sentence, Chu Qing sang it with extra effort!
After singing these three words, the camera cuts instantly.

On the rooftop of an unfinished building, Chu Qing unbuttoned his suit, stretched out his hands in a hugging gesture, and burst into singing at this moment!

"Can you not turn on the lights"

"The Love I Want"

"Haunting the pitch-dark stage"

Han Jie only felt a buzzing in his head, and then felt a burst of cold air from his tailbone straight to the sky!
This feeling was like an electric shock, he completely ignored the noodles, and fully enjoyed the music feast that Chu Qing brought him!


"In this ambiguous age"

"my existence"

"like an accident"

The camera cuts again and returns to the beginning of the story, where Chu Qing gracefully plays the piano under the tree.

The sound of the piano sounded, and the sound of rain also slowly sounded.

One drop, two drops, three drops, countless raindrops fell on the piano, making a crackling sound.

"Someone used a tear"

"It will be a disaster for beauty"

"Somebody dropped the title"


The scene switched again, Chu Qing walked out of the room, and went down the promotional stairs step by step, holding this glass of red wine that was as red as blood in his hand!Looks more like an elegant vampire.

"As long as you are hypocritical enough"

"Don't be afraid of the devil"


Listening to these knife-like lyrics, Han Jie's breath became short of breath. He wanted to know what Chu Qing would sing next!
He wants to know what the next shot of this MV will be!In less than 2 minutes, he was already firmly grasped by this song!

And the screen switched again as he wished.

This time, it was switched to the gate of the castle.

There stood five people quietly, all wearing black tights and white monotonous masks.

This is a band.
(End of this chapter)

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