Chapter 144: Mid-May
This also pushed Chu Qing to the point. Since there is no suitable notebook, why not 'write' one by himself?Anyway, there are so many notebooks in my mind!
Another reason is that, I have to admit, Xia Xiangxiang's success stimulated him this time.

Xia Xiangxiang's total investment in this movie is 60.00%5000, and the total box office is 8000 million. After deducting taxes and theater money, etc., the profit is about 2000 million. According to this ratio, she can get about 2000 million. After deducting the [-] million she invested, there is almost a billion left!
That's more than a billion, how could Chu Qing not be envious!
And countless people in the previous life have already proved that if they only become actors, they can't earn much money at all. They have to find a way to integrate themselves into capital!

Now that the endorsement fee for Chu Qing's two commercials has come down, he has 500 million in his credit card, which is enough for him to shoot a small-budget movie.

But the problem is that he doesn't know anything about film production, let alone how to edit it, how to obtain release standards, and so on.

He didn't know what procedures to go through, and he didn't know which departments to go to, who to contact the theater after the filming, and his eyes were darkened.

Song Dawei is a manager, but he doesn't know much about this kind of thing, he has more contacts!
After thinking about it, Chu Qing simply called Director Xia Xiangxiang to inquire!
Director Xia Xiangxiang was a little surprised when he heard that Chu Qing also wanted to make a movie, especially after knowing that he planned to pay for it by himself, he persuaded him for a long time.

Chu Qing understood that the other party was out of kindness, but she still asked for some details.

Seeing that director Xia Xiangxiang couldn't persuade him, he explained some procedures to him, and finally said that if it was Chu Qing's movie, as long as it passed the review, she could help out and contact the theater, but if it didn't work, you had to watch it. Chu Qing talked to the theater by herself.

After hearing this, Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the other party repeatedly. Xia Xiangxiang persuaded him a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Song Dawei didn't understand it until now, and he stared in disbelief: "Damn it, are you serious?"

Chu Qing looked at him with some surprise, then nodded affirmatively and said, "Of course it's true, otherwise, why do you think I set up a studio?"


Song Dawei was really shocked, he didn't expect his artiste to be so big!

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'll write the script first in the next two days, and then you can see if it works and it's over! Didn't that bastard snatch our endorsement? This time I have to rub him on the ground! "

Upon hearing this, Song Dawei's anger also came up, and he said with the same enemy: "Yes! Kill that bastard! Two hundred million investment, I'm afraid of him!"

After yelling these words, the two of them suddenly became a little scared. What the hell, two hundred million is a little bit scared.

But Chu Qing finally decided to give it a go!
So just like that, apart from recording "A Singer", Chu Qing started to think about the script in the rest of the time, and Song Dawei was not idle, and started to contact everyone related to the film.

Three days later, Chu Qing finalized the script and started filming "When a Man is in Love"!
The reason why I chose this movie is firstly because this movie does not have any big scenes, and the scenes are relatively small, so it is very economical to shoot.

The second reason is that when Chu Qing watched this movie, she cried like a dog, and she was really moved, especially when she watched the scene where the male protagonist was eating his face and weeping.

Chu Qing was also shocked by the actor's acting skills, he is indeed a good actor!

Now I just don't know if the script can pass the review, after all, the identity of the hero in it is somewhat taboo in China.

Chu Qing wrote the script directly, but he couldn't draw the scenes and so on.

After Song Dawei read the script, he finally understood why Chu Qing said that he wanted to have sex with the other party. The script was really good!

But he was also a little worried, and the reason was the same as Chu Qing's. It was a bit difficult for this kind of character to pass the trial.

But if you want to modify it, change your career, it seems that you don’t have that feeling anymore.

In the end, Song Dawei found a friend in the system and asked him to help send the script up for review, but the other party said it was ok, this is not a problem!
This surprised the two of them, and Chu Qing also had a certain understanding of the review size of movies in this world.

Then Song Dawei got busy and started to handle various documents!

Fortunately, he has many friends, and he can find people to ask questions about things he doesn't understand. Duan Peng was also sent out by Chu Qing to serve as Song Dawei's deputy. This guy is more excited than anyone else, because Chu Qing said that he will be in the movie. Give him a big role!
Chu Qing was filming a variety show in Hunan Province by herself. Her daily life was live broadcast, live broadcast, live broadcast, recorded variety show, and then live broadcast, live broadcast, live broadcast!

The law of life is called stability!For this reason, Shaking Hands officially found Chu Qing again, hoping that Chu Qing can sign a contract with their live broadcast platform!

Although Shaking Hands is the best short video in China, it doesn't mean they have no rivals!Shaking Hands officials are still more afraid of Chu Qing's job-hopping, after all, Chu Qing's popularity is too high now!
Song Dawei directly refused, and his current identity is a singer. If he signs a contract with Shaking Hands, then he is really just an Internet celebrity!Song Dawei can still tell which is more important.

He even talked to Chu Qing, hoping that Chu Qing would give up the live broadcast. After all, the live broadcast of "popular star" is a bit cheap.

But Chu Qing refused, what a joke, he earns tens of thousands every day through live broadcasting, such a good business, why not open it?

And if he doesn't start the live broadcast, don't those aunts and wives have to watch other little fresh meat?
Song Dawei could only sigh and let Chu Qing toss about.

But don't look at Chu Qing's live broadcast every day, he also has his own bottom line, that is, he never brings goods!

For this reason, Chu Qing also felt very heartbroken, because those people gave too much money!

Let's talk about a kind of wine, ask Chu Qing to bring the goods, and directly say to give 300 million first!Then the rest will be commissioned according to the sales volume!

But Chu Qing still refused, there was no way, the wine was too scary!
The store price is 99!The price of the live broadcast room is 190 nine!And the bonus for fans is a bottle of 'Nine Dollars Nine'!
It's nine yuan and ninety dollars of wine. After drinking it, I'm afraid I won't be able to find out if I'm driving under the influence of alcohol!This wine merchant can still earn more than eight yuan!

Chu Qing also asked curiously, can such cheap wine not kill people?

As a result, the wine merchant said that it is iced black tea mixed with edible alcohol, which will definitely not kill anyone!

There are also other endorsements, and they all come to the door, such as hot and sour noodles, whole wheat bread, mobile games that give away 2000 yuan red envelopes when they go online, there are countless!
But Chu Qing still rejected these endorsements for her own sake.

There is no way, if you want to earn more money, you have to give up the little money in front of you!
 I strongly recommend everyone to watch "When a Man is in Love". If you don't have time, you can watch the movie commentary. It's really good.


(End of this chapter)

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