Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 129 New Year's New Plan

Chapter 129 New Year's New Plan

The three of them went to eat something, and Duan Peng couldn't wait to visit the studio.

This is a three-story building, and renovation workers are working on it.

After looking at it twice, Chu Qing also lamented that the changes have not been small. The last time he came to sign the contract, it was not as subtle as it is now.

After the three watched the scene for a while, Song Dawei took the two of them to a decent hotel to rest in the afternoon.

On the second day, Chu Qing was dragged to start various formalities. The preliminary work was almost ready, and the rest needed the legal person to come forward.

After several months of busy work in Hai K, Chu Qing's first studio in her two lifetimes has been established!
'That's a big' studio!

When hearing the final name, both Song Dawei and Duan Peng were amused.

Especially Duan Peng laughed and said: "In the future, if people ask me, which studio do you belong to? I can just say oh, that's a big studio! The other side must be confused, hahahaha"

But what is more embarrassing now is that the studio has been established, but they can't get in, because the decoration is not over yet.

Song Dawei registered the official account, website, etc. all over again, for fear that someone would come to make a bet in the future!
In the evening, a few people sat at the food stall and ate barbecue. Although Chu Qing was on fire now, after taking off her makeup, she hadn't reached the level that everyone knew.

Several people were eating barbecue and drinking beer, Song Dawei said.

"It's almost time to rest for such a long time. After the year, people will be busy. During this period of time when I go home, the calls have not stopped. Most of them are asking songs and inviting you to participate in variety shows. There are also those who want to invite you to film. , but they are all youth idol dramas, and they are all TV dramas”

Chu Qing nodded. In fact, youth idol dramas are also okay. It doesn’t matter if anyone watches them, the main thing is to make money!

Just relying on the sentence "First, this is not dragging, it is anger. Second, my name is not Hey, I am Chu Yu X! Created a new unit of measurement, cool!
I have to say, this is also pretty amazing.

"There are also two endorsements. The endorsement of an APP is not bad. The brand is also a big brand, and it is not about financial management. I suggest to follow up."

Chu Qing nodded, no one would have trouble with money.

Several people were discussing, when Chu Qing's phone rang suddenly.

Chu Qing picked it up and saw that the note was Xia Xiangxiang. Chu Qing cleared her throat and adjusted it before answering the phone.

"Hello? Director Xia!"

"Chu Qing, I'm calling you to let you know that our movie will be released on April [-]st!"

Chu Qing was taken aback, and looked at the date on the phone, because last year was the Chinese New Year in February of the Gregorian calendar, and now it's mid-March, which means that it will be released in half a month?

"Director, why are you in such a hurry? Besides, the release date on April [-]st is not very good, why not wait until May [-]st?"

Hearing Chu Qing's words, Xia Xiangxiang's laughter came to mind on the other end of the phone.

"Hahaha, you are stupid, it doesn't matter what our film crew wants, how can the theaters give us a good date, I am quite content with the schedule until April, but I don't know how our movie will be"

"That will definitely work! I will definitely go and see it then!"

"Yeah, by the way, Chu Qing, the name of our movie has been changed."

"Ah? Changed? What's the name?"

"It's changed to "Take My Brother Away"! The inspiration comes from the last line, bring my brother back soon! I thought it had to be taken away before I could bring it back. How about the name?"

"That's great!"

Chu Qing really breathed a sigh of relief. He had long thought that the name was in the second grade, but he was never ashamed to say it. Unexpectedly, director Xia Xiangxiang thought of this name himself.

After chatting with Xia Xiangxiang for a few more words, Chu Qing hung up the phone. Song Dawei and Duan Peng also heard the content of the call and were a little excited.

Especially Song Dawei laughed and said: "I thought it was an online movie before, but I didn't expect it to be released in theaters!"

Chu Qing was also a little surprised: "I didn't expect that an investment of 3000 million yuan would be able to go to theaters, hahaha, it seems that our Director Xia has an extraordinary background."

Song Dawei ate the mutton skewers and said, "You acted as the number one male in a theater movie! Now besides being a singer, you can be honored with the title of an actor again!"

Chu Qing smiled and raised her wine glass: "Come on! To celebrate my becoming an actor, do one!"

"Do one!"

"Drink and drink!"

The three laughed and drank a large glass of beer before Song Dawei continued.

"A while ago, Sister Dong introduced a good variety show called "A Singer". This is already the second season, and the reputation of the first season is very explosive. Some talented singers will participate, and the popularity may be poor. A little bit, but the strength is really nothing to say! There are also two singers who became famous because of this show."

Song Dawei took another big sip before continuing: "Sister Dong's idea this time is to let you stir up scandals with Dong Manli, and since you were so popular a while ago, there should be a chance to get in. Let's see now." What did you choose?"

Chu Qing was really hesitant this time. Just hearing what Song Dawei said, Chu Qing already knew what kind of program it was. Can I do it myself?
His voice is good, but how can he compare with other professional ones in terms of skills?
To use a sentence I read on the Internet before, don't use your hobbies to challenge other people's careers!

Chu Qing was hesitating, when the system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Dididi, the main task is announced! Please invite the host to participate in the "A Singer" column and successfully win the song king!"

"Mission rewards, [-] points! A high-level item from the random system! A blind box of random high-level skills!"

The main task was announced again, but fortunately, nothing was said this time. No new tasks will be released until the task is completed!

This is all right, the system took the initiative to help him make a choice.


Hearing Chu Qing's 'resolute' voice, Song Dawei smiled and said: "Success! This program was recorded on Mango TV. If you don't feel tired, there are two more variety shows on Mango TV that we can participate in. The schedule can be combined. Yes, but both variety shows are flying guests.”

Chu Qing nodded in agreement without even thinking about it: "Okay! Who can live with money? The money in variety shows is so easy to make, why not make money?"

"Sure, then I'll start contacting you tomorrow morning"

It took Song Dawei the whole morning the next day to negotiate all the variety shows. There were three variety shows in total. When Chu Qing knew the appearance fees offered by the other party for the three variety shows, Chu Qing felt like cursing.

The first variety show, "The Life I Want", has an appearance fee of [-] yuan!
The second variety show, "Project Secret Service", has an appearance fee of [-] yuan!
The third variety show, "A Singer", the appearance fee is 50!
(End of this chapter)

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