Chapter 126

It took nearly a minute for the parents to digest the news.

But both of them looked like they were in a dream, as if they still didn't believe it.

Chu Qing smiled and took out the car keys from her pocket, and put them on the coffee table in front of her father.

"Dad, a present for you"

Chu Jianye's eyes straightened when he saw the car keys. He is a person who likes cars, so he naturally knows these things.



"Where's the car?"

"Our house is downstairs"

Hearing this, Chu Jianye picked up the key and went downstairs, Chu Qing hurriedly said.

"Clothes, clothes, dad, it's more than 20 degrees below zero outside!"

Only then did my father remember, put on a coat, pulled Chu Qing and said, "Let's go, let's look at the car, look at the car"

Naturally, Chu Qing would not spoil his father's interest. Besides, he bought this car to show off to his father.

Waiting for the father and son to go out, the mother Wang Ping was still a little unresponsive, when the Yiyi milk endorsed by Chu Qing appeared on the TV again.

Wang Ping finally came to her senses and covered her mouth in surprise: "Just a few words, and so much money? My god, now my daughter-in-law doesn't have to worry, hahahaha"

When the father and son went downstairs, Chu Jianye pressed the key to get off the car, and suddenly the lights in the parking space not far away flickered twice.

When Chu Jianye walked to the front of the car, he was stunned, and then gently stroked the hood as if facing a rare treasure.

"This is a special edition of the G63, eight cylinders, 585 horsepower, 4.5-[-] kilometers in [-] seconds."

Before he sat in, Chu Jianye chattered about a bunch of data, which meant that he was no worse than that car salesman at all.

Chu Qing thought it was too cold outside, so he took Chu Jianye's arm and said, "Dad, get in the car, it's too cold outside!"

"Hey, get in the car, get in the car"

The corners of Chu Jianye's mouth are almost grinning to the ears. Although Chu Qing spent 1000 million to buy a 'house', in Chu Jianye's eyes, it is far from being able to compare with this car!

After getting into the car, Chu Jianye stroked the steering wheel and adjusted the seat carefully, his expression was as gentle as he wanted.

"Dad, let's go and take a stroll around the street?"

Chu Jianye was obviously a little moved, but he pretended to be reserved and said: "No, this is a new car. If I scratch it, it will be bad."

"Dad, this car was originally bought for you. Besides, I have driven it back in this way. Your 30-year-old driver, are you still worried about this?"

"Hey hey, okay! Then drive around~"

Chu Jianye started the car, was intoxicated by the sound of the engine, and then began to talk about the fuel for the fare.

But after he finished talking, he laughed again, saying that this car runs fast and has good performance, but after finishing talking, he said that maintenance is expensive.

Seeing him happy for a while and tangled for a while, Chu Qing felt an inexplicable sense of happiness in her heart.

His parents who had given him so much trouble in the previous life, in this life, he just wanted to give them the best and make them healthy and carefree.

Chu Qing's hometown belongs to a small county town, and there are not many pedestrians following cars at night, especially at night.

But even so, Chu Jianye drove extra carefully and taught Chu Qing his experience.

"Son, when driving, you must keep your eyes on the six roads and your ears to listen to all directions"

Chu Qing listened very patiently. His parents always did this, wishing to put all the experience he had accumulated in his life into the minds of his children, for fear that they would suffer a certain disadvantage like himself.

"Son, you are really serious, and you didn't ask them to change to snow tires. These four-season tires are so dangerous on ice and snow roads like ours, and they can't climb uphill."

The father seemed to be complaining, but the smile on his face never stopped. After driving for a few minutes, he stopped in front of a small supermarket.

"Wait for a while"

Father unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, and within a few minutes came out with a 'good cigarette'.

"What the hell, the price has increased again"

Father opened the cigarette, took out a box inside and threw it to Chu Qing, but still told him: "Smoke less, you must smoke less, understand? Your father and I can't keep up because of driving, otherwise I will definitely quit smoking!"

Chu Qing responded with a smile. When he was a child, he was caught smoking secretly by his father and almost beat him to death!
His father stopped caring about Chuqing until he was an intern at Chuqing University and entered the society.

After all, society is a river and lake. As the saying goes, people are in the rivers and lakes and cannot help themselves.

Cigarettes are not something you can stop smoking if you want to, and alcohol is not something you can stop drinking if you don’t want to.

Father started the car and drove towards the distance. After looking at the road, Chu Qing asked, "Isn't this the way to the train station? Isn't it crowded there?"

"Hey, don't squeeze, don't squeeze"

After driving for three or four minutes, I arrived at the train station. My father skillfully drove the car to the waiting space, then picked up two packs of cigarettes and put them in his pocket, saying, "Son, it's cold outside, so don't get down."

After speaking, he opened the door and got out of the car. As soon as he opened the door, Chu Qing heard a surprised voice.

"Fuck, why does this look like Brother Chu?"

"What the hell, isn't this Brother Chu?"

"Brother Chu! Whose big G is it?"

As soon as Chu Qing heard it, she understood that her father couldn't take it anymore and came here to show off to his old brother.

That's right, this time period is the time when taxis are waiting for people at the train station. Chu Qing's father has been driving a taxi for so many years, and he still doesn't know the itinerary of these old brothers very well.

"Hahaha, my son bought it for me, how about it?"

"Fuck! Brother Chu, isn't your son the host? Now the host can afford a big G?"

"Hey, what kind of old calendar is that? Have you seen the advertisement of Yiyi Milk? My son endorsed it! My son is now a star, and he is releasing an album and making a movie."

"Oh, Brother Chu, then what do you still do with us! You can retire early now, lie at home every day, and enjoy life."

"Hey, what are you talking about? If my son has money, it belongs to my son. As a father, I can still spend my son's money? Hahahaha"

"Brother Chu, this car is quite expensive!"

"My son said that he didn't have a lot of money, and the whole amount was more than 280 million."

"Oh my god, man! I've been driving a car all my life and I can't buy half of it."

"Hahaha, bullshit, bullshit, come on, smoke smoke"

Today, the voice of the old man chatting is extraordinarily loud, and the cigarette in his hand is also extraordinarily diligent.

When I got up early the next morning, my mother had already prepared breakfast.

While drinking porridge, Chu Qing asked curiously, "Where's Dad? Don't you eat?"

Mother pouted and said, "The car is being cleaned downstairs."

Chu Qing said with a puzzled face: "How do you clean the car in winter?"

The mother shook her head and said, "Who knows, that's what he told me, and that he had to buy a bag to carry around today, or he wouldn't match his temperament."


Mother's words made Chu Qing amused, but her mother started to complain.

"Tell me about you. If you have a little money, you start to spend it randomly. That's called a small 300 million! 300 million! Your mother can't get so much money after working hard all her life, but you bought him such a crap, It’s square, it’s ugly to look at.”

(End of this chapter)

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