Chapter 122

The time of filming always passes quickly, especially when the actors are in good condition.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed, and the film is about to wrap up.

Chu Qing was also very excited. The New Year's Day was over, and the Spring Festival was almost here. She had finished filming and was going home!

Thinking of her achievements in the past three months, Chu Qing couldn't help laughing.

First of all, let's talk about acting skills, Chu Qing has been promoted to LV3!

The number of fans on Weibo has also officially exceeded 1000 million!On the contrary, the number of fans on Shaking Hands is a bit of a bottleneck, which is also [-] million.

Moreover, Yiyi Milk's ad was also launched, just like what Chu Qing thought at the time, his aggressive style went up immediately, and he completely established himself as a singer!

And the revenue for the song and the endorsement fees for the commercials have all come down, and Chu Qing has earned tens of millions of dollars just by relying on "Ugly Monsters"!

It has even been covered by countless singers. Even now, the popularity of "Ugly" has not gone down!
And relying on Ugly's enthusiasm, the 14-year-old pianist was also "greeted"!

She has withdrawn from the Internet, but there are still legends about her on the Internet.

With the money, Chu Qing started her own plan to set up a studio!

To set up a studio, you must have your own assets. It just so happens that Haik, the capital of Nanhai Province, is attracting investment. At present, 39 film and television companies have settled in, and the policies and conditions are also very good.

Chu Qing simply spent 1000 million to buy a small office building there!
If there is no policy, plus Song Dawei's relationship, let alone 1000 million, 3000 to [-] million will not come down!

With the fixed assets and registered capital, the remaining things will be easy to handle. According to Song Dawei, it will not be long before the studio can be fully established.

"Other scenes are optional, but for this scene, you have to cry for me, the kind of crying that suddenly gets understood by others after carrying everything on your own, understand?"

The director Xia Xiangxiang was explaining the play to Chu Qing with a serious face, and Chu Qing also listened attentively, whether he listened to it or not, he still had the necessary attitude.

Zhang Zifeng on the side also listened very seriously, because she also had a crying scene after a while.

"Come on! All departments are ready, let's go to the show first!"

Hearing this, Chu Qing turned over the station and came to the platform on the other side. There were still a lot of luggage on the ground!

"Come on! The actor prepares his emotions and counts down to five seconds, five, four"

As the director counted down, Chu Qing immediately began to brew emotions.

After the director's countdown was over, Xia Xue, played by Zhang Zifeng, ran down the platform, looking left and right, looking for something, and then seemed to see Chu Qing on the other side of the platform.

"elder brother!"

Hearing this, Chu Qing turned her head and looked at Zhang Zifeng. The two of them didn't speak, but tears flowed out.

"Very good! Very good! Props and make-up are ready, and the real shooting will start next time!"

Chu Qing scratched his head. Even though he knew it was not good for an actor to change the script, he still couldn't help but want to give the director some advice. After all, the ending of the previous life was really too classic.

Chu Qing trotted to the director's side and smiled, "Director Xia, I have a small idea and want to discuss it with you."

Xia Xiangxiang was instructing the installation of the props, and after listening to it, he turned around with a smile and said, "Okay, what do you think?"

Since Chu Qing proposed the idea of ​​voice-activated lights and switches last time, the director has attached great importance to his ideas. Now that he has new ideas, he naturally wants to hear them.

"It's Director Xia like this. I think it's a little too thin to just say "Brother" and then shed tears?"

"Oh? Tell me what you think"

"When we were filming before, Xia Tian's character design was a careless person who always forgets things, and always asked his sister to help him carry his schoolbag, so I had this idea, and added two lines, just say , bro, you dropped something"

Chu Qing told Xia Xiangxiang what he thought of "myself", and Xia Xiangxiang was immediately dumbfounded.

Chu Qing saw that she didn't react at all after listening to it, and Chu Qing was also a little confused, thinking whether you like it or not, but say it!

"Okay! This is good! Good!"

Suddenly Xia Xiangxiang laughed excitedly, which startled Chu Qing and the people around him.

I heard Xia Xiangxiang laughing loudly, and kept saying yes, people who didn't know might think she was bewitched!
"Zifeng! Zifeng, come here, the script needs to be revised, add two more lines"

Xia Xiangxiang smiled for a while before realizing it, hurriedly called Zhang Zifeng to his side, and said his lines again.

The lines were also very simple, there were only two lines in total, and the movements were not added much. Zhang Zifeng memorized it after listening to it once, and looked at Chu Qing with strange eyes, most of which were definitely worship.

"Come on! The actors are at their positions! The lighting and radio are ready! "Brother with a Headache" is wrapping up the scene! Let's begin!"

Zhang Zifeng ran in along the platform, looking around, but couldn't see the figure she wanted to see.


A train passed by. Zhang Zifeng looked and saw Chu Qing packing up on the opposite platform. There was a railway track between them, so close and yet so far away.

"elder brother!"

Zhang Zifeng yelled, Chu Qing's body froze, and he turned around to look, with a sunny smile on his face subconsciously.

Zhang Zifeng just looked at him like that, at the elder brother whom he hated so much and then wanted to save so much.

"Brother! You dropped something"

Zhang Zifeng shouted, Chu Qing was startled, looked down at his salute, then picked up his schoolbag and smiled.

"I'm down, I've got my schoolbag"

His smile was finally no longer sunny, but a little far-fetched. Parting is always sad, especially when you have to be separated from the person you care about the most.

"You left me behind"

Zhang Zifeng's voice was not loud, but Chu Qing obviously heard it, and his hand holding the schoolbag was so stiff in the air.

"You left me behind!!!"

This time, Zhang Zifeng shouted out almost with all his strength.

The smile on Chu Qing's face could no longer be maintained, Dou Da's tears flowed down her eyes like money!

Xia Xiangxiang, who was behind the director's chair, cried for himself.

Many staff members felt blocked in their hearts. They clearly knew that this was filming, but Chu Qing's current expression of crying and laughing seemed to have pierced their weakness with a knife!

Those tears were like drum hammers, pounding in their hearts one after another.

"Clang clang ~"

The big clock at the station rang, and it was almost midnight. Zhang Zifeng nervously took out his phone and opened the candle's APP.

"Bring my brother back!"

She blew hard on the candle, and it went out.

"Card! I announce! "Brother with a Headache" is officially finished!"

The director's voice rang through the speakers, but no one cheered for the staff, they hadn't walked out of Chu Qing's performance yet.

Chu Qing had already wiped away her tears, but she was thinking in her heart.

"No, no, this movie must be renamed, this name is too ugly! My God~"

(End of this chapter)

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