Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 14 Chu Qing's Word of Mouth

Chapter 14 Chu Qing's Word of Mouth

"Dear viewers and friends, the place where I am now is our Huaxia Communication University, which is also the place where the love between the hero Chu and the heroine Cui in the story was born."

"I can come to Huaxia Communication University for an interview this time, and I also want to thank my alumni of the year. He gave me the opportunity to interview this time."

"Because Cui and Chu's classmates have already graduated, our interviewees are mainly the teachers who taught them."

When the camera came here, it switched to an office. Chu Qing laughed when he saw it. It turned out to be Teacher Huang Ren's office.

"Hello, Teacher Huang!"

"Hello, reporter friend."

"In your eyes, what kind of student is Chu?"

"Work hard, be positive and sunny, and very self-loving, know how to respect others, but just too shy, usually don't like to talk"

"It can be seen that Mr. Huang, you have a high opinion of Chu. Can you tell me why?"

Huang Ren smiled, and said slowly: "I have been a teacher for more than 30 years, and I think I have a good eye for people. The child is very serious no matter what he studies, and he will take the initiative to help his classmates when they have difficulties. If I If the students in that class haven’t graduated, you can ask them to find out.”

"What about Choi?"

Teacher Huang Ren changed his face visibly, and said seriously: "That's not my student, I won't judge it!"

The reporter sensed Teacher Huang Ren's emotions and took the initiative to change the subject.

"Then did you know that Chu can write songs?"

Teacher Huang Ren nodded against his will: "Of course, he has always been a genius in our department, and he is approachable and has many friends. I recommended him to do an internship at Yanjing TV Station. He is very talented. I think there will definitely be a place for him in the future. "

The camera footage began to speed up, and the reporter's face appeared in the camera.

"Teacher Huang told me a lot about Chu, and it can be seen that he knows Chu very well. From his mouth, we learned that Chu is a relatively shy man, who belongs to the kind who likes to use People who act more than talk.”

"But for Cui, Teacher Huang Ren's attitude is a little unclear."

"For this reason, we found Cui's teacher at the time. I believe that from her mouth, we can get a true image of Cui."

The screen changed again and appeared in another office.

A middle-aged woman appeared on the screen, and the reporter smiled at her and said, "Hello, Mr. Tang, thank you very much for accepting my interview."

"You are welcome, but I have a meeting to attend later"

"Okay, Mr. Tang, then I'll ask directly. Is Cui a student of yours?"


"In your impression, what kind of girl is she?"

After thinking about it seriously, Teacher Tang said, "She is a very talented person. She can often learn expressions and movements that other students can't learn for a long time. She is one of those extremely talented people. gifted people”

"Then have you heard about the matter between her and Chu?"


"Then who do you think is the truth between the two of them?"

Teacher Tang was silent again, and after about five or six seconds, he said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to have a meeting soon."

"Ah, ah, I'm sorry, you are busy, you are busy"

The reporter got up hurriedly, Teacher Tang packed up his things, smiled politely and walked out of the office.

The video fast-forwarded again, and the reporter sat in a cafe and said: "Although Teacher Tang didn't give a positive answer, I believe everyone should have the answer in their minds, but the teacher alone can't explain anything, so I am talking to my friend. With the help of Chu and Cui, I made an appointment with some classmates of Chu and Cui, and I want to hear what kind of image these two people have among the classmates."

"In order to protect these students, we will not shoot their faces, but I guarantee with my personality that the identities of all interviewers are real, and there is no fraud!"

The video screen fast forwarded again, and there were already two more people opposite his seat.

The reporter interviewed with a smile: "Thank you three for taking the time to be interviewed. Both of you are classmates of Chu."



"Then may I ask what image Chu looks like in the eyes of the two of you?"

These two people are a man and a woman. I don't know if they are a couple. The girl replied first after hearing the words.

"Gentle, loves to laugh, doesn't talk much, likes to exercise"

"Then do you think he is a scumbag?"

"Certainly not!"

The girl's voice was decisive, and there was still a bit of resentment in her tone.

"That bitch wronged him!"

The reporter asked again: "How do you know it's not? What if his image in your eyes is actually a disguise?"

"Because we are not blind!"

There was some disdain in the girl's voice, and she continued: "Let's put it this way, Chu Qing is the only girlfriend for four years in college, and we all see what she does. Today's interview is just right, I want to ask That bitch, did you say the wrong thing?"



The reporter's voice was a little awkward: "It's ok, it's ok, we'll have to silence these later, otherwise I'm afraid they won't be allowed to play."

After speaking, he hurriedly looked at the boy and said, "Sir, what about you, what kind of person is Chu Qing in your eyes?"

The boy thought for a while and said, "I belong to the kind of person who doesn't have a high sense of presence, but is kind to everyone, and it's hard to be disgusted."

The reporter didn't seem to expect him to say: "Is there a low sense of presence?"

"Well, Chu Qing is very introverted. Usually, if Teacher Huang Ren doesn't ask him, he seldom takes the initiative to answer questions. He usually doesn't like to talk in class, but he has a good relationship with us. When playing basketball will call him one."

The man smiled and said: "Don't look at him bored, he is a little beast on the basketball court, and he doesn't play much after the internship, otherwise we play basketball together almost every day."

The reporter asked again: "Then what do you think about the fact that he is a scumbag and a soft rice boy?"

The man shook his head directly and said, "Fart! A person who delivers meals after school, washes dishes, and helps people record and do three jobs, how could he be a soft rice boy?"

"Three jobs?"

The reporter was a little surprised, the man nodded and said: "Everyone in our class knows this. He works as an hourly worker in a crayfish restaurant and delivers meals to others. I only found out when I went there for dinner with my classmates."

The man's expression was a bit sad and he said: "Then I heard from the owner of the store that he came to help deliver food until nine o'clock after school, and then had a job washing dishes in other restaurants from nine o'clock to eleven o'clock. Gotta go to a recording studio and record someone's voice"

When the man said this, he suddenly fell silent, and after about five or six seconds, he raised his head and asked back: "Such a person, you say that he eats soft food, that he is a scumbag, do you think it is possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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