Chapter 134 Directory
As soon as the audience watched the movie, countless people began to share their movie-watching feelings online!

In a word, the word-of-mouth of the movie exploded!

"Damn it, I burst into tears watching it in the cinema. I laughed so happily in the early stage, but I cried so badly in the later stage."

"Me too, me too, my makeup is all crying, and I don't have enough tissues"

"Xia said according to my sister's face, when everyone laughs like this in the future, I really feel so distressed."

"This kind of relationship between brothers and sisters must be difficult for an only child to understand."

"To be honest, it's not difficult to understand, because I also cry like a dog"

The official Weibo account of "Take My Brother Away" immediately exploded, and countless netizens became tap water, and spontaneously started to help promote it. In addition, there were no high-quality products in April, and the entire Internet was full of "Take My Brother Away" for a while. news!

Of course, if there are good reviews, there will naturally be bad reviews.

"Looked, didn't cry, trash movie!"

"When I saw the leading role, I was not interested. I didn't have a big name. The last one was actually an Internet celebrity, ha ha."

"That's right, a movie made by Xiao Xianrou who debuted on a talent show, is that called a movie? I don't understand the current review standards. This kind of rubbish movie can be released?"

"That's right, forcibly turning the ancient Chinese emperor into a villain, rubbish movie!"

"Upstairs, how many dishes do you drink like this? You're blind, or are you playing tricks?"

But as long as anyone with a discerning eye can see, no one cares about this kind of brainless nonsense!
Most of them have never seen the movie, and they directly evaluate it through other people's words.

This kind of people occupy a large part of the status among netizens, but there is no need to worry about them. When the reputation of the later movies is overwhelmed, these people will praise them back. The reason is very simple, they are such a bunch of people who have no position Wall grass.

My favorite thing in life is to find a sense of presence on the Internet.

Chu Qing didn't know this. He just finished rehearsing and was sitting in the car waiting for the official recording!

After the show starts, he will start recording after getting off the car!
Chu Qing was a little nervous, but more excited.

This mission is different from the last one. At that time, I really didn’t have a fart. If I want to buy an item in the mall, I still need to wait for the points to be enough.

But with the last reward, plus the points I saved in the past few months, my current points are almost [-]!In the competition, you can smash them to death with props alone, so you are afraid that you will not be able to win the first place?funny!
"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 23"

"LV: 005"

"Current points 29875"

"Current experience: 6005/10000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

This is Chu Qing's current stats. I dare not say anything else, but the points column alone gives Chu Qing a sense of security!
In the car, Song Dawei and Duan Peng were both there, and Song Dawei couldn't help but see Chu Qing's 'nervous' look.

"Hey, there's nothing to be nervous about. With your voice, a song will definitely calm them down!"

Chu Qing smiled wryly. Although he has a system, he is definitely not the kind of person who does not know the heights of the sky and the earth. The people who come to participate in this kind of program must be that kind of powerful singers!
He is a gamer, compared with other professional players, how could he not be nervous.

Duan Peng also laughed and said, "That's right, I also think you can definitely win, so don't be nervous!"

Chu Qing patted his face lightly, to make himself more energetic and said: "In the eyes of most audiences, I am just a fresh meat, so I have to work hard to change my image this year. Only Only in this way can the audience know that I am a capable faction and can retain more fans!"

Not long after, the show officially started!
Following the director's acknowledgment, Chu Qing and Song Dawei got off the car together.

In this competition, singers can bring their managers to participate.

Chu Qing was wearing a white suit today, his hair was combed back into a big back, and with his signature smile, he looked chic and sexy.

As soon as they entered the building, a host followed the photography team to greet them.

"Hello, Mr. Chu! Welcome to the competition, please sign your name on the poster!"

The host brought Chu Qing to the program poster and handed him a signature pen.

Chu Qingyang wrote down his name freely!The signature is very chic.

Chu Qing wrote beautifully when she was in school, and even learned calligraphy for a while in middle school.

After signing, the host took him upstairs with Song Dawei, and the staff led him to the independent lounge after drawing his ranking in the public lounge.

When recording the first episode, the program team wanted to create a sense of mystery for everyone, that is to say, except for the program team, everyone else did not know who the guests are today!

Chu Qing looked at the No. [-] lottery in his hand, and thought that his luck was not very good. In this variety show, the lower the ranking, the more popular it is.

In the end, I got a chance to play the number two of ten thousand years, and this order is not even as good as number one!
About an hour later, the audience and other contestants were also ready, and the program recording officially started!
The big screen in front of Chu Qing lit up, and before Chu Qing could look at it, the staff outside knocked on the door.

"Mr. Chu Qing, the No.1 singer is ready to appear, please follow me to the staff channel to prepare!"

Chu Qing agreed, got up and walked out together with Song Dawei, and followed the staff to a staff passage.

When the two walked to the aisle, the first contestant on the stage had already started to perform.

Song Dawei heard it immediately, leaned close to Chu Qing's ear and whispered: "This is an old singer, Pan Zhi! He sang the opening and ending songs of many TV dramas back then!"

Chu Qing nodded calmly, with a dignified expression.

He has also studied vocal music for a while, and he still understands some basic knowledge!
Now this person's singing level is as good as a textbook, and his voice is impeccable. Just like him, he belongs to the kind of person who doesn't need to modify his voice at all!

Chu Qing has already started to think about whether to use props!
After listening to the other party sing the refrain, Chu Qing bought an item in the system mall without saying a word!
[Emotional Rendering Card] Consumable props!Increase the host's emotional rendering ability after use!Duration 15 minutes!The price is [-] points!
On the stage, Pan Zhi's song had come to an end, and Chu Qing silently took out the emotional rendering card in the system and held it in her hand.

I can't help but sigh in my heart, it feels good to have surplus food in this house, and the props with [-] points can be exchanged as soon as they are said.

Everyone, sorry, I'm going to cheat!
 It's almost 30 words free, I can't hold it anymore, it should be on the shelves soon, hurry up and read it

(End of this chapter)

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