Chapter 135
Finally, Pan Zhi on the stage finished singing his masterpiece, and the audience immediately applauded and cheered.

He is considered a well-known singer, and he debuted very early. Almost people of all ages have heard his songs, and his fan base covers a large area.

After he bowed, he picked up the card in his hand, and only then did Chu Qing realize that Pan Zhi is today's host!
He read the title ad before introducing himself.

After interacting with the audience for another 2 minutes, Pan Zhi picked up the card in his hand and said.

"The second contestant to play is very young!"

When he said this, he deliberately paused here to facilitate the editing of the later program crew to create suspense, and also to let the audience guess.

Pan Zhicai continued after seeing the audience whispering in confusion.

"With one song, he instantly dominated many music charts!"

"It even created a terrifying result of over [-] million audience ratings in three days, crushing all the singers of the year!"

Chu Qing moved his body in the staff passage, and it looked like he was doing a warm-up, but he was actually using props!

As Chu Qing moaned, a burst of blue light flickered in his palm and disappeared, and the [Emotional Rendering Card] was activated!
"This singer's creative ability is the most amazing I have seen so far! Every song of his can be used as the main song!"

At this point, the audience has probably guessed who it is. After all, the original singer, who achieved over [-] million in three days, was only one person last year, Chu Qing!
Of course, those who knew Chu Qing were young people, while the older audience felt a little confused and couldn't figure out who it was.

"Next, I invite the audience to enjoy the song he brought! Applause is welcome!"

After the host on the stage finished speaking, he walked down the stage, and the staff hurriedly said, "Mr. Chu, it's time for you to go on stage."

Chu Qing smiled and hummed, Song Dawei helped him straighten his suit, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Go, it's time for you to shine!"

Chu Qing walked onto the stage with his head held high and his chest held high. The lights shone from top to bottom, and his face was plunged into darkness. The audience could only see his clothes clearly, but not his appearance.

Although the young audience roughly guessed Chu Qing's identity, they were still a little uncertain because they hadn't seen the real person after all. When the soundtrack started, the people below cheered!

"Chu Qing!"

"Chu Qing!"

"Chu Qing!"

Hearing the audience below shouting her name in unison, Chu Qing felt that she was really a bit of a star!

"If the world was dark"

"Actually, I am beautiful"

"Advance and retreat in love"

"Most consumed"

It wasn't until Chu Qing picked up the microphone and sang that the cheers and applause of the audience stopped, and they were immersed in the music instead.

Chu Qing's voice was already impeccable, but after using the [Emotional Rendering Card], it became even more impeccable, and every line of the lyrics aroused the emotions of the audience.

With just a few lines of lyrics, the audience is completely drawn into his music world!

The guests watching the show on the big screen in the background were a little shocked. In their opinion, Chu Qing's basic skills are nothing to talk about, but the voice and the emotion substituted into the song are not something everyone can do!

Those young audiences have long been fascinated by it, and some audiences sang along with the chorus, and some even shed tears.

Seeing this, Chu Qing couldn't help feeling emotional, what a audience!At first glance, it must be the kind that costs 500 yuan a day.

At the back, the old audience who didn't know Chu Qing before started to sing softly along with the chorus!
Waiting for Chu Qing to sing a song, the applause seemed to overturn the entire venue!
After Chu Qing bent down to thank the audience, she walked off the stage slowly and walked towards the actor's aisle on the other side.

And Pan Zhi on the stage has also stepped onto the stage and continued to host.

"Oh my god, even though I knew he could sing well, I didn't expect it to be so good! A song made me panic. What kind of monsters are here today!"

"Of course, I also hope that everyone will not forget my songs, and my name Pan Zhi."

Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief when he walked all the way to the actor's passage, and Song Dawei flashed out from the side, his expression excited: "Your performance today is amazing! The score will definitely not be low!"

Chu Qing wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "I hope so."

At this moment, the staff said: "Mr. Song, Mr. Chu, please come with me, we are going to the common room, and the order of appearance will also be drawn in the common room."

Both of them nodded, then talked and laughed and came to the common room.

Chu Qing was still the first artist to come, because the first artist to appear was still hosting on stage and had no time to rest.

The only person in the common room was Pan Zhi's manager. It was a middle-aged man, about 40 years old. When he saw Chu Qing and Song Dawei coming, he got up and smiled, "Mr. Chu, Mr. Song, I have admired you for a long time."

With such a friendly attitude from the other party, Chu Qing and Song Dawei naturally wouldn't act too unfamiliar, let alone a camera beside them!
In fact, Chu Qing and Song Dawei didn't know each other at all, but fortunately, the other party had a badge with the other party's name written on it!
This point has to praise the program group, every agent has such a badge on his chest, after all, everyone knows the artists, but the behind-the-scenes people know less.

It's not good to meet without saying hello, and it's embarrassing to call the wrong person, but now that you have a badge, you can perfectly avoid these problems.

"Hahaha, Brother Zhao, hello, hello"

"I have admired you for a long time, Mr. Zhao"

Both Chu and Qing greeted each other with smiles on their faces, and then sat on the sofa together, watching other contestants perform on stage through the big screen.

There were seven contestants in the competition, and after Chu Qing came out, there were only five left. The performance was soon over, and then the on-site staff began to organize on-site voting!
Chu Qing and the other seven singers after the performance sat in the lounge and chatted. In fact, the seven of them didn't know each other. That's not right. It should be said that Chu Qing didn't know anyone.

Those who are sitting now are all seniors in the music world, don't care if they are popular now, they are also your seniors, and you must respect the attitude of seniors, after all, what we pay attention to in Huaxia is to respect teachers!
So Chu Qing put her position very low, acting like a little fan of everyone.

Now I have to talk about Chu Qing's acting skills at LV3, and he managed to convince everyone.

After another half an hour, the staff came to inform Chu Qing and others to come to the stage, and the results of today's competition were about to be announced.

At this moment, Chu Qing could feel that the rest of the people were a little nervous.

Although this is just a variety show, these people are veterans in the music industry, and no one wants to lose in front of their peers, or even lose to their peers!

 Don't miss this vote, you guys will decide how far this book can go
(End of this chapter)

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