Chapter 128

The two aunts surrounded Wang Ping and chatted small words, full of envy for Wang Ping.

The second uncle is sitting in front of the computer and playing games. Chu Qing's second uncle is a teenager with Internet addiction, uh, a middle-aged Internet addict!

His biggest hobby is playing online games, and he spends a lot of money for it. However, his second uncle has a better job. He works at the Meteorological Bureau in the town. He usually has nothing to do and has a lot of free time.

It is precisely because both uncles have 'official jobs' that the eldest uncle often looks superior.

However, Chu Jianye is not a good-tempered person, and usually hates him a lot. When comparing work, Chu Jianye said that his son is at Yanjing TV Station!He was so angry that he had nothing to say. Not long after he heard that Chu Qing was fired, he thought that he could finally 'revenge', but he didn't expect Chu Qing's family to show off their wealth!
"Dad, Bao"

"Well, where's your uncle?"

"Uncle is outside, maybe something is wrong"

Hearing Chu Qing's words, Chu Jianye couldn't help but smile, took out two packs of good cigarettes after taking the bag, opened one pack himself, and threw the other pack in front of the second uncle's computer desk.

The second uncle has already reached the state of forgetting both things and me, and shouted while wearing earphones.

"You are so sick, do you deserve to eat my river crab? Are you worthy?"

Chu Qing was speechless. Sure enough, anyone can change, only his second uncle can't. He is still the boy he used to be, without any change~
Chu Jianye couldn't help being a little speechless, but he still had a good impression of his brother-in-law, at least better than his brother-in-law.

Chu Qing went to celebrate the new year with grandma and grandpa first, then sat on the sofa beside him, took out his mobile phone and put on earphones, and began to send New Year greetings to other people. First of all, Song Dawei was the one to whom Chu Qing called.

In a few seconds, the video connection was connected.

"You're early"

On the other end of the video, Song Dawei obviously just woke up, his hair hasn't been washed yet, and his whole body presents a feeling of sleepiness.

Seeing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "Are you so confused on the first day of the new year?"

"Hey, don't mention it, I drank too much last night, and I'm still confused now"

Song Dawei rubbed his head while talking, then yawned and prepared to wash up.

Only then did Chu Qing realize that Song Dawei's family is so big!

"Is your house this big?"

Chu Qing couldn't hold back, and asked her own question, but Song Dawei's side was a little stuck, and it took a few seconds for it to clear up.

"What did you say? I was in the elevator just now, and the signal was not very good"

"..., does your house have an elevator?"

"Nonsense, my house is on the sixth floor, and there is no elevator, won't you be exhausted?"

"Sixth floor?"

"Yes, ah, my house is a villa, with four floors above ground and two floors underground"

"What, happy new year"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she turned off the phone resolutely. Sure enough, she knew that this thief was not short of money, but she didn't expect this guy to be so cheap!

Then Chu Qing sent New Year greeting messages to Xia Xiangxiang, Zhang Zifeng, Lu Xiaoke and others one by one.

When he took off the earphones, he realized that there were two little guys in front of him.

But it would be a little wrong to call the little guy, because they are both seventeen or eighteen, and they are old enough to go to college.

There are two little guys, a boy and a girl, the older one is the cousin of his uncle's family, and the younger one is the cousin of the second uncle's family.

"What's wrong, why are you looking at me like that?"

Chu Qing took off the earphones, and when they heard Chu Qing's voice, the two immediately became excited.

"Brother, I've been watching "Idol Has an Attitude", and I even voted for you!"

The cousin spoke first, her eyes sparkling.

Chu Qing smiled, originally wanted to rub her head, but suddenly thought that she was a big girl, so Chu Qing took her hand back again.

"Thank you bro, if you didn't vote, I might not be able to win the championship."

"Brother! And me! Not only did I vote for myself, but I also asked the whole class to vote for me."

The cousin also couldn't wait to prove his 'credit', but Chu Qing said in surprise: "You are a young man, what are you doing watching that kind of program?"

Cousin is speechless, nonsense, I see what's wrong, you still acted!
When eating at noon, grandma prepared a large table of dishes.

Everyone ate happily, and Chu Jianye was the happiest.

Especially when the uncle asked what Chu Qing was doing now, Chu Jianye looked indifferent.

"Oh, I didn't do anything. I just spent more than 1000 million yuan to open a company in Haik. Now I have nothing to do with singing, filming and so on. Now it's only a few million profits every month. It's nothing, it's nothing. nothing"

As soon as the words came out, the uncle would not need to put vinegar in his meals for the next year, he would be sour enough himself.

The two little guys looked adoring, and the cousin laughed and said, "Brother, can you sign me?"

Chu Qing looked at his cousin and said, "Okay, by the way, are you going to take the college entrance examination this year?"

The cousin sighed, waved his hand and said, "Don't mention these unhappy things."

This almost made Chu Qing laugh, and the second aunt also looked like she hated iron and steel: "You can't work hard, look at your brother!"

The cousin sighed again when he heard the words, and Chu Qing smiled.

"You work hard, if you pass the exam, I will give you a three-piece set of mobile phone, tablet and notebook"

The cousin's eyes lit up, then dimmed again, a book, how can it be so easy to test.

Seeing her cousin yearn for it, Chu Qing smiled and said, "You are the same, no matter who you two are, I will give you a copy if you pass the exam."

"Thank you bro"

"Thank you bro"

After lunch, they chatted for a while, and Chu Qing's family took the lead to leave before dark.

After waiting for the family of three to leave, the uncle said a little sourly: "This kid is too stingy. Now that he is so rich, my sister only gave me so much in the last book."

The eldest aunt pinched him angrily when she heard the words: "What do you owe you? Look at your worthless appearance, even your own nephew is jealous!"

Seeing this, the second aunt covered her mouth and snickered, while the second uncle yawned and said, "Eldest sister is gone, let's go too."

Chu Qing stayed at home for fifteen years before leaving the house again.

His parents are also very supportive of his decision. Although they have a little money now, young people just want to go out and explore, broaden their horizons, and break out their own world!

Chu Qing took Duan Peng with him, and the two directly bought a ticket to Haik, while Song Dapeng had already arrived at Haik, waiting for them there.

After flying in the sky for seven hours, the two arrived in Hainan for the first time.

Compared with the icy and snowy land at home, the temperature here is nearly [-] degrees above zero, which makes the two of them a little uncomfortable.

Song Dawei rented a car locally and came to the airport to pick him up in person.

After the two got into the car, Duan Peng rubbed his eyes at the big sun in the sky and said, "Brother Wei, where are we going?"

"Go to dinner first, and after dinner, I will take you to see our studio! Also, call Song Ge!"

“Good Viagra”


(End of this chapter)

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