Chapter 13 Interview Video
Song Dawei talked a lot with Chu Qing, and at noon, the two of them went out for lunch together.

Chu Qing's professional habit is to involuntarily extract information from other people when chatting with them.

After one meal, Chu Qing had a general idea of ​​what kind of person Song Dawei was. Song Dawei had paid for the meal at noon. Afterwards, the two returned to Chu Qing's apartment to discuss what to do next!
When Chu Qing turned on her mobile phone, she saw that her Shaking Hand app had more than 40 fans!

The number of likes of "Overfire" has exceeded 200 million!Strictly speaking, Chu Qing can now be called a small Internet celebrity.

Song Dawei looked at the number of likes, rubbed his chin and said, "I think it's time for us to explain."

Chu Qing looked at him calmly, waiting for him to continue.

"According to my opinion, your popularity is high now, otherwise you wouldn't have gained more than 40 fans overnight!"

"I think you can record a video. You don't need to say much in the video, just introduce yourself briefly"

Hearing this, Chu Qing asked curiously: "Tell me a brief introduction of yourself? Because of Cui Qiqi, I have a lot of black fans on the Internet. If I record a video introducing myself, there will be a lot of scolding below. Is it possible then? Backfired?"

Song Dawei smiled: "Your worries are completely unnecessary. If you don't explain, it will only make you darker! From what I know about Song Jiji, that guy has always done things straightforwardly. His method is to reduce ten meetings with one force. Whether it’s publicity or smearing, it’s all about getting endorsements from big names, and then asking fans of big names to help!”

"In other words, he will find stars to side with, and then collectively speak ill of me?"

Song Dawei nodded confidently and said: "Sure, this grandson only has these two tricks back and forth, so we will all be discredited anyway, so why not take advantage of this time to attract some fans!"

Chu Qing thought about it, and what Song Dawei said did make sense.

Seeing that Chu Qing agreed, Song Dawei smiled and said, "Then you study how to record the video, and I'll go talk to my friend about the variety show."

Chu Qing nodded, took the small notebook on the bedside table again and began to write the copy.

Introducing yourself requires brains, a good copy can make everyone impressed by you.

Chu Qing wrote two versions in the notebook, but they were not very satisfied.

At the beginning, Chu Qing wanted to write a sad one, which fit the character of him just breaking up and being wronged by his girlfriend.

Then he thought that the audience would feel bored if he was always so sad, so he tried to write a more sunny one, but it would appear that he was heartless, and it was more difficult to determine the scale.

When Song Dawei came back and saw that he hadn't finished writing, he picked up his notebook and looked at it twice.

"Is it okay if you don't write? What's the matter? What do you think is wrong?"

Chu Qing told him his own thoughts, and Song Dawei slapped his head and nodded repeatedly. He felt that what Chu Qing said was very reasonable, and then sat on the sofa beside him and began to think hard about how to introduce Chu Qing. Young talents are suitable.

Finally, Chu Qing thought of an introduction method, and after discussing with Song Dawei, he started recording directly.

"Hi everyone, my name is Chu Qing. I am a student who just graduated from Huaxia Communication University. I am currently an intern at Yanjing TV. Thank you for your love for my original song "Overfire". I am flattered by your support."

"I know that there are a lot of voices on the Internet recently about me and Cui Qiqi. Here I want to say that Cui Qiqi is a very good girl. The time we were together was very happy, and I also felt very happy."

"Although we are separated now, I am already grateful for the good memories she gave me"

"The song I sang didn't insinuate anything, it's just that I had a lot of drinks with my brother that day, so I recorded a song randomly, please don't make random guesses"

"She is really good and deserves a happier future. I will say it again at the end, thank you for your support, and hope to have the opportunity to sing to more people in the future."

The video is only so long. Chu Qing didn't recharge for this video. The first time she had to recharge was because the popularity was not enough at that time, but now the popularity is enough.

As soon as the video was released, the notification sound of the mobile phone came to mind.

Within 2 minutes of posting, the number of likes has already exceeded [-], and there are already more than ten comments below.


"Shameless soft rice man! Please die where you are!"

"What the hell is your name Chu Qing? Don't let me meet you in the future! Otherwise, I'll beat you to death!"

"Hey, I really can't see that there are people with such a hot temper. Chu Qing is at Yanjing TV, you go! It's really on the Internet, there are all kinds of criminals pretending to be B."

"Everyone, I ask everyone to think about it carefully. Is Chu Qing really the scumbag she said? The soft-bodied guy? Everyone, I think the problem can be explained by just playing "Overfire"!"

"That's right, I checked before, the original creator of "Over Fire" is Chu Qing, this song alone is enough for him to eat for several years, does such an original song eater need to eat soft food?"

"This is not the most important thing. The important thing is that you guys found out. Cui Qiqi said that Chu Qing is a scumbag and a softie, but there is no evidence at all. It is completely nonsense!"

"More than that, one side is Cui Qiqi, who keeps abusing her, and the other side is Chu Qing, who always said that she is a good girl after breaking up. Everyone, compare your hearts with each other."

"Yes, compare your heart with your heart!"

"Also, have you forgotten the result after the reporter's interview?"

"Yes, yes, I don't think Cui Qiqi looks like a good bird, her breasts look like a whole! It's too fake, and that chin"

Chu Qing looked a little confused, what's going on?I was already prepared to be scolded, but why did you clean it up for me?

More than two-thirds of the comments under Chu Qing's last short video were insults, and now, at least half of the people are helping him to clean up his crimes. What's the situation?
But it didn't take long for Chu Qing to figure out what happened.

Duan Peng's video has already been squeezed to the third place on the topic of "Cui Qiqi meets a man who is not nice".

The number one ranking has not changed, it is still the video of Cui Qiqi scolding Chu Qing for being a scumbag, with over [-] million likes!
Replacing the second place is an interview news, with more than 400 million likes!
He is a big Internet celebrity in Shaking Hands, with nearly ten million fans. He was a reporter before, but he resigned after becoming an Internet celebrity. The reason why this person is popular is because he always interviews some of the hottest topics at the moment .

For example, if someone sells his body to bury his father, he will rush over thousands of miles to investigate, and if it is true, he will donate money, and if it is fake, he will crack down on it!
And this time, he came to Yanjing Communication University to interview
 Thanks to the unknown boss for the reward ~ Boss drinking Bingkuole ~

(End of this chapter)

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