Chapter 12 Signing
"Before I came here, I really did a special research. Your reputation in school is not bad, and you should not be the kind of person Cui Qiqi said."

Chu Qing smiled and nodded, "Of course I'm not that kind of person. To tell you the truth, it's all a plot made up by her own brain. In love, I'm the humble and flattering person."

"It's a pity that someone climbed up on Gao Zhi'er and wanted to kick me away so that Gao Zhi'er could make room for him."

"Actually, I can accept a peaceful breakup, but what I didn't expect was that at the last moment, she still wanted to pretend to be a good person. After pretending to be a good person, she didn't forget to kick me hard and kick me into the quagmire!"

When Chu Qing said these words, she was very calm, not like a wronged person at all.

The tone was as if the protagonist in the story was not him, but a stranger.

Song Dawei once again saw Chu Qing's heart.To be able to face what happened to him so calmly, even if this kind of person does not become a singer, his future achievements will definitely not be bad.

Chu Qing stared seriously at Song Dawei's eyes and said: "If you want to be my manager, you have to prove your strength! You don't want your artists to bear such a scapegoat, do you?"

Song Dawei nodded slowly, and pushed his glasses once again habitually.

"To be honest, Mr. Chu, Chinese Entertainment is indeed a very big company. The outcome between me and Song Jiji is about [-]-[-], but if the Chinese Entertainment behind him helps, I think I can only be [-]% sure to help you clean up. white."

Chu Qing smiled when he heard this, and handed him the plan on the bedside table.

"This is the plan I made for myself, take a look first."

Song Dawei took the plan curiously, looked it over from beginning to end, and suddenly raised his head.

"You came up with all this yourself?"

Song Dawei's tone was somewhat suspicious.

Chu Qing nodded and said, "Mr. Song, is there anything else to add?"

Song Dawei pushed his glasses again: "If you add your plan, I am confident that I can wrestle with the other party now."

Chu Qing smiled and shook hands with him: "Then we can negotiate terms now."

"The first condition is that I don't want to lose my TV job before my official debut."

Song Dawei nodded directly, of course, he also understood how important that TV station job was to a fresh graduate.

"The second condition, regarding some endorsements and announcements that I don't like to accept, I hope I have the right to refuse."

Song Dawei nodded, waiting to hear the next condition clearly.

"The third condition, I don't want you to accept any endorsements for me without my knowledge, stir up scandals, etc., you must discuss everything about me with me."

Song Dawei nodded again, and then Chu Qing smiled, stood up and shook hands with him for the second time.

"Is that the only request?"

Song Dawei was surprised, while Chu Qing smiled.


Song Dawei was a little excited, he didn't expect to sign a good seed so easily.

He hurriedly took out two contracts in his file bag, and handed one of them to Chu Qing.

"Mr. Chu, this is our contract, please take a look."

Chu Qing was not too polite, and took it over and looked at it very seriously. Having worked as a salesman in his previous life, he deeply understood how many literal traps there were in the contract. "

It took a full half an hour to look at it. Sure enough, he found two loopholes in the contract. Although they were not big, he thought it was necessary to amend them.

Song Dawei had no objection after reading it, and immediately ran downstairs with the contract, saying that he would go to a printing company to revise it, and asked Chu Qing to wait for him to come back to sign the contract.

Looking at Song Dawei's sloppy look, Chu Qing wondered if he had chosen the wrong agent.

The reason why he agreed to him so easily is that freedom is one aspect, and the other aspect is that he just read Song Dawei's life on the Internet.

Although Song Dawei is not very successful, he must be very kind.

Those people have poached him four times as an artist, but he is still unwilling to amend the liquidated damages. What such people often seek is not profit, but heart-for-heart exchange.

Chu Qing felt more at ease interacting with this kind of person.

Benefits alone won't go far.

In less than 10 minutes, Song Dawei ran back. It was summer, and the temperature in Yanjing was not low.

Song Dawei was sweating from running, but the smile on his face couldn't be stopped.

Mr. Chu, can you see if there is any problem with this contract?

Chu Qing took the contract and looked at it seriously.Contracts are different from other things, and they must not be sloppy.

One or two words may have completely different meanings!

The contract between the two is relatively simple, and the time limit is five years. During these five years, Song Dawei is responsible for arranging business activities and endorsements for Chu Qing.

And it is guaranteed that Chu Qing will appear in more than four variety shows every year, this is to maintain exposure.

And Song Dawei will get [-]% of all the income. After five years, both parties have the right to decide whether to continue to renew the contract.

After signing the contract, the two parties are already their own people, and it is convenient to say some things.

Song Dawei took the lead and said, "I've listened to your song that went too far. The quality is really good. I know a few friends who are music critics. I can ask them to help promote it."

Song Dawei pushed his glasses and said: "Actually, there are many things that this song can do. Who would believe that the person who can sing such an affectionate song is a scumbag."

"Cui Qiqi said that you are a softie, a scumbag, you can use this song to prove that you don't need to be a softie, you can slap your face back!"

Chu Qing hummed: "I originally planned to use the TV station to clarify, but I didn't expect the effect of the short video to be so good."

Song Dawei said: "Do you have any similar songs? If so, we can pursue the victory."

Chu Qing nodded and said: "Of course, I told you, I have more than 100 songs like this!"

Song Dawei's eyes lit up: "A friend of mine accepted a new variety show called "Who Knows My Strong Voice"! If you have a suitable song, we can go on a day trip!"

Chu Qing asked curiously, "How's the heat?"

Song Dawei shook his head and said, "The new variety show hasn't been tested yet, but according to the marketing department's research, it should be good."

"What kind of variety show?"


"The kind of normal singing audition, or wearing a headgear or something?"

Song Dawei asked curiously: "What are you doing with the headgear? It's normal singing, but they are not singers, but cross-border singing."

Chu Qing nodded, understood, the king of cross-border singers!
Immediately, Song Dawei said with some embarrassment: "But the quota is almost set, we are just a day trip"

Chu Qing nodded again. This is normal. After all, there are many famous people who care more about face. If you give them a bad ranking, they will not come.
(End of this chapter)

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