Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 131 1 cut for the camera

Chapter 131 All For The Camera

Was Chu Qing deliberately stealing the spotlight?

of course!

Otherwise, why go chopping firewood?Doesn't Chu Qing know that chopping firewood is tiring?

He knows what ratings this variety show will have after it airs, can it work if he doesn't hurry up and set himself up as a 'hardworking' person?
Now, all the little fresh meats can live without other characters, but the character of "Work Hard" is the only one that can't live without!
For example, if someone scolds him, saying that he has no talent or works, his fans can also refute him. Do you know how hard he is?proceed if you can!

But if you don't even have a "hard work" personality, how can you let your fans maintain you?
Effort and hard work are inseparable, and both have something in common.

That's why Mr. He had such an idea when he saw Chu Qing chopping firewood with sweat all over his head, and Da Xia who was sitting on the side resting.

Busy, it was getting dark, Mr. Huang had been cooking, and when it was completely dark, Mr. Huang's four dishes and one soup would be out of the pot.

Everyone sat outside in a small pavilion and toasted each other.

"Come, come! Let me toast Chu Qing together!"

"Regard Chuqing!"

"come come come"

"thanks, thanks"

Chu Qing smiled and clinked glasses with the three of them, and then drank it down.

Teacher Huang smiled and said: "Qingzi, your song is really popular. I went out to cut my hair before recording the show a while ago, and it was played in the barber shop. I told the boss about the ugly song. Isn't it unlucky to play this song in the place where you are, this customer can still trust you?"

Teacher He also laughed and said, "That's right, and the song "Red Pity" is also popular in half the sky. Once you turn on Shaking Hands, nine out of ten ancient style videos use it as BGM."

Liu Hua seemed to have just realized it, looked at Chu Qing in surprise and said, "Are you also a singer?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene was somewhat embarrassing.

Teacher He with a high EQ quickly controlled the field and said, "Of course, that song you usually like very much, the song "Ugly" that ranked third on the music list is he who sang it."

Dahua covered his mouth in surprise and said, "My God, how can you be so young! You are so talented!"

Chu Qing was a little embarrassed to be flattered by him, and she didn't know how to laugh.

This appearance made Mr. Huang and Mr. He so funny that even the director behind the camera laughed, already thinking about how to edit it later.

"Then let's learn from each other, let's learn from each other"

Dahua ran into the house in a dangling manner, and came out with the violin in hand.

"How about we collaborate on a song?"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Yes, yes, but you didn't bring me an instrument."

Dahua was stunned, he really didn't think about it, but now he went back to get it, it didn't seem too good.

Teacher He laughed again and said, "Everyone knows that Chu Qing is a creative genius. Would you like to compose a few lines on the spot, and then Dahua will accompany you?"

If everyone said that Mr. He had a high emotional intelligence, this sentence alone resolved Dahua's embarrassment.

Teacher He has already spoken, so Chu Qing naturally has no other opinions.

Mr. Huang is not very interested in these, he still prefers some old songs.

"Then how do we get here?"

"Well, you can just give me a melody, and then I will sing according to the melody, how about it?"

"OK! It's fine"

Dahua adjusted his posture and played the violin slowly.

I have to say here that his basic skills are still good, and he can indeed show them off, which belongs to the professional level.

The other two people at the table put down their bowls and chopsticks and listened quietly, which is considered a kind of respect.

The sound of Dahua's piano is melodious, and the quiet countryside is really suitable for this kind of music.

Teacher He showed a happy expression on his face. This expression would definitely look contrived by others, but when he made it, it was full of love for the younger generation. At this moment, Chu Qing's singing sounded.

"I'm going to take you flying everywhere"

"Travel around the world to see"

Chu Qing just sang a few simple lines, but when his singing sounded, even Teacher Huang, who didn't care much before, became serious and looked at Chu Qing.

Not to mention Teacher He, with his mouth open, he looked shocked.

Dahua was also shocked, but as a musician, he couldn't stop. On the contrary, he began to change the melody of his instrument to cater to Chu Qing's singing.

"No worries no sorrow"

"Free and cheerful mind and body"

Chu Qing had his signature sunny smile on his face, and the cameraman caught it and took a quick shot. With this kind of smile and this kind of singing voice, they believed that editing it into a short video would become a hit!
Teacher He was also intoxicated by the singing, and Teacher Huang had bright eyes, which only appeared when he faced some old friends.

At this moment, he really admired the young man in front of him very much, because he knew that all of this was improvised, that is to say, Chu Qing really didn't prepare anything before, and now these are his real strengths!

"Forget the Pain Forget the Sadness"

"Let's set off to wander together"

After Chu Qing sang these two lines, he waved his hands and said, "I just thought of these few lines, let's eat quickly, the pot of meat stuffed by Mr. Huang is so delicious~ I can't help it."

This is a dish specially made by Mr. Huang for him. The difference from the previous life is that in this life, the guests will not be allowed to order. Instead, according to where the guests are from, Mr. Huang will cook him a hometown dish.

Chu Qing is a native of Bingcheng, so naturally he couldn't do without the pot of meat.

Hearing Chu Qing's words, several people laughed. Teacher Huang couldn't help thinking, there is a reason for this kid's popularity. Whether it is emotional intelligence or variety show sense, he is the top among young people of his generation!
Teacher He couldn't help but compare Chu Qing and Dahua in his mind, and there was no suspense in the result, Chu Qing won!
Several people picked up their rice bowls and started to eat, and Chu Qing turned into a ruthless cooking machine!Every frame of eating can be edited without any waste!
The director even gave several close-ups in a row, and he especially liked to take pictures of his intoxicated appearance after eating the first mouthful of food. Just looking at that expression makes people know what he is eating!
Several people were also influenced by Chu Qing. Those who usually ate a bowl of rice now eat at least half a bowl more.

In the end, Chu Qing's combat effectiveness was still strong. After all, he was young and had a relatively fast metabolism.

After everyone finished eating, he was still eating, and had a disc operation.

Seeing him like this, Teacher He couldn't help laughing and said, "Oh, it's good to be young. I was actually pretty good at eating when I was young."

Mr. Huang picked his teeth aside and said, "Did you see Dahua? You need to learn more. Young people should be like Chu Qing. Don't be picky about food. You have to eat everything, so that you can have a balanced nutrition and not be hypocritical!"

Chu Qing laughed and said, "Don't, don't, it won't happen, the main reason is that today's food is too delicious."

These words made Teacher Huang amused again, but Chu Qing's true thoughts were.

All for the lens.
(End of this chapter)

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