Chapter 136 Busy
Chu Qing was naturally nervous, but definitely not that nervous.

Number one, he knows he's doing really well today.

Second, he has a system and can cheat~
The seven people came to the stage and sat down in their seats. As for the order of the seats, there is also a lot of attention. For example, Chu Qing, the middle C, really wants to sit, but she still has to let it out for the sake of her own personality!
After waiting for the seven people to sit down, according to the good tradition of the show, they will cast in first and choose the singer who they think will perform best tonight.

In the end, a female singer was voted No.1 tonight. She is also a veteran in the industry, not to mention Chu Qing, even Chu Qing's father grew up listening to her songs!
Her qualifications are here, and she didn't sing a single song tonight, so Chu Qing and the others had to vote for her.

Then it was time to announce the results of the audience's vote. Similar to the variety show in the previous life, this host is also the type that the audience wants to smash his dog's head!
In the end, Chu Qing became No.2 today, only three votes behind No.1!And No.1 is still the female singer!
"Fuck, I don't believe it anymore. Do you think there is any shady here? With your performance today, you can't beat that old guy?"

In the car, Song Dawei was cursing. When he heard Chu Qing sing before, he thought that he would definitely win the championship today, but unexpectedly he only got second place. Naturally, he felt unbalanced.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "It's good to be second, it's not the final, why are you so excited?"

"It doesn't matter if it's not the final! The grandma she sang today is not as good as you?"

Duan Peng also nodded vigorously: "I also think Qingzi sings well."

Chu Qing still smiled brightly and said: "As long as I don't get eliminated now, the rest is really not important. If I am the first, maybe there will be some troubles, such as those trolls on the Internet."

Song Dawei understood in seconds, then nodded in agreement and said, "Those fucking things may be brainless!"

Chu Qing was surprised: "Why are you swearing so much today? Who is mad at you?"

"Hey, don't mention it, isn't your movie released today? I saw a brain-dead film critic wrote a Weibo to scold you. I didn't make me mad after watching it!"

These words immediately made Chu Qing laugh, and she couldn't be happier.

"This shows that our movie is good. At least there are people commenting on it. By the way, didn't you say that Dong Manli would also come? Why didn't you see her this time?"

"She is a replacement singer, and she can only play in the third period"

Chu Qing was surprised: "She is a replacement singer, and she can arrange me in the starting lineup?"

Song Dawei nodded and said: "Well, in fact, she was the starter at the beginning, and you were the replacement. But later, due to schedule issues, she couldn't come temporarily, so she changed positions with the director team."

Chu Qing nodded, indicating that he understood.

"This week, we can take a break. We will not be able to record "A Singer" until next Wednesday, and "The Secret Service" will not be recorded until next Friday."

Hearing this, Chu Qing stretched her waist and said: "That's fine, just go around for a few days, it's not a waste of time to come here, eat some snacks, and go to places of interest."

On the second day, Chu Qing realized that she had to wear a mask and sunglasses when going out.

Because he can be recognized without makeup now, just as he walked out of the hotel that day, he was recognized by a young couple who seemed to be students.

After the girl recognized Chu Qing, she grabbed Chu Qing's arm and screamed, "Xiamen! You are Xia Tian!"

Chu Qing understood as soon as she heard it, needless to say, this is her fan.

Before he could tell the fan to keep his voice down, people around gathered around and asked him to sign.

Only then did Chu Qing feel very surprised, this was the first time he had experienced such a thing.

That time, it took more than half an hour to sign the name outside, and then Chu Qing must wear a mask, sunglasses and cap when going out.

Although he knew that the movie was well received, he never expected that within two or three days, this "Take My Brother Away" would become popular all over the Internet!
The lines in it are regarded by many netizens as their own personal signature.

Especially the one sentence, you left me behind, which was made into a meme by these netizens.

The name Chu Qing was only known to some female fans before, and now it is also those female fans.

Because everyone prefers to call him by his name in the play, Xia Tian!
There are also a lot of girls who call him brother every day, so Chu Qing really wants to ask them if they are possessed by green tea essence, what do you say I just feel sorry for geigei~
And the box office of this movie is also a bit scary, within a week of its release, the box office reached [-] million!
When the results were announced, many people's jaws were shocked. You must know that the total investment of this movie is only 3000 million!

Even if you have to pay taxes and theater fees, there are almost 7000 million yuan left now!
Within a week of its release, the investment doubled. This is undoubtedly a successful movie!

Director Xia Xiangxiang has also become a representative of successful female directors!Chu Qing became an instant hit without any surprises!

Although he wasn't the kind of movie star that the whole of China knew overnight, at least the audience had some impression of his face.

At the same time, the online reviews of him have also begun to change. Before, a large part of the online reviews said that he has a sluggish face, a pussy, and a little boy, but now he has become a new generation of actor, with amazing acting skills. etc.

Song Dawei also received many calls from directors who invited Chu Qing to make movies. Unfortunately, most of them were small productions. After reading the script, Chu Qing declined directly.

There is a kind of script, which is a movie that you know is rubbish just by looking at it!And those who invited him were all scripts of this kind!
After seeing it, Chu Qing also shook her head and sighed, wondering if she was born with a bad face?Why are all these bad books looking for me?
But there are also advantages, that is, another endorser came to the door, and the brand is not small, it is a sportswear brand.

The endorsement fee lasts for three years, and the endorsement fee is 2000 million!

After Chu Qing heard this number, she turned around in circles excitedly. This number is really flattering, it can be said that it took off in place!

Ordinary second-tier stars may not be able to give such a price!
The shooting time has also been set. After the recording of these two episodes is finished, Chu Qing will go to Yanjing to record commercials and posters.

Chu Qing finished recording the new issue of "A Singer" and ranked third. The one who was eliminated was a male singer named Wang Yikai. Most of the reason for his loss was because he didn't choose the right song and the audience didn't have a sense of substitution. The game was always No.7, so he was eliminated.

Chu Qing, on the other hand, has already gone to the filming location of "Project Agent", preparing to record a new variety show.

(End of this chapter)

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