Chapter 16 Bar
On the way to table three, Song Dawei secretly greeted several people.

Needless to say, these people must have been called by Song Dawei.

After the two sat down, Chu Qing looked around and asked with a smile.

“Nice atmosphere in this bar”

Song Dawei hummed: "This is opened by my friend, and I also had some shares here back then."


Chu Qing's voice was curious, and Song Dawei gave a wry smile.

"Later, I needed money urgently, so I sold the shares."

Chu Qing nodded and didn't ask any further questions. Everyone has their own secrets, so there's no need to get to the bottom of it.

The waiter didn't ask any questions, just served the wine, and also brought a fruit plate and a plate of dried fruit.

Song Dawei didn't drink, and neither did Chu Qing. He still has his own plans in a while.

Song Dawei took out his mobile phone and made a call. Not long after, a middle-aged man in his 40s walked over laughing.

He and Song Dawei made a bear hug and said with a smile: "Old Song, you haven't been here for a while."

Song Dawei smiled wryly, "Don't you know what's going on with me?"

After speaking, he patted Chu Qing on the shoulder and said, "This is my newly signed artist, the host of Yanjing TV."

The boss looked at Chu Qing in surprise and then let out a ouch.

"Isn't this Teacher Chu Qing? I've listened to that song "Over Fire" that you're shaking your hands over and over again. It's really good!"

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Song Dawei with surprise on his face, and said, "This is the singer you said came to my place to try out tonight?"

Song Dawei nodded: "My little brother recently wrote a new song, and I want to hear the audience's reaction."

The fat boss laughed and said, "That's my honor."

After finishing speaking, he said to the waiter at the side: "This table is free, credit it to my account, and treat Teacher Chu Qing as my friend."

Song Dawei wasn't polite to him either. It could be seen that the relationship between the two of them was really good.

"Lao Xia, when will Chu Qing be arranged to play?"

The fat boss opened two bottles of wine and said, "What's the hurry? This is our own home, so we can serve it whenever we want."

After Lao Xia finished speaking, he handed Chu Qing a bottle of beer and said, "Mr. Chu, you are here today to save face for Fatty Xia, don't say anything, I'll do it!"

Chu Qing didn't talk nonsense. After bumping into Lao Xia, he picked up the bottle and blew directly on it. Although he doesn't have much capacity for alcohol, he must drink what he should drink!

After a man enters society, he will understand the truth that some things are useless just by working hard.

Smoke builds bridges outside, wine paves the way, sex makes fun, and wealth prevents disasters!
The road is hard, money is money!
Want to attack the city and drink as soldiers!
Some people may say, what I hate the most is the wine table culture, so I don't drink it!Ok?

Yes, of course, as long as you have enough strength, you can do anything!But is it necessary?
Those who make big things don't stick to small details!Why spend more time solving something that can be solved with two bottles of wine?
Maybe a genius is lonely, but the most indispensable thing in China is a genius!
Sure enough, after seeing Chu Qing being so forthright and drinking a full bottle without cheating, Fatty Xia's eyes became a little more kind.

Haha laughed and patted Chu Qing on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Chu not only sings well, but also drinks a lot!"

But before he finished speaking, he saw Chu Qing blushing.

Not because of embarrassment, but because of drinking too much.

Chu Qing smiled at Fatty Xia, showing his standard eight small white teeth, and said, "I'm sorry, Boss Xia, I'm a little short on alcohol, why don't you let Lao Song drink with you, don't spoil your interest"

Chu Qing's so many years of sales work experience have made him ingrained in his bones the ability to talk to people and talk nonsense. A few words made Fatty Xia feel very useful and comfortable to listen to.

Lao Song also saw that Chu Qing's capacity for alcohol was not enough, and while smoking a cigarette, he opened a few bottles of beer and said, "I've never been afraid of anyone when drinking, white beer is foreign, you're done!"

Fatty Xia curled his lips in disdain and said, "Today I must let you lie down and go out!"

After finishing speaking, he and Lao Song had a drink together, but fortunately, they still didn't forget about the business, so the waiter at the side took Chu Qing to the backstage.

Chu Qing didn't bring anything with him today, and he really couldn't get his guitar out. Song Dawei said that there was a ready-made one in the backstage, so he could just use that one.

When you come to the backstage lounge, the first thing that catches your eyes is a pile of torn clothes, and the smell is hard to describe. To put it simply, it is the smell of cigarettes, sweat, and feet!
Chu Qing almost stumbled when he opened the door, but fortunately there was a waiter around him to help him.

"Brother, where is the guitar?"

The waiter is a young man who loves to laugh. Seeing that Chu Qing met his boss, he didn't dare to be careless. He took the initiative to go into the lounge and took a guitar and said, "This is the band's spare guitar, in case there is a temporary problem with the instrument. I didn’t have a spare when I was playing, but the tone may be worse.”

After speaking, he handed it to Chu Qing, who simply played two notes. The sound quality was indeed mediocre, but it was definitely much better than his own brand-name guitar.

After careful adjustments, Chu Qing was ready. He didn't have the courage to enter the lounge again, so he leaned against the wall of the lounge and looked at the stage.

A young man in his 20s was singing a folk song on the stage. I don't know if it was the original song, but Chu Qing had never heard it.

Chu Qing listened to it for a while, and found that the lyrics were not bad, but the melody was somewhat problematic. Simply put, it was not smooth, and the high and low did not form a contrast, but it was a bit awkward to hear.

The reaction from the audience was relatively mediocre, but fortunately there was no swearing or insulting.If it were a different rock scene, people might already be kicked out by now.

After he went down, after a few words of entrustment from the host, a girl who was dressed in a non-mainstream way walked onto the stage. Her singing was obviously much stronger, both in terms of rhythm and lyrics.

There was also a big brother who sent a flower basket at the scene, and there were more people ordering wine, and these were considered commissions.

The host walked up to Chu Qing and said, "Brother, it's your turn to play next, don't be nervous, just pretend that everyone in the audience is a bunch of big radishes!"

Chu Qing smiled at the host, thinking that this buddy is not bad.

The host was slightly taken aback, looking at Chu Qing's face, he felt familiar, but couldn't remember it.

After singing a song on the stage, the host came to the stage again and said, "The following singer has a special status. I have to help with a few words. Brothers and sisters who sing well, please encourage them, and brothers and sisters who sing poorly, please bear with me!"

It can be seen that the host is very popular in the bar. Just after speaking, someone joked.

"You can't sing well, you drank all the wine on my table!"

"Yes, yes, I drank it all! Hahaha!"

The host didn't have stage fright either, he smiled and shook his head pretending to be chic and said, "How can you be afraid of drinking when you work in a bar! Okay, if my little brother can't sing well, I'll give everyone a spin!"


"Hahaha, it sounds good and we rap badly!"

"Yes! I must let you spin one!"

After the host smiled and waved his hands from the stage, he walked down the stage, while Chu Qing walked slowly to the spotlight with his guitar on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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