Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 18 Standing Singing?

Chapter 18 Standing Singing?

"I asked you, who did Miss miss let go of?"

"It doesn't matter if you're a repeat offender or a clean criminal"

"The only one I know is the one who has been together for a long time."

"I haven't seen a long time together"

Chu Qing's singing skills can only be said to be average, just like Fatty Xia said before, he can't even breathe well.

But now one of his songs made the audience feel uncomfortable listening to it.

Even those women who were laughing and playing, they knew better than anyone else whether they were really playing or covering up.

"Don't rush the years"

"I don't push what should come"

"What should be paid back, what should be given, I will give"

"Don't rush the years"

"I won't chase those who go far away"

"I'm just trying to figure out what's going on"

Fatty Xia couldn't sit still when he heard this, he turned his head to look at Song Dawei and said, "Old Song, what do we brothers say, can this singer be borrowed from him for a few days? This voice, this song is really amazing Come! Come sing here for a week, and you will definitely be famous in Wulitun!"

Song Dawei said with a wry smile: "Brother, this buddy said when he signed the contract with me that his freedom cannot be restricted. You have to tell him about this, but I guess he will not agree. He is from Yanjing TV. Interns with regular jobs”

Fatty Xia gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! I'll give him [-] per song! I don't want any commission on wine and flower baskets, just give it to him! Let him sing for me for a week, I'll see if he agrees!"

Song Dawei thought about it, maybe this is okay, but he didn't say anything, after all, he had known Chu Qing for too short a time, he didn't know Chu Qing's character, and he couldn't guess whether he would agree.

"Can anyone tell me what this is?"

"His love is buried in his heart"

"It has been wiped out for a few years and still has a lingering power"

"Thinking but not getting it"

"What's wrong with you"

"Thinking but not getting it"

"There is no wise man in love"

When Chu Qing sang a song, especially after the last line of love, there was no wise man, there was a burst of applause and whistles in the bar!
Chu Qing stood on the stage, hugged the guitar and bowed to the audience, then walked straight to the backstage.



"Little handsome guy! Don't leave! One more song, my sister will send you ten more flower baskets!"

"That's right! Let's play another song!"

When the audience saw Chu Qing stepping down, they shouted all kinds of things. The host met Chu Qing who was stepping down, smiled and fisted him and said, "The song is really wonderful!"

"Thank you"

During the speech, the host had already walked to the stage, smiled and bowed to the audience.

"Everyone, I know that everyone wants the handsome guy from just now to sing another song, but this handsome guy is a friend of our boss, it would be great if he could sing a song today, but don't be disappointed, the next one The contestants on stage also have great voices! Let's welcome the next one!"

On the other side, a young man with black-rimmed glasses came on stage.

This child's performance is actually good, but with Chu Qingzhuyu in front, everyone feels a little boring no matter how they hear it.

It's as if you just had a big meal, and suddenly a few steamed buns are served to you. Although it can satisfy your hunger, you don't want to eat that much.

At this time, Chu Qing had returned the guitar and sat back at Song Dawei's table.

As soon as Chu Qing sat down, several guests sitting next to her came over to toast.

"Hahaha, brother, the song you just heard is really good! I haven't heard it yet, what's it called? I'll go back and download it and listen to it."

"Yes, yes, it's really nice, it sang all the voices of us men in their 30s."

"Little brother, come, this cup is toast to you!"

Chu Qing hurriedly got up and said: "I'm sorry, my brothers, I have a cold and injection of cephalosporin for the past two days, so I can't drink this wine. Brothers, please take care of me. The song just now was written by me. Brothers It's my brother's honor to like you"

Chu Qing's position is very low, don't care if you know him or not, if someone can come to toast, it is to give you face, whether to drink or not is another matter, you can't throw this face on the ground.

This is called sophistication, and it is emotional intelligence in a big way!
The few people didn't force it when they heard it, and instead they pointed at Brother Thumb.

"It's really good! You are young and promising! Brother, when will you release this song, we will definitely go to support it!"

One of them, who was obviously a regular customer, looked at Fatty Xia: "Lao Xia, don't miss such a good seed! If this little brother comes to sing in your blue sea, brother, I will praise you every day!"

Lao Xia got up with a smile, picked up the wine glass and said: "Our buddies say this, let's get out, come on, it's all in the wine!"

After speaking, they raised their heads and drank it all. Seeing this, those people also smiled and drank the wine in their glasses. After chatting with Chu Qing for a few more words, they smiled and returned to their respective positions.

At this time, several people who just 'filmed' also posted the content of their shooting on the Internet.

Among them is the big V. The big V has a lot of fans. It took less than 1 minute to like it after posting it. Those who watched the video below left comments one after another.

"Fuck, there's something in this song!"

"There is a fart content, it sounds half-dead, is it singing or talking?"

"You know a lot! Listen to the lyrics, the lyrics! This is so fucking full of love."

"Write an egg, why can't I hear it"

"You just 11-year-old kid knows how to knit, you go online after you finish your summer homework?"

"Wo Nima, isn't this Chu Qing? Cui Qiqi's ex-boyfriend!"

"Is that the scumbag and soft rice boy?"

"Upstairs, please be responsible when speaking. Do you really know him and call him a scumbag? Whose scumbag have you seen? Whose soft rice boy have you seen so talented?"

"That's right, the reporters have already investigated it clearly before, it's Cui Qiqi who framed her first!"

The big V is also very happy watching the number of likes on the video, and even more happy, the money is earned!
On the other end, Xia Donghai was discussing with Chu Qing about acting.

"How about it, Brother Chu Qing, Lao Song and I have been friends for many years, you are his artist, I will never cheat you! Just come and sing a song a day, and I will give you a thousand for each song! I don’t want any commissions for drinks or flower baskets during the period, so I’ll just charge a fee, how about that?”

Chu Qing didn't understand these things, so he turned to look at Song Dawei.

Song Dawei smiled and said: "The wine commission is one-third, and you can get one-third of the wine for 100 yuan, and the flower basket is 300 yuan, which is usually half of each person. Didn't the eldest sister just give you ten?" For the flower basket, if it’s Lao Xia’s part, it’s absolutely fine for you to get two or 3000 yuan.”

Chu Qing was a little surprised, thinking that this income is too much!

But the time is probably not enough, he still has a lot of things to deal with.

Fatty Xia saw Chu Qing's embarrassment, and patted his chest and said, "Brother, one week, just one week! This week you can sing one song a day, and after seven days, my brother will give you another 1 yuan." Money bonus!"

Chu Qing's eyes slowly brightened
(End of this chapter)

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