Chapter 123 Buying a Car
On the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Chu Qing and Duan Peng appeared at the Bingcheng Railway Station!

In the ice city in the twelfth lunar month, the temperature is more than 20 degrees below zero. It is definitely an exaggeration to say that you pee with a hammer, but it is perfectly normal to say that dripping water turns into ice.

Both of them were ready with down jackets and cotton trousers, but when they got off the train and the cold wind blew, they still felt as if a small knife had been scraped on their faces, and their foreheads became dizzy.

It took a while to get used to it, and the two got into a taxi directly, Duan Peng was still complaining.

"I have to reverse the car later and take a long-distance bus. I'm in trouble."

"Don't reverse the car, go buy a car!"

Chu Qing rubbed her hands and said to the driver: "Master, please go to the nearest Mercedes 4S store."

Duan Peng stared wide-eyed and said, "Damn it, do you really want to buy a car?"

Chu Qing hummed and said, "Can you drive?"

Duan Peng shook his head resolutely and said, "Don't you know about me? I have a certificate, but I can't open it. Don't talk about me, you can open it?"

Duan Peng's eyes were full of doubts. After all, the two of them took the driver's license test together in university, so who doesn't know who!
But he was really wrong. In his previous life, Chu Qing was a salesman and usually ran back and forth for business. How could he do without a car?

I can't say how good his driving skills are, but there must be no problem with normal driving.

"You two, are you going?"

The driver also thought he was being silly, after all, who has seen how many people bought a car because they didn't want to back it up?And it's a Mercedes!

"Go, go directly!"

Chu Qing moved his body a little bit, he is considered an upstart now, his parents called him a while ago to ask him why he left his job at the TV station, all those distant relatives in the family took it for fun, even if Chu Qing After filming the advertisement for Yiyi Milk, those relatives seemed to be unable to see it, and talked sourly all day long.

Don't want any iron job, go to be a singer, can that thing make money?
This time Chu Qing just wanted to show them what it means to make money!

"Hey, sit down, both of you."

The driver master promised, pressed the meter, and slowly drove away from the train station.

After about ten minutes, they arrived at a 4S store. After Chu Qing scanned the QR code and paid for the car, the two put on hats and masks before getting out of the car.

After the two walked into the 4S store, a woman in black business attire came over. This woman looked about thirty, with a professional smile on her face. No matter who saw it, she felt very kind. With experience in sales, Chu Qing knew that this person must have two talents.

"Gentlemen, shall we come to see the car or pick it up?"

"Look at the car, do you have any new cars to introduce?"

Chu Qing asked directly, it was already noon now, and he planned to go home and finish his meal, so he didn't have time to say anything else.

"Yes, it just so happened that a few new models came to our store this week, and now we are the only ones in the entire ice city that have existing cars. I wonder what kind of car this gentleman wants to see? What kind of car do you like? It's a sedan. Or an SUV?"

"Well, let's take a look. You don't have to worry about the price, as long as it's suitable."

The car salesperson nodded with a smile. Generally, as Chu Qing said, there are usually only two types of people. One type is really not short of money, and the second type is purely for pretending to be B.

The proportion of the latter is far greater than that of the former, especially when bringing girlfriends to see the car, there are more such people.

The salesman casually looked at Duan Peng, wondering if this person might be GAY!
I thought so in my heart, but on the surface it remained calm.

"Sir, what do you think of this car? This is our latest S-class car 480 this year, and it accelerates from 5.8 kilometers in [-] seconds."

The salesman led Chu Qing and the two to a wine-red car, and thoughtfully opened the door on the driving seat, indicating that Chu Qing could sit in and feel it.

Duan Peng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "How much is this car?"

"The current price of this car is 140 million, but now we have a promotion, the whole car is 160 million and you can drive away"

Duan Peng's eyes were wide open, and he said a damn thing!

Chu Qing also shook her head vigorously. Seeing the sales situation, the balance in her heart was biased toward the fact that these two people were here to pretend to be aggressive, but the enthusiasm on her face did not diminish in the slightest.

"Let's look at SUVs"

The car salesperson smiled politely, and led the two of them to the square road in front of the car.

"This is also our latest new G-series car, G63, what do you think of this car, sir?"

Chu Qing laughed when he saw it, his father liked this kind of car, saying that it was enough for men, and it was only for tough guys!
When he was young, when his father drove him to school in that old taxi, he always said that when he got old, he would change to a big jeep, go fishing if he had nothing to do, and coax his grandson, that's life.

If this car is for his dad to drive, it will definitely work.

Duan Peng obviously liked it too, and asked, "How much is this car?"

"There's no activity in this car, and if it's all down, it's almost two shit."

Chu Qing was amused by the car salesman's words, but Duan Peng stared wide-eyed, more than 300 million?It's funny.

Chu Qing looked at the car salesperson and said with a smile: "If I pay the full amount today, can the car be taken away?"

The car salesman was startled, as if he didn't hear clearly, and said, "Excuse me, sir, what did you just say?"

"Ah, I said that if I pay the full price today, can this car be driven away?"

The car salesperson heard it clearly this time, but he still couldn't believe it, so he introduced it softly.

"Sir, this one is our special edition, priced at 2505 million yuan, are you sure you want to pay the full price today?"

Chu Qing took out her wallet with a smile, took out her bank card and said, "Yes, I'm sure, but I still say the same thing. If I pay the full amount today, can the car drive away? It's too cold outside."

"Yes, yes!"

Now the salesman has realized that these two people are not here to pretend, but the kind of big customers who are really not short of money!

She hurriedly called two more car salesmen to come over to entertain them, lighting cigarettes and pouring tea, but Chu Qing waved her hand and said: "Don't be so troublesome, just calculate it for me, and then be fast, I want to drive home for dinner before night Woolen cloth"

"Don't worry sir, everything is left to me!"

The car salesman who received him first had a different expression. He had a gentle smile before, but now his smile is so sweet.

Chu Qing sat aside with a smile, watching the car salesperson busy preparing the contract, and then a special person came to introduce Chu Qing the fee for a while, and what gifts their 4S shop would give away, etc.

Chu Qing didn't listen too carefully, because he didn't buy the car for himself, and he just used it for transportation at home. The reason why he bought it was mainly because the LOGO was big, and it was used to install B for his father.

"Sir, you need to pay a purchase tax of 188389 yuan, a license fee of 500 yuan, a vehicle and vessel use tax of 2900 yuan, a compulsory traffic insurance of 950 yuan, a consumption tax of 188389.38 yuan, a commercial insurance of 48903 yuan, and 250 million yuan for our car. We touched a fraction, and the total is 280 million for you!"

The salesman smiled kindly, and Chu Qing took out the bank card gracefully.

"Swipe card"

(End of this chapter)

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