Chapter 119
"Ah, Mr. Zhang, I know, I know, I'm your fan, what? About singing? I'm sorry, Brother Zhang, our time is too tight for Chu Qing, it's really too tight. I was with Xia Xiangxiang before The director has signed a contract and has to go to filming. I really don’t have time, right, right, sorry, sorry.”

"Ah? Do you want to invite my family, Chu Qing, to be a mentor? You should not do this. Chu Qing's current qualifications are too low. Being a mentor is a bit of a failure. Yes, yes, I should not do it."

Song Dawei became completely busy. After all, this was the first time a popular artist appeared in his hands, and it made him a little uncomfortable for a while!

Just one song, one MV!Who would have thought that such an earthquake-level effect could be achieved?
Afterwards, Dong Manli also tweeted about Chu Qing on Weibo, and at the same time promoted a wave of her new album.

#I have all the looks you like, I am so flammable and explosive#
"Chu Qing, thank you for your two songs, you must do what you promised me~ (pickle tongue out)"

Chu Qing's popularity is extremely high now, and the other party has also gained a wave of popularity. After the release of the new album, the two songs written by Chu Qing went straight to the charts!

After listening to "Flammable and Explosive" and "Scary Love Story", the audience had a new understanding of Chu Qing's talent.

"I fucked a DJ! Is this still a person from Earth? This kind of talent, it's the patriarch chasing after him to feed him!"

"Grandfather: Give it to me!!!"

"It reminds me of the Little Heavenly King back then that original talent can be so scary!"

"No, only Little Heavenly King can compare with him."

"Wow, Man Li and Chu Qing are a good match. I'm addicted to this pair. Lock it up and throw the key into the sea."

"Fuck you, stand on your grandma's whistle, did our harem group agree?"

"That's right, a bitch is shameless, rubbing against my family's Qingqing heat! Bah!"

"Yes! She is not worthy of my Chu Qing!"

"The idiot fans upstairs, please show some face. Dong Manli is the first-tier! Do you understand the first-tier? Your Chu Qing is not even a third-tier now. Are you thinking of a hammer?"

On the Internet, there were speculations about the CP of Dong Manli and Chu Qing.

The attitude of the two is not clarified, but they do not admit it.

"Ahem, ahem, what the hell, I'm not used to being so busy all of a sudden."

Song Dawei coughed a few times, opened the thermos cup and took a big sip, then smiled and said, "Who would have thought that one of your songs would be so powerful! In the past two days, I have received more than ten calls just to make an appointment with you." Several, the highest asking price even reached 70!"

When Song Dawei said this, the expression on his face seemed to glow.

Chu Qing smiled, she was very calm on the surface, but there was a villain in her heart cheering loudly, 70, 70!
"And there are so many endorsements. Now there are many endorsements who want to find you to endorse, but unfortunately there are no big brands, and they are all small brands."

Chu Qing asked curiously after hearing the words: "What's the matter?"

"It's all men's underwear, potato chips, bathroom, and three-wheeled electric vehicles."

The corner of Chu Qing's mouth couldn't help twitching, what the hell is Temei!In their eyes, is my temperament so down-to-earth?
Song Dawei laughed and said, "I also feel that these temperaments don't match yours, so I just refused!"

Song Dawei said proudly: "Your popularity is so high now, and it will definitely be even higher in the future. How can I accept some low-level endorsements for you and lower your worth?"

Chu Qing nodded, this is a very realistic question.

If a very popular celebrity accepts some relatively low-end advertisements, it will make people feel that this person is out of date and earns everything.

Of course, Chu Qing is not yet a star, but because of the release of a MV and a single, he can now say that he is a singer in a fair way!
Because he has his own works, it can be regarded as half a foot in the entertainment circle.

"Xiaoqing, it's still more than half a month until October [-]st, what are you going to do in the middle of these days?"

Chu Qing thought for a while and said: "Well, I want to find a music teacher to learn the basic skills of music. After all, I plan to become a singer, so I must learn more."

"Okay, I happen to know a good music teacher, I'll find her to be your personal teacher!"


In this way, Chu Qing started his study career. His music teacher is a woman in her 40s who is a professional national team member!

Of course, tuition is also quite expensive.

Chu Qing learns vocal music from the teacher every day, and on the Internet, just as Song Dawei said, Chu Qing rides the wind and rises!

For this reason, Song Dawei also specially took some photos for Chu Qing, and sent a few photos every day to maintain the fan base.

Now, Chu Qing's face is capable of playing, and the amazingly talented character set has completely stopped!

What's even more rare is that Chu Qing also has an infatuated personality. Which woman doesn't love this kind of man?

So, without Chu Qing knowing it, his harem group was growing rapidly!

It wasn't until one day that Chu Qing discovered during the live broadcast that he had more than 1 concubines, that he realized that he might be really popular!

Then Chu Qing pressed her waist silently, wondering if it could hold up.

But there are many people who are popular, and with Chu Qing's fire, some people began to black him.

Among them, the hardest-working ones are Wu Xinyuan's fans. After all, in their eyes, Wu Xinyuan and Liu Yiming are enemies, while Chu Qing and Liu Yiming are friends.

A friend of an enemy is an enemy!
In order to attack Chu Qing, they did everything they could, such as being ugly, lacking talent, relying on women, etc., scolding endlessly all day long.

Chu Qing also felt very uncomfortable about this, but there was no good way, after all, it was not illegal to swear now.

And they are also promoting themselves. If they don't scold themselves, how can they let more people know about themselves?
Are there few examples of reverse fame in the previous life?I just let them scold me, and then I found a chance to prove that I was innocent, and the popularity and reputation gained, wouldn't it be a pleasure?

In this way, the time went round and round until the end of September, and Chu Qing finally signed a contract as an endorsement.

This is a milk advertisement, Yiyi Milk!

An out-and-out big brand, as one of the two most famous milk brands in China, the endorsement that countless celebrities can't wait to fight for, but unexpectedly fell on Chu Qing's head!
Chu Qing was surprised at the beginning, but finally found out that it was because the daughter of a leader in Yiyi Milk was also her fan.

But in this, Song Dawei's efforts cannot be ignored. He really tried his best to win this advertisement for Chu Qing!
In this way, Chu Qing won her first endorsement advertisement in her life.

The endorsement fee is 500 million after tax!

Endorsement time, three years.
(End of this chapter)

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