Chapter 125
This doorman is Chu Qing's old acquaintance. He was the doorman here when Chu Qing was in junior high school. In a blink of an eye, it has been almost ten years.

"Uncle Li, it's me, Chu Qing!"

Chu Qing got out of the car door, took out two packs of cigarettes and stuffed them into Uncle Li's hands.

Uncle Li saw Qing clearly with his presbyopic glasses. He laughed and said, "Xiao Qing, hey! Is this a new car? It's so beautiful, what brand is it?"

"Hey, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, sir, is there any parking space in the community?"

"Yes, yes, get in the car quickly, I will open the door for you and take you there"

Uncle Li smiled harmoniously. He put two packs of cigarettes in his coat pocket and opened the door. He led Chu Qing to a parking space and helped park the car.

As for Duan Peng, Chu Qing sent him home just now. Duan Peng's father forced the two packs of cigarettes into him when he was leaving, saying that it was to thank him for taking care of Duan Peng during this time. He told his father about being his assistant.

After parking the car, Chu Qing let out a hot breath and walked towards the corridor of her house.

Only now did Uncle Li see what brand the car was, and with a hush, he stared and said with emotion.

"Good guy, Mercedes! No one in this car can't get under 20!"

Chu Qing, who walked into the corridor, did not hear Uncle Li's emotion clearly, otherwise he would definitely vomit blood.

The floor of his house is very high, and the house on the top of the sixth floor is the fifth floor. He also bought it for cheap at that time, and he has lived in it for so many years.

Chu Qing who walked to the door of the house was inexplicably nervous, and suddenly traveled back to the past, and so many things happened, he was really nervous when facing his parents.

"dong dong dong"

Chu Qing knocked on the door, the old-fashioned house didn't have a doorbell or video intercom.

"Who is it?"

The mother's voice came from inside the room. The moment she heard her mother's voice, the tension in Chu Qing's heart disappeared in an instant. No matter how it changed, it was her own mother. There was nothing to be nervous about.

"Mom, me"

As soon as Chu Qing's voice fell, the door was opened from the inside, and the mother said with a surprised face: "Didn't you say it would take a few days before, why did you come back so soon?"

"Ah, the post-production shooting speed of the crew has increased, so I came back a few days earlier."

"Hurry up, come in, it's freezing."

The mother hurriedly pulled Chu Qing into the room. Chu Qing's mother was not tall, not even 1.6 meters tall. She wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses on her face, giving off a very friendly and talkative feeling.

The father in the house also came out, still holding chopsticks in his hand, he should be eating.

Seeing his son coming back, his father, Chu Jianye, laughed and scolded: "I didn't say hello in advance when I came back, so that your mother can buy two more vegetables! Hey, you wait, Dad will buy some pork head meat!"

After the father finished speaking, he was about to put on his clothes and go out. Chu Qing hurriedly stopped his father and said, "Dad, don't bother, and you're not an outsider, just eat whatever you want."

Mother Wang Ping also said: "Don't go, the business is good, and it closes at four or five o'clock, so it's useless to go."

Chu Jianye looked at the shredded potatoes and braised peppers on the table and said, "Then I can't let my son eat this! I finally came back."

Chu Qing smiled and waved his hands and said: "It's really unnecessary, Dad, I will stay for a long time when I come back to celebrate the New Year, and I will go to buy delicious food tomorrow."

My father still didn't give up, but my mother, Wang Ping, stared and said, "Are you looking for an excuse to go out and buy wine? I told you no!"

Only then did his father sit down awkwardly, and his mother, Wang Ping, hung up Chu Qing's coat and served him a bowl of rice.

"Hurry up and eat, you're tired after sitting for so long."

Chu Qing smiled and hummed, bowed her head and began to eat.

It's still a familiar smell, and it's still the smell that you can't forget wherever you go.

After eating, the father and son sat on the sofa and watched TV. The mother was cleaning up the dishes, and the father took out his mobile phone and smiled.

"Look, dad has recorded all your commercials. Now I go to the supermarket with your mom to buy the milk you endorsed. It's just too damn expensive, more than 60, I really can't afford it"

Father took out his mobile phone, which contained the advertisement he had recorded, which was Yiyi Milk, which Chu Qing endorsed.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Dad, our family is rich now, can't afford milk?"

When Chu Jianye heard the words, he said seriously: "Son, money is something that you have to spend as if you have no money! Your mother saved all the money you earned before. When you came back by bus, did you see the passenger transport?" A new real estate in Zhan? Your mother and I are going to buy you a house there."

After hearing the voice, the mother also smiled and said: "Yes, yes, the location of the house is good, it is close to the school, and the hospital is not far, but it is a bit more expensive."

Chu Qing smiled and said, "No need, I've finished buying the house."

As soon as the words came out, the parents were very surprised. The mother didn't wash the dishes, and ran to the sofa, looking at Chu Qing curiously, and said, "Son, have you finished buying the house? Where are you? Yanjing?"

Chu Qing smiled and shook her head, "Zaihai K"

The father slapped his thigh and said: "Son! Don't you be deceived by others! I pulled a customer over when I was driving before, saying that hundreds of thousands of people bought a villa in Haik, but when I went, don't talk about the villa. No, not even a toilet!"

Chu Qing shook her head with a smile and said, "Don't worry Dad, I'm not a fool, can I still be cheated on such a big thing as buying a house?"

"How much did it cost? Second-hand housing or rough housing?"

Mother directly asked a key question, Chu Qing laughed and said, "It took more than 1000 million."

Dad breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words: "It's okay, just over 1000 million?"

For the last [-], Chu Jianye's voice was a little out of tune!

Both parents looked at Chu Qing in disbelief. They knew that Chu Qing had endorsed the advertisement, and they also knew that Chu Qing was a small Internet celebrity, but they had no idea about Internet celebrities.

In their impression, it is not bad for Internet celebrities to earn 8000 yuan a month, and they are still young fans.

Just like what their relatives think, their parents actually think that they should not lose their "iron rice bowl" in the TV station. Although they earn less money, they are stable!
So after the son came back, the old couple deliberately didn't mention work, because they were afraid of "adding trouble" to the son.

Unexpectedly, the son actually said that he spent 1000 million to buy a house, and they were dumbfounded at the time.

Mother Wang Ping grabbed Chu Qing's arm and said, "Son, our family lives according to our duties, so we can't do anything illegal!"

Chu Qing was amused by her mother, and leaned on the sofa and said, "Haha, what are you talking about, mom, I earned it myself, what kind of law did I break, just say that the fresh milk advertisement I endorsed, you know I got it How much is the endorsement fee?"

"How many?"

Father swallowed, his expression somewhat expectant.

"500 million!"

After hearing this number, there was silence in the house.

Chu Qing continued: "And my songs are also popular, and now I can easily earn tens of thousands a day."



(End of this chapter)

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