Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 130 "The Life You Want"

Chapter 130 "The Life You Want"

A week later, the three of them boarded the plane, and Chu Qing and the others couldn't help cursing on the plane.

What the hell, the money given is too little, but there is no way, who made me want to find popularity?
Although they are picky about the mango table, they have to admit that their popularity is really high!
It is said that in their two ace variety shows, guests are not paid at all, and those guests want to have more shots, they have to give gifts to the host.

Of course, I don't know if it's true or not, because he is not yet qualified for the Ace Variety Show.

More than two hours later, the group got off the plane. Song Dawei rented a car in advance, and after handing over to the staff, he drove the two of them straight to the hotel.

This time they need to record a brand new variety show, which is "The Life I Want"!
They just caught up with the recording of the first episode of the first season and needed to meet with the program team to talk about the shooting plan.

After arriving at the hotel, the program team was already waiting.

Chu Qing can be regarded as a star artist now, and if there is capital support behind him, he might have become a traffic artist long ago, so the attitude of the program group is also quite good.

Especially at Chu Qing's price, it's just like Chinese cabbage!

Compared with other stars who spend 30 to [-] a song, Chu Qing only recorded [-] for two days, is that too much?

"Hahaha, Teacher Chu Qing, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Don't, don't, you are Director Hua, just call me Xiao Chu, but I don't dare to be a teacher"

"Hey, I often listen to your songs. It is not too much to call you a teacher. Teacher Chu Qing, you have participated in variety shows before. I think you understand the things in variety shows, but this time the variety show is a little different."

Director Hua Jun and Chu Qing introduced their variety show. First of all, they invited Taizhuzi Mr. He and Yan Ying's Mr. Huang!There is also Liu Hua, the all-round artist who has returned from Bangzi Kingdom, who has become popular recently!

Adopted the classic two big belt one small model, united and friendly.

And now other variety shows are all competitions, tasks, etc., the pace is too fast.

Nowadays, people's life rhythm is already fast, so they want to do the opposite and create a slow-paced variety show, so that everyone can relax and relax!

The director said to give Chu Qing a copy of the script, saying that the script was actually a bit flattering.

It's just a piece of A4 paper, put in a folder.

There are some tasks written on it, all of which are relatively simple things.

Chu Qing looked at it and said there was no problem.

And the recording time of the program is also fast, just two days after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

He needs to go in the morning of the first day and walk in the morning of the second day.

Chu Qing finished reading Xindao, isn't this "Longing for Life"?As one of the loyal fans of the show, I know it too well!

After playing locally for two days, it was time for the official recording of the show.

After the program team drove Chu Qing to the 'village', the recording of the program started!
Chu Qing was dressed in white clothes, and with a sunny smile, she was very conspicuous on the road, especially when she was followed by a portable PD, who looked like a star at first glance, and attracted many people to take photos with her.

Chu Qing is also very easy-going, no matter who it is, whether he knows him or not, whether he is a fan or not, as long as he wants to take a photo with him, Chu Qing will agree.

Of course, after taking the photo, Chu Qing would also ask for directions, and finally arrived at the recording location.

"Wow! Chu Qing! It's Chu Qing who is here!"

"Qingzi? Hey, who am I?"

When Chu Qing appeared at the door, Teacher He spotted Chu Qing first, and then Teacher Huang welcomed him out as if we were all old friends.

Chu Qing smiled and shook hands with the two of them, "Mr. He, Mr. Huang, long time no see, long time no see"

Although this is the first meeting of the three of them, we must say polite words and polite words!

Chu Qing's attitude was very low, after all, he really couldn't be proud in front of these two.

"Dahua, Dahua! Take it for my brother and salute!"

"No, no, I can, I can"

Chu Qing smiled and picked up the suitcase, and led by Teacher He to the living room.

"Oh yes, I brought you a gift"

It wasn't until this time that Dahua walked in with gloves on. He had been chopping firewood just now.

Chu Qing opened the suitcase and took the gift out. It was a picture, and it was a very old New Year picture, which said home and prosperity!
"Wow! Wow! Otherwise it must be this kind of old painting, it looks so artistic, Mr. Huang, Mr. Huang, come and see it!"

Teacher He with a high EQ took the lead in applauding it. Dahua also wanted to say something, but he couldn't think of an adjective over and over again. Both of them felt uncomfortable for him.

Teacher Huang was delighted when he came in and said, "Okay, not bad, let's find a place to hang it up."

Several people studied it, and finally decided to hang it in the center of the living room!

And this is actually Chu Qing's purpose, to put this painting in the most conspicuous position, so that every issue has a shot of this painting, and the audience will always think of him, and a wave of shots will be caught invisibly. Not flattered?
After hanging up the painting, Teacher Huang smiled and said, "Qingzi, have you ever worked at home?"

"Of course"

"That's fine, come, come, build a stove with me"


Chu Qing agreed with a smile, took off her coat, put on a white T-shirt, and started to build a stove with mud with Teacher Huang, watching Teacher He laughing all the time.

"Wearing such clean clothes, but playing with mud, hahaha"

Dahua also smiled, and was rushed to chop firewood by Mr. He.

With Chu Qing's joining, the work was obviously much faster, but Teacher Huang was complaining.

"This is pretty much the same thing, you don't know, those two guys are actually not helping you."

Listening to Teacher Huang's complaints, Chu Qing just laughed but didn't interrupt.

People are complaining among friends, but my relationship with them has not reached that level. If I follow suit, it will only make people annoying.

After the stove was built, Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief and began to wash his hands, while Teacher Huang said, "Dahua, Dahua! Bring some firewood, light the fire, hurry up, do you want to eat tonight?"

"Ah? Ah! Oh oh oh!"

Dahua agreed, and walked over with a few pieces of wood in his arms. Teacher Huang frowned and said, "You can't just split it, it's too thick, and a piece of wood is worth at least six shares. You can get some thinner ones." come over"

"Oh oh oh"

Dahua agreed, picked up the ax and continued to chop wood.

Chu Qing smiled, walked up to him and said, "Shall I come?"

"Huh? This is not good"

"Nothing bad, give it to me"

"Ah, that's fine"

Dahua was already tired of chopping firewood, so he happily gave the ax and gloves to Chu Qing. Seeing this, Teacher Huang said to the camera: "See, this is the child of a working family, decent!"

Teacher He also praised him a few words, but looked at Dahua, thinking, silly boy, he is just stealing your camera!

(End of this chapter)

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