Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 132 The Movie Is Released

Chapter 132 The Movie Is Released
Teacher He rubbed his stomach and said, "Seeing Qingqing eating makes me feel delicious, and I feel like you can be full just by eating rice. Are you not picky eaters?"

Chu Qing said while eating: "I'm not picky about food. When I was in college, I ate steamed buns for more than a month in order to buy air tickets for girls."

When Chu Qing said this, it was very plain, but Da Hua said with a look of yearning: "Wow, you are so romantic, do you still have contact with each other now, are you married?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene was cold again. Teacher Huang knew something, and Teacher He had read Chu Qing's detailed information. Of course, he knew that Chu Qing had only one girlfriend when he was in college, so who would he give gifts to? And what about air tickets?

Dahua also realized that he might have said something wrong, so he hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"

Chu Qing shook her head slowly, stuffed the last bite of rice and a piece of chili into her mouth and chewed.

"No, it's okay, actually, I almost got married too."

Chu Qing's voice was a little fuzzy, probably because there was food in his mouth.

Teacher He, who was sitting opposite him, clearly saw that his eyes had turned red. At this moment, even Teacher He, who is good at persuading people, fell silent.

Who hasn't had an unforgettable love?Others will never be able to understand the heart of the person concerned.

Dahua looked anxiously at Chu Qing's red eyes, he thought it was because of him, and wanted to explain.

Chu Qing wiped her eyes, wiped away the tears in her eyes, forced a smile and said, "I still can't eat spicy food."

The three of them were quiet, and the director team was also quiet. Now as long as it is one person, it can be seen that being hot is just an excuse for him.

His eye sockets are not because of that pepper red at all, but because of her, that her!
But what they didn't know was that this was the result of Chu Qing's explosion of LV3 acting skills.

she?She is a fart!Now I don't know which corner I'm waiting to die in, all that Chu Qing did was just for the character to stand firm, for the popularity!

As for whether someone will say that the corpse is whipped or something, those things are completely out of the scope of Chu Qing's consideration. The sky and the earth are big, and the heat is the biggest, because heat represents traffic, and traffic represents money!
And he needs to make money, a lot of money!

"Hahaha, I'm full, let's do the dishes"

Chu Qing wiped her eyes again, smiled more sincerely, and took the initiative to clean up the dishes.

Teacher He hurriedly said: "How can you let the guests clean up the dishes? Dahua, Dahua!"

"Hey hey hey, I'll come, I'll come"

Dahua promised, and ran over to help, Chu Qing was naturally polite, and the last few people simply cleaned up the dishes and then cleaned the dishes together.

After the meal, a few people sat together and chatted. Teacher He told a lot of interesting things in the entertainment industry, while Chu Qing quietly became the audience.

It was late at night, and several people went back to their room to sleep.

The next day Chu Qing got up early in the morning and started running after washing up.

In fact, he seldom runs. The reason why he runs in the morning now is because of the old saying, everything is for the camera!
After running back in the morning, having breakfast, continuing to chat, and then saying goodbye, Chu Qing's 10 yuan is considered to be earned.

While waiting for Chu Qing to leave, Director Hua Jun specifically asked if Chu Qing's red-eyed scene could be cut into the feature film.

It has to be said that Hua Jun's question made Chu Qing feel a sense of respect, so Chu Qing also happily nodded in agreement, after all, it was originally for the performance, and the purpose was for popularity!
The three of Chu Qing left the program group and returned to the hotel, waiting for the official recording of the program.

Coincidentally, the recording of the program and the release of the film were on the same day, April [-]st.

But at the end of the month, they still need to go to the live rehearsal.

And this time "A Singer" is also somewhat different from the "Singer" in the previous life. The biggest difference is to go again. Except for the first time in the previous life, I can sing my own songs, and I have to cover the rest of the time.

But this life requires that all songs must be my own.

The person who ranks bottom every time can designate the theme of the next song.

For example, if Chu Qing ranked first from the bottom this time, he can post a topic, such as friendship!Then in the next game, everyone will sing a song related to friendship.

The two games are combined, and the one with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated and will be replaced by a replacement singer.

The vote will be voted by [-] public judges of different age groups on the spot, which is generally considered fair.

It was the end of the month in a blink of an eye, and Chu Qing followed the program group to participate in the rehearsal. After deciding on the song to be sung that day, he rehearsed twice.

Because of the small space, Chu Qing's rehearsal time was only half an hour, and the organizer only gave him two chances to sing, Chu Qing didn't complain, two chances were enough.

It's just that Song Dawei and Duan Peng were a little unhappy, especially Duan Peng, who kept pulling faces.

After the rehearsal was over, Duan Peng said after getting out of the TV station and getting into the car.

"What the hell! All of them look down on people, Qingzi, we will become big stars sooner or later, let's see if they dare to be so crazy!"

Chu Qing smiled and hummed, but she was thinking in her mind that the movie will be released tomorrow, and I don't know how the word of mouth will be.

On April [-], "Take My Brother Away" was officially released in theaters across the country.

This movie didn't do much publicity, and the reason is very simple, because the crew really didn't have much money.

Director Xia Xiangxiang mortgaged his house for the filming of this movie, a total investment of 3000 million, of which 2000 million is hers, and the rest is the funds she has drawn.

Don't expect any decent publicity for a small production of 3000 million yuan.

"Honey, let's just watch this movie"

"Take my brother away quickly? This name is a bit strange"

"But the poster is pretty good, isn't it? It's Chu Qing."

"Hahaha, it's really Chu Qing, he actually acted in a movie? Let's go and see it"

In the theater, a young couple bought movie tickets by themselves, and when the time came, they queued up to go to the screening hall to check the tickets.

There are not many people watching movies. This is mainly because the current time is not very good. The main force of watching movies is either at work or at school, and there is no holiday.

The young couple walked into the screening room and sat down, eating snacks together. Not long after, the movie officially started.

After the familiar dragon logo flashed and the sponsor's LOGO flashed, the movie officially started!
The general plot of Chu Qing's version of "Take My Brother Away" has not changed much, and the main changes are in some supporting characters.

But Chu Qing had to admit that the revised supporting role was more pleasing to the eye, without the far-fetched caricature feeling of the previous life.

A young, free and easy younger sister with explosive combat prowess.

A cheerful and sunny brother who likes to play tricks.

The fights and laughter between the two directly captured the hearts of the audience, and they even forgot that the actor who played Xia Tian was not actually a high school student, but a university graduate artist
 I strongly recommend everyone to watch the movie version of "Take My Brother Away". Brothers and sisters who haven't seen it, don't miss it. It's really good.


(End of this chapter)

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