Chapter 143 Plan
Chu Qing, who returned to Hunan Province, worked even harder to record variety shows. At the same time, he asked Song Dawei to help him pick up more variety shows or movies, and everything that could be exposed!
Song Dawei was also stimulated by the previous events, and started his own omnipotent mode. He knows people from all walks of life!

Soon, he found two more endorsements for Chu Qing!

These two endorsements are food, one is a small cake that sells all over the country, and the other is fruit and vegetable crisps!

The former is very famous, and the endorsement contract he gave is also 500 million after tax for three years!

Although the latter is not well-known, the price he gave was very high, 2000 million in three years!It's the same as the previous advertisement for sportswear.

But there is no comparison between the two, after all, the former is a well-known advertisement in China, while the latter is not well-known.

At the beginning, Chu Qing didn't want to accept the latter. Chu Qing has always been very careful in food advertisements, for fear that some accidents would spoil people.

As for health care products and the like, he didn't even think about it.

However, Song Dawei expressed to him very seriously that this manufacturer is absolutely at ease, because he knows the boss of this company!Otherwise, the other party would not be able to offer such a price.

In the end, Chu Qing still decided to believe in Song Dawei, and at the same time, she was really reluctant to part with the 2000 million!
At the same time, the latest episode of "A Singer" was broadcast, and Chu Qing and Dong Manli performed on the same stage!

The post-editing is also a talent. When the two are in the same frame, the picture feels a bit charming.

Although there were no scandals about the two, this kind of vague ambiguity was enough for fans of the two to eat melons.

Chu Qing's popularity remained stable, but it wasn't enough!

Learning is like rowing upstream!

The same is true in their industry, standing still means failure and elimination!Chu Qing had to do something to improve his sense of existence.

On the Internet, Chu Qing's song "Lying" instantly became the background music of countless short videos.

The sentence "I'm not fragile, let alone what kind of injury, anyway, love is like this" was even more popular throughout Shaking Hands, and Chu Qing's popularity rose again!

Of the people who appeared in "Idol Has an Attitude" back then, only Chu Qing and Xie Kun are more active now, and the rest have long since disappeared among the online crowd.

This is even more evidence of what will happen to a 'little fresh meat' if he loses popularity.

Xie Kun is still following the route of Xiaoxianrou, and now he has participated in another variety show with outstanding results. It seems that this time he can debut with the No.1 result.

But, it's really too late!
Chu Qing became famous with her previous debut, and now she has transformed!

Now that Chu Qing is mentioned, everyone will not immediately think of the word 'little fresh meat', but 'singer' instead!This is the impression Chu Qing left on everyone.

Now he has successfully transformed and has firmly grasped the identity of a singer. In fact, he can also say that he is an actor. After all, he still has a movie that is being released, and the box office reputation is good. He is also the leading actor.

But just relying on a movie is still a bit thin.

He also wants to take on new movies. After all, he also knows the future trend. The movie market will get better and better in the future. Of course, he has to seize the opportunity and not let go!

Especially since he has a good reputation now, then he has to seize the opportunity and try to shoot two or three movies to establish his image as a good actor!
"Damn! This kid is really lucky!"

That night, in the hotel, Song Dawei angrily threw his phone on the sofa.

Chu Qing had just finished the live broadcast, and was surprised when she saw this, "What's wrong?"

"Xie Kun took over a new drama, playing the male lead, with a total investment of [-] million yuan!"

Chu Qing was startled, and then couldn't help frowning.

Chu Qing has also acted as the male lead, but the total investment of the movie he acted in was only 3000 million, how does it compare with others with a total investment of over [-] million?
Just yesterday, the total box office of "Take My Brother Away" was released. With a total investment of 3000 million, the final box office was [-] million, a [-]-fold increase!
Chu Qing also became more popular, and even received calls from many directors.

But Chu Qing's current position is particularly embarrassing. Most of the big-budget movies are looking for him to play the roles of the male third and the fourth male, and he is not even given a second male lead.

It's okay for him to make a movie with a small investment, but the script is really bad!

In particular, some people follow suit and want him to shoot "Bring My Brother Back Quickly"!
Chu Qing was stunned, and thought to herself, isn't she really afraid that people will sue you for such a ruthless cottage?

Chu Qing and Song Dawei were not in a good mood these two days just because they hadn't received any dramas they wanted. As a result, Song Dawei saw the news that Xie Kun was going to play the leading role in the news. It's no wonder he was happy!

Chu Qing rubbed her face and asked, "What kind of drama is he taking on?"

"The urban love drama is called "Woman, You Got My Attention"! It is adapted from a popular online novel"

The corners of Chu Qing's eyes twitched twice after hearing this, what the hell, what kind of movie has such a long name!

"Urban film, with a total investment of more than [-] million yuan? Is that an exaggeration?"

Chu Qing was really surprised, because urban movies are the cheapest of all movies, there are no big shots and no special effects, especially for this kind of modern urban movies, you don’t even need to prepare old props, so you can save money.

For example, "Take My Brother Away" filmed by Chu Qing, although the total investment was only 3000 million, the crew did not find it too difficult to shoot.

The "X Generation" in the previous life was quite popular, and the two parts together only cost 7000 to [-] million, which is considered a publicity.

From this we can see how terrifying it is for the total investment to exceed [-] million!

Song Dawei shook his head and said, "His own salary alone must be tens of millions!"

Chu Qing couldn't help being speechless when he heard the words. His filming salary was only 100 million at the beginning, but it turned out to be dozens of times his salary at the beginning!
After thinking for a while, Chu Qing asked again: "Have they made a decision yet?"

Song Dawei shook his head: "The movie hasn't started filming yet, of course it hasn't been set yet."

Chu Qing said seriously: "If we make a movie at our own expense, can we fight each other?"

Song Dawei looked at Chu Qing with the eyes of a mentally retarded person and said, "Are you serious?"

Chu Qing nodded seriously: "Well, I'm serious!"

Seeing this, Song Dawei also became serious, and said very seriously: "It is possible, but I must let someone type out the S!"

"Ah? Why?"

"Why? Brother! You acted in just one movie! We made a movie at our own expense, what are we talking about! We don't even know a decent director! Besides, we only have so little money, how can we spend [-] million yuan with others? The investment ratio!"

Chu Qing waved his hand and said: "I have a very good book in my hand, and it should not cost much to shoot it, but I don't know if it can pass the review, whether it can be released in theaters, as long as it can be released, I am sure the box office will not wrong!"

"Who wrote the notebook?"



(End of this chapter)

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