Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 17 "Song to Myself"

Chapter 17 "Song to Myself"

Under the spotlight was a stepping chair, which was quite high, and it was more than enough for Chu Qing to sit on it.

The audience who were noisy before fell silent, which is enough to prove their quality.

Chu Qing lowered his head, with the spotlight on his head, but his face was hidden in the darkness under the lamp, making it difficult for people to see his appearance clearly.

"I didn't realize until now that what Cupid shoots is an arrow, not a rose. And as long as it is an arrow, it will hurt people."

Chu Qing's voice is a little hoarse, this is his adjusted smokey voice, this kind of voice is most suitable for narration.

The audience in the audience stopped what they were doing, and they all looked at Chu Qing in the center of the stage. They didn't know how well this kid sang, but what he said just now was really good.

Chu Qing lightly plucked the strings and said, "I'm a complete loser. I'm in my 20s and I've achieved nothing. When my girlfriend ran away with someone, I was hit hard. I'm weak in my heart. Just a woman almost wants me." my life"

"But I know that I can't go on like this. My parents are still waiting for me to be successful and to provide for them!"

Under the light, Chu Qing raised her head slowly, with a forced smile: "So I decided to forget about her! From today on, everything will only focus on money! To earn money!"

The eyes of several female guests lit up after seeing Chu Qing's appearance clearly, and they thought to themselves that this is a little fresh meat, he looks really good.

The older women were even more distressed. Seeing Chu Qing's frown, they just wanted to help him calm down.

"I wrote a song for myself. I haven't decided what to call it yet. For the time being, I will call it "Song for Myself". I hope everyone will like it."

Following Chu Qing's words, his guitar sound that had been strolling around in the courtyard finally entered the melody of the song.

"Thinking but not getting it"

"What's wrong with you"

"It's a shame to give up"

"Just talking about the past"

When Chu Qing sang the first line, many guests were shocked!
The lyrics are written like poetry!The sentence at the beginning is what you want but you can't get it, what are you doing, it's like hitting their chest with a heavy hammer!
Fatty Xia narrowed his eyes slightly, clinked glasses with Song Dawei and said with a smile: "What a seedling!"

Song Dawei also nodded with a smile and said: "Listen to this voice, God appreciates the food! The songs are all written by myself, and the length is good. If you give some resources, you can fly!"

Fatty Xia curled his lips and said: "You have to hold on to such a good seedling, don't run away with others again!"

The smile on Song Dawei's face froze, and then he rubbed his face and said, "Old Xia, can you blame me for leaving before? My temple is so small, I can't keep people here!"

Fatty Xia laughed, looked at Chu Qing who was singing on the stage, and said, "Look for two professional vocal music teachers to teach him, the sound conditions are really good, and the technique is really hip-pull, just listen to this change." breath"

Song Dawei hummed and looked at the surrounding tables.

The few people he hired had already taken out their mobile phones to shoot, and some guests were even recording.

"Wait until you find out that time is a thief"

"It has already stolen your options"

"Love is but a fever"

"Missing is followed by a bad cough"

Chu Qing's voice is not high, without any musical skills, just like a boy next door sitting next to you, sharing his stories of these years with you with a smile on his face.

But the lyrics are so great, they sang into their hearts easily, and took root and sprouted inside, making them unforgettable.

"It is unforgivable"

"But can't stop"

"Hate over the wall at night"

"It's empty"

"but humming"

"Who put a cold gun in your heart"

Music has no borders. The emotions in a song can be expressed very clearly even if you don't understand the lyrics.

But Chu Qing's song seemed to be completely reversed. The melody was mediocre, but the lyrics were like small knives that pierced their chests extremely sharply!

If you ask younger listeners to listen to it, you may not feel much emotion, but in this folk music bar, there are not many young people, and most of them are people who are already working and facing various social challenges.

"Oath of Old Love"

"Like a slap"

"Whenever you remember a sentence"

"Just a slap in the face"

"Then don't smell it for years"

"I Can't Smell a Woman"

Fatty Xia's eyes widened, he didn't care about smoking and drinking anymore, and just stared blankly at the stage.

On the stage, Chu Qing sat alone under the spotlight, and the shadow was cast on his feet, as if a black hole was swallowing his emotions.

The guitar in my hand is not a famous brand, and the pitch is not very good, but it is no longer important at this moment.

This person seems to be the most beloved storyteller, and the guitar seems to be the Xingmu in his hand.

As long as he speaks, others can't hear what they say.

Song Dawei lit another cigarette for himself, his eyes were a bit complicated, Chu Qing was definitely the best seedling he had encountered in his career for so many years!But would such a good seedling be willing to be his own artist when faced with many temptations?
Thinking of this, Song Dawei curled his lips and took a gulp of beer.

It's unfounded to worry, didn't I make up my mind a long time ago!Just be a manager with a clear conscience, whoever loves to cheat artists will do it, and I don't want to be pointed at the spine and scolded!
"The past is not like smoke"


"Nostalgia in love is not a virtue"

"Unfortunately being in love is not like writing a song"

"No matter how serious you are, you can't become a style"

Chu Qing's voice was still unhurried, but he was able to clearly send every word to the audience's ears.

A stylishly dressed young woman under the stage licked her tongue and called the waiter to come over.

"What's the singer's name?"

The waiter smiled and shook his head and said, "Sister Xiao, this person was brought by a friend of our boss, I don't know him."

The young woman known as Sister Xiao nodded, and then said: "I will give this handsome guy ten flower baskets, and I will swipe the card later."

"Hey, let me thank Sister Xiao for him first!"

The waiter smiled and nodded and left. There were three women sitting next to Sister Xiao, all around 30 years old. Seeing Sister Xiao sending a flower basket, a woman in revealing clothes asked with a smile, "Why is this little girl in the picture?" Singer?"

After she finished speaking, she also glanced at the stage, and then said with a charming smile, "Don't talk about it, this small appearance is quite attractive."

A woman wearing a purple sling beside her also smiled and said, "Who says no, the voice is beautiful, and the song I sang makes my heart itch."

"You're afraid that it's not just your heart that itches."

"What are you talking about, see if I don't tear your mouth apart!"

The woman named Xiao Xue shook her head and said, "Don't talk nonsense, he's still a child, I just appreciate his songs."

The other three naturally didn't believe it, and they laughed and laughed together.

(End of this chapter)

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