Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 15 Plan for the next step

Chapter 15 Next Steps
This video is very long, and even interviewed the owner of the crayfish shop, who was also very happy to accept the interview, after all, this is a publicity anyway.

In the video, the boss praised Chu Qing, saying that Chu Qing was serious about his work and was very humble. He would work as a waiter in the restaurant when the food delivery was not busy. Everyone liked him very much.

In the end, the boss said with some emotion: "I really feel sorry for this child. There are not many children who can help the family relieve the burden like him. Before I left, I specially invited him to have a meal. That young man is good, and the future will be sure." Can get ahead!"

The screen switched again, and the reporter's face appeared in the video again.

"The above is the content of the interview in this issue. It is not convenient for me, an outsider, to comment on the right or wrong of this matter, but I believe everyone already has the answer in their hearts."

"And I can guarantee that the people interviewed this time are absolutely true and effective, and there is absolutely no script!"

"Thank you everyone, entertainment is nothing big, current affairs depend on the banner, this interview is over!"

After watching the video, Chu Qing was really pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that such a good thing would happen to him. Someone really went out of their way to interview and help him clean up his innocence!

On the other end, Song Dawei also finished the phone call, and said to Chu Qing with a smile: "The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will officially start recording variety shows!"

After counting the time, Chu Qing said: "No problem, but the recording must be finished in one day, and I will officially go to work the day after tomorrow."

"No problem, one morning is enough!"

Song Dawei said with a smile: "I'll contact two friends who are music critics and ask them to analyze this song "Overfire" and what kind of mood the author is in to create such a good song!"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Thank you, Viagra."

There seemed to be three black lines on Song Dawei's forehead, and then he said, "Just call me Brother Song."

"Good Viagra!"

"Brother Song"


"Brother Song!"

"Good Viagra!"

Song Dawei was speechless: "Why are you so persistent, is it not nice to call Brother Song?"

Chu Qing said with a pure face: "It's so nice to call Viagra, and it's so strong when you hear it!"

The black line on Song Dawei's forehead became thicker, but when he thought that the two had known each other for a short time, and having a nickname could shorten the distance between them, he let him call it.

Song Dawei went to contact music critics, while Chu Qing began to think about the next step.

Now with the song "Overfire" and Duan Peng's "sneak shot" video, his infatuated persona has been established.

Wouldn't it be a bit of a waste if no one set it off at this time?
Thinking of Chu Qing, she flipped through her trembling hands and Weibo, but saw that Cui Qiqi did nothing but cry.

This is different from the previous life, where she directly ruined her life with a set of combo punches.

Looking at it now, the wings of this little butterfly of mine changed the course of things after all.

Chu Qing has a lot of short videos that can be shot in his mind, and he watched too many sad short videos in his last life!

But I have posted almost one post a day in the past two days. If I post it too frequently, it will definitely make people feel too deliberate and lose popularity!
The variety show that was recorded the day after tomorrow was well exposed, but who knows when that variety show will be broadcast. It would be fine if it could be broadcast within a week of editing, but it would be a disaster if it was broadcast after the recording was complete.

By that time, I am afraid that the day lily will be cold!You must master the time of uploading the video. You can't be too deliberate, but you can't let the audience forget.

And this kind of infatuated character can't stand for too long. Should I show struggle in the next step, the feeling of wanting to get out of love?

Chu Qing was hesitating, Song Dawei walked over and said.

"I found five music critics, all of whom are not low in the industry, and they will see the effect in the afternoon. You recently verified your real name on Weibo, and maybe you can gain some followers."

Chu Qing nodded, and then said: "Brother Wei, do you think I should change this infatuated person?"

While Chu Qing was speaking, he told Song Dawei what he thought, and Song Dawei thought about it after listening.

"Actually, there is no need to be so anxious, but your worry is justified. Female fans like you will definitely like you, but male fans may think you are hypocritical. If you want to go a long way, you can indeed change someone set up"

Chu Qing nodded, and then began to think.

People like infatuated people can't go far in the circle, and Chu Qing didn't plan to use it for long, the main reason was to disgust Cui Qiqi, and then to clean herself up.

But the human design cannot be changed suddenly, as it will cause a sense of disobedience, which requires a process.

After Chu Qing thought about it, he quickly began to write some lyrics in the notebook. Song Dawei stood behind him and watched. After Chu Qing finished writing, he asked with a complicated face, "Is this a song?"

Chu Qing nodded and said: "How is it? The words are not bad."

Song Dawei said with emotion: "At first I thought it was a modern poem, hey, I only believe your words now, you really didn't brag! You can write a hundred songs of the quality of "Overfire"!"

After Chu Qing smiled, he told Song Dawei about his plan. Song Dawei was surprised and said, "Will this be too rushed? If you can view your videos every day, netizens will definitely be suspenseful and even suspect you I’m with Cui Qiqi, and I’m doing this to hype you up.”

Chu Qing smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? I didn't send it out by myself, and how can such things as human settings be changed directly? It must be changed after some stimulation. Isn't this a very good idea?" Is there a reason?"

Song Dawei nodded and asked, "Then, have you thought about setting up someone for yourself?"

Chu Qing hummed, and said with a big smile: "True!"

In the evening, a street in Wulitun.

Chu Qing and Song Dawei stood outside a bar. He was wearing a black T-shirt, black shorts on the lower body, and a pair of old black sneakers on his feet.

Song Dawei is well-dressed, with a white shirt, jeans, big back hair, and a shining gold watch on his wrist. It is said that this watch costs 10,000+.

"Brother Song, have you found someone to record?"

"Don't worry, I found four or five, and there is a big V shaking hands, it will definitely not be an errand"

"Let's go then"


Song Dawei led Chu Qing into the bar, this is a folk bar, the music is not so boring, the lights are not too dazzling, but it is very dark, which is convenient for some people to do certain things.

As soon as the two came in, a waiter came over: "Hello, sir, who are you?"

“I reserved table number three”

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Song?"


"Okay, please follow me"

Song Dawei walked forward, but Chu Qing's eyes fell on the singer singing on the stage. This was his plan!

After a while he will go up to sing, and then 'be secretly photographed' and post it on Shaking Hands!
 Congratulations to the boss of fahaxiki for generously rewarding!Become the No.1 helmsman in this book!Because the double-opening is a bit too much to write, it may be a little later to add more, but I will definitely not forget it!
  Lao Song is the second rudder master, Lao Song's is easy to say (V`)~

  In addition, I would like to thank the boss of Yimengwuchen for the reward, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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