Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 145 Director Han Jie

Chapter 145 Director Han Jie
After more than half a month, on May [-]th, Song Dawei finally came back with all the formalities. With these formalities, their studio was able to shoot movies.

For this reason, Song Dawei almost got his stomach perforated. There is no way, the qualifications of their studio are really too thin. If they don't have the real estate of more than 1000 million, they will really be no different from the leather bag company!

After the project is approved, they can shoot movies after getting the single-chip license!

Of course, this is only limited to "When a Man is in Love"!One piece of one certificate, so it is called single-chip certificate.

The rest is to prepare the crew, actors, and staff.

There are so many things involved, first of all, there must be a makeup artist, a prop artist, and then there must be lighting, radio, field notes, field affairs, on-site production, life production, etc.!
Then there are various photographers, such as camera cameras, Steadicam photographers, and mechanical groups.

Then post-production, editing, special effects, director, these are all indispensable.

If these people are arranged to form a crew, they will get money inside and out in a day!
This is just salary, without including food, clothing, housing, transportation, venue fees, prop fees, etc.

After thinking about it, Chu Qing couldn't help but feel dizzy!

If it's okay to find good employees, or if you find a bunch of idle staff and a few idle group leaders, then it's really bad luck!

Fortunately, they have time, so they can choose slowly!
Especially the director, you must find someone who you can rest assured of!

At the beginning, Chu Qing wanted to ask Director Xia Xiangxiang if he knew directors who were more cost-effective, but after thinking about it, she still didn't ask.

The friendship between people is limited, and the friendship between the two of them is obviously not to that point, and he also thought of someone who can recommend some reliable candidates, that is his mentor, Huang Ren!

Teacher Huang's deep voice came from the other end of the phone. Chu Qing took a deep breath. In this world, there are very few people who are not related to you by blood but who wholeheartedly help you. If you are lucky enough to meet, you must cherish it.

Chu Qing was very lucky, he knew two such people, one was Duan Peng, and the other was his mentor Huang Ren.

"Teacher Huang, I'm Chu Qing"

"Yo, rare guest! Why did Star Chu remember to call me? What's the matter?"

Huang Ren on the other end of the phone said in a teasing tone, Chu Qing chuckled.

"Look at what you said, teacher, can I call you if I have nothing to do?"

"Bullshit! Hurry up and talk about something, I have to go downstairs to dance in the square later."

"Hey, it's like this. I want to make a movie independently. Now that the procedures are down, but no one uses it. Do you think you know the right one?"

"Online movies or cinema movies?"

"If possible, of course I want to go to the cinema! Director Xia Xiangxiang said that he can help find a way for the cinema, but it's up to me whether we can negotiate a deal."

"What kind of movie?"

"Urban Love!"

"Have you thought it through? You won't regret it?"

"Think clearly!"

Chu Qing answered very firmly, and Teacher Huang Ren hummed.

"wait for my call!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and Chu Qing showed a smile on his face.

Teacher Huang Ren has such a character, he doesn't persuade others, and he doesn't care whether what you are doing is right or wrong, he only cares about whether you will regret it after you do it!
In his words, he doesn't want to graft his own views of right and wrong on others.

Song Dawei didn't quite understand. After Chu Qing hung up the phone, he couldn't help asking: "Who did you call just now?"

"My University Tutor"

"Is it reliable?"

Before Chu Qing could speak, Duan Peng on the side spoke.

"Brother Viagra, don't worry, there is no one in the world who is more reliable than Mr. Huang!"

Song Dawei couldn't help being interested when he heard it. He really wanted to know what kind of teacher could make Chu Qing and Duan Peng think so highly.

Nearly an hour later, Huang Ren called.

"I have a junior here. The young man is pretty good. He is as smart as you, but he is not famous. Do you need it?"

"I will definitely use the one you recommended. What's the price, teacher?"

"I didn't ask, but it's definitely not too high. That kid made a micro movie when he graduated. It's very good. He's a seed of a good director!"

"Then thank you teacher"

"No, you work hard, and if you are promising in the future, you will be able to help your juniors and juniors, you can thank me."

"Teacher, don't worry!"

"Okay, I'll send you his phone number, you can contact him later, his name is Han Jie"

After Chu Qing hung up the phone, he adjusted his mentality, and Duan Peng surrounded him and said, "How is it? Which great director did Mr. Huang recommend to you?"

"It's not a big director. The teacher said he was a junior, so the name should be our senior brother."

As soon as Chu Qing's phone rang, Teacher Huang's text message had already been sent.

After Chu Qing made a booing gesture to the two of them, he called them according to the number above.

"Doo toot, hello?"

"Hello, is this Director Han Jie?"

"Hahaha, you are Junior Brother Chu Qing, Teacher Huang just finished calling me."

"Hello, hello, brother, I want to shoot a movie, the urban series, the plot is about."

"Junior brother, your book is pretty good, and you can almost pass the review standard. As for the actors, what are your plans?"

"Ah, that's right. I plan to play the roles of the male lead and the boss with my brother and I. Brother, don't worry, I have played the male lead before, and my acting skills are not bad. My brother also graduated from the Department of Acting."

"Oh, that's fine, what about the photography team?"

"I need to trouble you, senior brother, to see if there are any suitable requirements."

"I do know a few, so tell me your requirements and shooting time, and I'll see if I can find a suitable one."

"Oh oh oh, that's right."

The two began to discuss on the phone directly, and Chu Qing finally found someone who understands, no, it should be said that the two sides are looking for each other!
As a directing student and Han Jie who has worked hard in the society for several years, how could it be possible that he doesn't have two photographers under him?
After hearing about Chu Qing's shooting time and requirements for photography, he took a chest shot and said that these things are all for himself!

Then the two set a time to sign the contract, and then hung up the phone.

Chu Qing put down her phone, leaned on the sofa and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Hey, it's comfortable. This Han Jie is really nice. He is a person who does things. I like this kind of people who don't talk nonsense and do things straightforwardly."

Song Dawei said with a smile: "Now there is no problem with photography, radio, lighting, etc., what about the makeup, props, and production notes?"

Chu Qing looked at him with a smile and said, "Aren't you the producer?"

(End of this chapter)

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