Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 133 In the Auditorium

Chapter 133 In the Auditorium
The young couple also took it very seriously, but occasionally the girlfriend would say something.

"Oh, why is this brother like this? If I have such a brother, I will be so worried."

It wasn't just her complaining, there were similar voices from some seats next to her, and almost all of them were female voices. It could be heard that they should have had this experience as well.

After all, what boy didn't enjoy teasing girls as a kid?
But all of this changed with Xia Xue's birthday wish!
When she made a wish in front of Xia Tian, ​​saying that she hoped that her brother would disappear forever!
The audience were all stunned. In the previous summer with a hippie smile on his face, the smile on his face was so stiff and unbelievable. He stared blankly at his sister without saying a word.

At this moment, countless female viewers suddenly softened their hearts. They all felt that Xia Xue was too much. After all, your brother is so handsome, how could you say such excessive things to him?

The situation is changing, Xia Xue wakes up and is surprised to find that everything has changed!

Her brother Xia Tian has become the brother of a best friend, and she has become the child of a single-parent family that she has always yearned for.

She likes her current life very much, and she sympathizes with her best friend for having such a brother.

It wasn't until the scene of the police station that Xia Tian revealed his true feelings that the audience felt something was wrong.

Afterwards, the audience and Xia Xue stood together from the perspective of their girlfriends, and finally understood everything.

It turned out that her parents had separated long ago, and her mother didn't want to go on a business trip at all, but she didn't want them anymore!
Father was drunk all day, the reason why Xia Tian tricked her was to have time to clean up the mess and not be discovered by her sister.

The reason why I played hide-and-seek with her instead of looking for her was because I didn't want her to quarrel at home when she saw her parents.

The reason why he didn't choose a family tour but chose an electric car was because he knew that his younger sister had always been envious of his best friend's electric car.

What makes it even more difficult for him to say is that his parents have divorced, and he has to leave because he has to take care of his father.

This caused Xia Xue, who had just discovered the truth, to almost collapse, desperately trying to save everything.

But her 'best friend' thinks she is nosy and doesn't want her to meddle in 'her' life.

In the end Xia Xue brought Xia Tian to the restaurant to make a wish. She hoped that her brother would come back soon.

The situation changed again, but at this time Xia Xue hadn't realized that the person standing in front of her was no longer her best friend's brother Miao Xia Tian, ​​but her brother Xia Tian!
Her brother is back.

The audience didn't pay attention at first, only when they saw Xia Tian subconsciously protecting his sister with his hands when the car turned a corner, some attentive audiences noticed a little sign.

Xia Xue went home and said goodbye to her 'best friend's brother'.

Habitually turn on the phone light to illuminate it, only to find that the voice-activated light in the corridor that has been broken for a long time has been repaired.

She turned her head and saw 'Miao Xia Tian' still standing there looking at her, but she didn't notice the strong emotion in Xia Tian's eyes.

She waited until she got home, only to find that she had changed back. Her mother was waiting for her with a strange man. It turned out that her parents had divorced. Tonight, Xia Tian was going back to the countryside with her father.

Xia Xue couldn't listen to what her mother said at all, and ran into their room directly.

The traces of my brother's previous life are back, but something is missing.

The place where the figurines were placed before was empty, but instead there was a small note pasted on it, 'It said I took all my treasures, and I will not leave any of them to you! '

But Xia Xue knew that he sold it to buy a gift for herself.

The books on the desk are also gone, and there is also a sticky note, 'Don't get so close when doing homework, it hurts your eyes'.

There is also a car key next to the note, and a card underneath is 'Happy 17th birthday to my sister'

When seeing this scene, all the female audiences in the cinema couldn't hold back, and tears fell silently.

Then the camera angle was given to that special old-fashioned light switch, and there was also a note written on it 'I will rely on myself in the future'.

Xia Xue sat on the head of the bed and gently pulled the switch.

Lights on, lights off, lights on, lights off.

At the same time, the screen switched, and the audience saw Xia Tian go to repair the voice-activated light and change the switch for his sister.

I saw his relief after finishing, and also saw the reluctance and worry in his eyes.

Said to be the elder brother, but he has been doing things that should belong to his father.

Xia Xue rushed out of the room with the car keys, not caring about her mother's obstruction behind her.

Just like she said before, I'm actually not familiar with you, and you don't care about me at all, I don't follow anyone, I just follow my brother!
Xia Xue chased her to the train station. She searched back and forth in the crowded train station, calling her brother back and forth.

This scene made some girls cry again.

Before, they felt that Xia Tian was unreliable, but now they are so reluctant to part with Xia Tian.


A train was leaving, and Xia Xue finally found Xia Tian who was packing her luggage on another platform.

"elder brother!!!"

Xia Xue shouted loudly, Xia Tian raised her head subconsciously, and immediately put on her signature smile.

"You dropped something!!!"

Xia Xue shouted again, Xia Tian was taken aback, after looking at her salute and schoolbag, she raised her schoolbag and said with a smile.

"I'm down, I've got my schoolbag"

The audience watched this scene, and their hearts were very blocked. Until this time, the boy was still smiling all over his face, as if telling his sister that it was okay, and he had to smile more.

"You left me behind"

Xia Xue's line was not loud, but Chu Qing clearly heard it. The smile on his face froze, and then slowly disappeared, and he couldn't force it anymore.

"You left me behind!!!"

When Xia Xue cried out this line, all the audience in the cinema burst into tears!

Let alone the female audience at this moment, the male audience can't take it anymore. Many of them are only children, but when they heard this sentence, they still couldn't help but feel their noses sore for a while, as if they were punched by someone. !
Xia Tian's tears couldn't hold back anymore, this man cried for the first time and only time in this movie.

His hand hangs down weakly, looking at his sister who has always made him proud, weeping silently.

"Clang clang clang!"

The clock at the station rang, Xia Xue realized something, hurriedly took out her phone again, opened the candle app and made a wish.

"Bring my brother back!"

She blew out the candle, and at the same time, the big screen went dark, the subtitles appeared, and the movie ended!

After the movie was over, none of the audience got up from their seats, and they were all deeply involved in the plot of the movie.

A movie whose premiere attendance rate did not reach 80.00%, but held the heart of 80.00%!
(End of this chapter)

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