Chapter 124 Choice
Duan Peng has been in a state of confusion. Half a year ago, the two of them were still poor students who were huddled together in a rented house and dared not order meat.

Half a year later, Chu Qing owned an office building of her own in Haik, which was said to have cost tens of millions, and now a car costs nearly 300 million!
All of this is like a dream, and what is even more unbelievable is that the male protagonist in this dream still knows him, and he is super familiar!

He saw Chu Qing come to this step with his own eyes, which also stimulated him to strengthen his heart, and secretly vowed that he would also make a good appearance. We are all brothers, and he can't be left too far behind by his brothers!
"Mr. Chu, this is my business card. If you have any problems with your car, or if you have any questions, you can call me."

After the car salesman swiped his card, his attitude towards Chu Qing became even better.

When she handed over the business card, she scratched Chu Qing's palm inadvertently. Chu Qing took a look at the business card, and saw a line of numbers written in carbon pen under the phone, which was obviously her personal phone number.

Chu Qing smiled at her, and then asked, "Can we drive away?"

"Ah, please wait a moment. We are preparing temporary license plates and fire extinguisher warning racks for you. Someone will notify you after they are installed. By the way, Mr. Chu, have you eaten yet? We have a restaurant here, if you are not in a hurry , we can go get something to eat"

Chu Qing waved his hand and said, "No need, please give me a cup of tea, and move faster, I'm in a hurry to leave"


The salesman looked a little disappointed, and left with his waist twisted.

Chu Qing stretched his waist. As an adult, especially an adult who went to Fengyue places for performance in the previous life, he was a little panicked after more than half a year of abstinence, but as a 'public figure', he Know how big the risk will be once you do something, and your career has just started, so he won't be caught by others!
The days in Bingcheng in winter are very short, and it starts to get dark after three o'clock in the afternoon.

Fortunately, the car was ready at this time. Chu Qing was standing outside the 4S shop with the car keys. The salesman beside him was carrying two bags of souvenirs, including umbrellas, water glasses, notebooks, etc., and the other was It's a pillow and some time card vouchers, which can be used for future maintenance.

Two or three minutes later, the silver and black big G stopped in front of Chu Qing, and the staff of the 3S shop got off the car and handed over the keys and some money to Chu Qing.

"Sir, the gas is full, here it is."

"I'll give you a tip, Dapeng, get in the car and go"


Duan Peng agreed, took the things in the salesman's hands and put them in the back of the car, then sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Chu Qing waved to the staff of the 4S store, got in the car and drove away with the big G.

After waiting for Chu Qing to drive away, the refueling worker looked at his hand, there were more than 200 yuan left, and he put the money in his pocket with a happy face: "The rich are so arrogant, this is Really not bad money!"

The salesman rolled his eyes at him and said: "Nonsense, people who are short of money can look at the car and just buy it for 280 million? I have sold cars for seven years, and I have only seen this kind of person twice! But this person The voice is so familiar, I seem to have heard it before, but I didn’t recognize it because I was wearing a mask all the time.”

"Sister, why didn't you let him take off his mask?"

"Nonsense, that's the God of Wealth! Do you dare to ask God of Wealth to take off the mask? If God of Wealth doesn't buy it, you can give me the commission."


In the car, Duan Peng was excited about everything, especially after his mobile phone was connected to Bluetooth, and he shook his head while playing an earthy DJ.

"Qingzi, Qingzi, you are considered rich now, how are you going to squander it!"

"Profligate? It's only a few farts. Our little money is not enough to buy a house in Yanjing."

Chu Qing drove the car skillfully, as if the car belonged to him in the first place, and he didn't feel uncomfortable buying a new car at all.

Duan Peng sighed: "Hey, when do you think I can afford such a nice car?"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Then you should quickly practice the car, and when you are almost done, I will give you one."

After hearing this, Duan Peng shook his head directly and said, "Just kidding! A man is not a cheap food! My car must be bought with my own money!"

Chu Qing smiled, just in front of a red light, he stopped the car, looked at the traffic light, and said calmly.



"You can listen to what I'm telling you now as a joke. I hope you can make choices from your own perspective, and don't ignore your heart because of brotherhood or something like that."

Hearing Chu Qing's serious tone, Duan Peng also became serious.

"you say it"

Chu Qing looked at the countdown on the traffic light and said: "I established a studio in Haik. Of course, the qualifications have not yet been obtained. After I am obtained, there will only be an artist like me and a manager like Song Dawei."

"When you look at the company, it's like a leather bag company, but I'm pretty confident"

"There are two options in front of you now. The first option is to join my studio, but because the studio is initially established, the resources are definitely not available, and I'm not popular yet, so most of the resources will definitely not be available. I'll use it soon"

"The second choice is to join another company! Dawei has known many friends over the years, and he can still get you a B-level artist contract. Of course, the company is definitely not the biggest. But it is also a well-known company in the industry”

"How do you choose?"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, the two people in the car fell silent, only the ear-piercing earthy DJ songs were still playing.

Chu Qing originally thought that Duan Peng would think about it for a long time. After all, this is a major event that can affect a person. As the saying goes, women are afraid of marrying the wrong man, and men are afraid of entering the wrong line of work. The same is true for choosing a company.

"I join your studio"

But Duan Peng gave his answer within two seconds.

Chu Qing looked at Duan Peng in surprise, and heard Duan Peng laughing and saying: "I think you will be popular in a few years! As the first person to join your studio, am I afraid that I will not have resources?"

Chu Qing laughed, and Duan Peng also laughed.

The red light turned into a green light, Chu Qing silently started the car and headed towards home.

Chu Qing's home is in an old community. Fortunately, the maintenance of the property is pretty good. Except for no elevator and no greenery, other places are acceptable.

Chu Qing is very satisfied with her property. During the holidays, they usually prepare some small gifts for the owners. Although they are not expensive things, they are enough for the old men and women in the community to have a good day.

"Drip drip!"

Chu Qing honked the horn outside the community. There was no underground parking lot in the old community, but there were several parking spaces in the community.

The old security guard put on his coat slowly, and walked out of the watchtower
(End of this chapter)

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