Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 118 Phenomenal Song!

Chapter 118 Phenomenal Song!
Han Jie took a deep breath, and sighed secretly about the details in the MV. From the beginning to the present, Chu Qing never showed her face. Every time, she only showed her side face. Even behind the piano, it was always blocked by the piano. With half of his face covered, only his eyes can be seen!

And now the other people who appeared on the stage were all wearing masks, just like the ugly monsters sung in the lyrics, they were only suitable for living in the dark stage.

"If the script is written well"

"Who is nobler than whom"

"I can only be silent"

"Beauty is innocent"

People from the band are helping with the accompaniment, but everyone's body movements are exaggerated, like clowns trying to attract attention.

Especially for their leading actors, their movements are huge and their behavior is exaggerated when they sing!

But for some reason, there was a sound of hoarseness, as if he was shouting with all his might!

"When Desire Begins To Drink"

"More opportunities"

"Fearless as dust"

"When turned into ashes, who knows who knows who cares whether he is worthy or not"

The chorus part sounded again, and Chu Qing's high-pitched voice reached the eardrums of the audience again, and that sensation that made people's hairs explode, as if they were electrocuted again!

Han Jie took a deep breath and looked at the MV. Although he had never heard the name Chu Qing before, he can now say with certainty that with this song alone, Chu Qing has gained a firm foothold in the music circle. !

"In fact, it's not surprising to see more"

"Let's go high"

"Tamp hard"

"The impenetrable whiteness"

The lyrics of this song are very sharp, as if they are laughing at themselves, but they think they are ironic. People can't help but record these lyrics and the melody in their minds!
When the chorus was sung for the second time, many people even started humming along.


"This is our time"

"I don't exist"

"It was a surprise"

When the last line of lyrics was sung, the street switched to the piano under the tree again.

The rain was still falling, and the rain water splashed on the piano and splashed a little.

Chu Qing in front of the piano slowly got up, but his face was a little blurred in the rain.

The camera moves slowly as he gets up, following him towards the gate of the castle.

The rain wet his hair and soaked his clothes.

But he stopped in front of the fountain statue. The girl in the white statue was holding a vase with a sweet and peaceful smile on her face.

Chu Qing walked slowly in front of 'her', silently took off her clothes, and put them on the statue, as if worried that she would be cold.

The camera also froze at this angle, Chu Qing's figure became more blurred, and he walked slowly towards the dark castle behind him.

And the statue's smile seemed even sweeter.

MV, end!
Han Jie slumped on the chair and panted heavily. The noodles in front of him had long been lumpy, but he didn't care. He couldn't wait to listen to "The Ugly" again!
Then came the third time, and the fourth time, as if possessed by a demon!
And there are countless people like him at this moment!

"Team leader, the number of views of "The Ugly" has exceeded 100 million!"

"How long has it been online?"

"An hour and a half!"

"Fuck, this looks like it's going to catch fire!"

"Well, we'll see if word of mouth and tap water can keep up, but I have to say, the quality of this song is really good!"

"Haha, I just don't know if I can have a chance to break [-] million."

"I can't tell, the water in the current music industry is too deep."

Several programmers were yawning and chatting, and the big screen in front of them was displaying the number of views of "The Ugly" and the ratings of netizens.

汉杰微博#I found a good song during lunch, if it doesn’t sound good, please cancel it directly! @楚青《Ugly Eight Monsters》#
"Everyone, when I was having lunch at noon today, I wanted to find two new songs to listen to, so I'll make dinner now."

"Then recommended this song to me, and I just clicked on it."

"Then I was stupefied, I listened to this song over and over again, until the end I couldn't eat it!"

"My God, the lyrics and music of this song don't look like a newcomer's work at all. I specifically searched for the songwriter to find out who it came from!"

"But in the end, I found out that it was actually Chu Qing's song! But when I remembered that it was Chu Qing from "Overfire" and "Song for Myself", I felt relieved again."

"If it was written by Chu Qing, a musical genius, then everything would make sense!"

"Everyone! I strongly recommend this song "Ugly"! If you don't like it, please cancel me!"

This is what Han Jie said on Weibo. Although he doesn't have many fans, he has many friends in the circle!

As soon as this Weibo was posted, more than 20 musicians watched the "Ugly" MV!After that, they all reposted Han Jie's Weibo without saying a word, and also expressed some of their own opinions below.

Chu Qing's fans were also collectively excited and began to retweet crazily!
There are also many netizens who know about the 14-year-old pianist and began to ridicule.

"Hahaha, yes! Chu Qing is ugly, he admitted it himself, and even wrote a song for himself."

"After living for more than 20 years, I only found out today that I don't like handsome guys, I just like ugly monsters like Chu Qing, tsk tsk tsk"

"Have you all watched the MV? My God, when he put clothes on the statue at the end, he was so gentle and touched! Ah! How wonderful it would be if this was my boyfriend! It seems to taste what his abs are. taste"

"Cui Qiqi: Do you want to know? My sister knows! Not only does my sister know, but I don't want it! Hey, it's just for fun~"

"Can you stop mentioning that woman? Is it disgusting?"

"That's right, our Chu Qing is Chu Qing, we don't rub others' heat, can you please others not to rub our heat?"

"Music talent, talent and strength, this kind of man is almost extinct! Sisters, I'm sorry, I'm going to take action!"

"Hehe, Chu Qing's secret married little wife said that you are too late!"

On the Internet, Chu Qing's "Ugly Eight Monsters" seemed to be contagious, quickly radiating to the entire Internet!
As a result, the playback volume of the MV skyrocketed like a rocket!

In the first day, the number of views of this MV reached 2000 million!This is only one afternoon!
In the second day, the accumulated views of the MV reached 6000 million!

On the third day, the number of MV views officially exceeded [-] million!This statistic is so terrifying that everyone in the circle loses their voices!

The last time music with such a record was Little Heavenly King's "It Rained All Night"!
At this moment, Chu Qing directly swept the entire Internet!
The name "Ugly" appeared on the music charts of all major platforms!

It even appeared in the top ten positions of many charts, with big-name singers in front of and behind it!

Just like what Han Jie said before, he can already see Chu Qing soaring to the sky with this song!

(End of this chapter)

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