Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 120 The first filming

Chapter 120 The First Filming

In just one night, Chu Qing turned from a millionaire to a multi-millionaire. This time, he really felt that he was hot, and he walked with wind!

Although it is only an endorsement for one of the milks, it is also an advertisement for Yiyi Milk!

Both Song Dawei and Chu Qing were very serious about shooting the commercial. After two days of continuous shooting, the commercial was considered complete.

After that, tens of millions will be credited, and Song Dawei and Chu Qing will share [-]% of it!

And Chu Qing, who was rich, began to build his own plan in his mind!

He decided to set up his own studio and be his own boss!

With the experience of his previous life, he knew that the era of this type of brokerage company will soon pass, and in the future, slightly more famous artists will set up their own studios, and then recruit some artists to earn money for themselves!
To put it simply, those who are famous do not want to be exploited by capital.

This is actually good and bad, especially for newcomers, most people want to be exploited by capital, but capital doesn't like them.

Generally speaking, after newcomers join the company, the company will start to train them to see if they have potential.

If they have the potential, the company will sign a prostitution contract with them for about ten years. After the other party signs, the company will vigorously cultivate them.

Give them exposure channels, go to shows, competitions, variety shows, etc.

After waiting to become famous, start to make money for the company, often earning 100 yuan, and it would be good to have 15 yuan in their hands.

And when the ten-year contract expires, ordinary artists are almost dead, and then they have to ask the company to continue signing them, so that they can get a guaranteed salary. This is the norm in the industry.

And only some very popular people will terminate the contract with the company after ten years, or replace it with a better contract!

Or start a company by yourself and be an individual, because at that time they already had a certain audience base, word-of-mouth, and some people asked them to make movies, and they could still be popular after leaving the company.

But in any case, for a newcomer, joining the company is the best choice.

After all, there are very few people who can become popular by themselves. Without resources, channels, or works, what can one person do?

But Chu Qing is different, he not only has the entertainment works of his previous life in his mind, but also has the system as the background!
Since everything is available, why should it be exploited by capital?Isn't it delicious to eat alone?
Some people may have said, so why give Song Dawei [-]%?Isn't this a waste of money?

Of course not, professional matters should be handled by professionals.

Let’s just talk about the endorsement of Yiyi Milk this time, it seems that Song Dawei took away a lot of money for nothing, but without Song Dawei, how could Chu Qingshang earn more than 1000 million?

Is my daughter a fan just by virtue of being the leader?funny!
But Chu Qing gradually realized that something was wrong. How did Song Dawei contact Yiyi Milk?Doesn't he have no connections?

How did you get on-line with such a world-renowned brand?don't understand.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to October [-]st. Chu Qing, Song Dawei, and Duan Peng came to Xiamen together with the crew.

The crew is ready and will be filming here.

Chu Qing, who was filming for the first time, was somewhat nervous, but more excited!
He now has more than 600 million fans on Weibo, and more than 700 million fans on Shaking Hands!

But more than 70.00% are female fans, and most of the remaining male fans are his music fans.

The ratio of male to female is seriously unbalanced, and most of the female fans are fans of his beauty and wife.

This kind of fans are unstoppable. If a young, handsome and talented artist emerges in two days, they will betray you in minutes.

So what Chu Qing has to do now is to use her strength to retain more fans, and turn her good-looking fans into her own fans!

Now there are fewer people hacking themselves on the Internet, but in fact this is not a good phenomenon, but it shows that their popularity is declining.

It's only half a month's work!It's going to be cold before it's hot, who can stand it!

And this filming, and the broadcast of Yiyi Milk commercial in two days, is a very good starting point!

"Come on! All departments are ready, the first shot, the first time, ready to shoot!"

Director Xia Xiangxiang's voice is soft and soft, but in the crew, she is the queen here, deciding the life and death of everyone.

Chu Qing finished her makeup early on, and after the scene was played, Chu Qing chased Zhang Zifeng, who played his sister, in the old alley of Xiamen.

"Summer! Stop for me!"

Zhang Zifeng, who was chasing behind, said angrily, but Chu Qing, who was running ahead, turned her head and pushed her nose.

"Liu Wei Wei, chase me, catch me, and I'll give you back the sausage~"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, he ran away. Zhang Zifeng behind him already had a look of 'killing intent', and he lowered his head and chased after him.

"Card! It's perfect, it's perfect, this one is over! The actors don't move their positions, prepare for the second one! Go make up and see if the actors need to touch up their makeup."

Director Xia Xiangxiang's voice sounded, Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, stood firmly on both feet, and waited for the second shot.

But when he turned his head, he found that Zhang Zifeng was actually behind him, and the distance between the two was only about one meter.

Suddenly finding that there was an extra person behind him, Chu Qing couldn't help but startled.

Seeing Chu Qing like this, Zhang Zifeng covered his mouth and laughed.

Speaking of which, this young actor is also very good. He won the best newcomer award when he was seven years old, and he can play the leading role at the age of 16 this year. This is the real future that can be expected!
Of course, they are indeed acting online, and they are still different from those vases.

"What's the matter, this scares you, such a big man, so timid~"

The little girl spoke a little naively, Chu Qing was speechless.

"It didn't scare me, but I was thinking for a while that if I still started filming from this angle, I would be caught by you? According to the script, I managed to run far away."

The little girl was a little nervous when she heard that: "It's over, it's over, did I run too fast just now?"

When she looked up, she saw Chu Qing looking at her with such an expression, and Zhang Zifeng became even more nervous.

Director Xia Xiangxiang did not know when he came to the two of them. Hearing this, he patted her on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Don't be afraid, your acting is very good, and you have to change the camera later, it's okay."

The little girl breathed a sigh of relief, and Xia Xiangxiang also looked at Chu Qing and said.

"I also said that I can't act. Isn't this acting very good?"

Chu Qing sighed inwardly, how important it is to find a role that suits her, like Zeng Xiaoxian, like Little Swallow.
(End of this chapter)

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