Chapter 146 Singer Finals

Song Dawei pointed at his nose in a daze and said, "Me? I'm the producer?"

"It's not who you are? Tens of millions have been thrown in. Can I do it if I don't find someone who can take care of the money?"

What Chu Qing said was taken for granted, and Song Dawei was nervous and moved when he heard it.

What is nervous is that he has never been a producer before, and the reason why he is moved is that, as Chu Qing said, that is tens of millions!He trusts himself so much, and he is not afraid of being corrupted by himself.

Is Chu Qing really not afraid?He was also afraid, but there was nothing he could do. Duan Peng and his parents were the ones he was most assured of, but none of these three seemed like they could be producers.

Apart from the three of them, Song Dawei was the only thing Chu Qing was most assured of. After all, without Song Dawei, he would never have received those two endorsements, and he would not have the capital to make a movie.

"Qingzi, I've never been a producer, and I'm not good at managing money. Let's hire a professional to do it!"

"Professionals must also be invited! But you are the master and he is the deputy. The main thing is to listen to you. The reason we hire the producer is to let him teach you! Viagra, don't refuse, among the people I can trust That's why you're qualified for the job."

Chu Qing's words were heartfelt, and Song Dawei was so moved by what he said, that he finally gritted his teeth and agreed!
He is a person who does not want to pay high liquidated damages even when signing a contract with an artist. Love is very important in his heart.

On this side, Chu Qing was recording "A Singer".

On the other side, they signed a contract with Han Jie who had rushed to Hunan Province, and the date for selecting the character was also set, which was June [-]st!

Chu Qing is already a little anxious now, because Xie Kun's new movie is about to start shooting, and if he wants to fight him, he has to hurry up.

Time soon came to June [-]st, and Chu Qing and his party came to Hengdian.

They came this time to choose suitable actors, because with the experience of the previous life, Chu Qing also knew what roles she wanted.

There are only a few main characters, first of all, the heroine, father, and then the eldest brother, sister-in-law and niece!
Then there is the policeman, and the rest of the characters are more casual.

The shooting location has also been decided, it is in Hai K!

As a tourist city, they are still very happy to have a crew to film, and they also gave some convenience for filming.

For example, the market, hospital, etc. that need to be used in the shooting location, the review procedures were quickly approved, and the price was relatively reasonable.

There are also some that need to use the police station and prison, and the local area will provide some convenience.

After arriving in Hengdian, Han Jie brought Chu Qing to the actor's guild. After joining the group, he announced his interview requirements and interview time.

All that's left is to wait for the interview.

However, this kind of people who come for interviews are generally the kind of people who are relatively average, or who are interested in playing tickets and dreaming of becoming popular with one vote.

The real actors who are more aura are actually in the hands of the group leaders. They are usually good at filming, and the group leaders will draw part of the commission from them.

Han Jie posted the interview scenes in the group mainly for the group leaders to watch.

Here I also have to say that the reputation of both Han Jie and 'That's a big studio' is too low, otherwise just say that you want to make a movie, and after sending the request to the group, someone will send a short video of the interview give them.

There will also be some mentors who recommend their own students or friends, and those are all good candidates.

They only need to choose some suitable ones, and then notify them to come for an interview, which can leave a lot of time.

But now, they can only come and interview one by one in person.

On June [-]nd, Chu Qing and Han Jie started the interview work, and Song Dawei took Duan Peng to look for makeup, props, post-production and other teams.

A crew is not just a director and photographer, but every position is indispensable.

Early the next morning, the interview work began.

Because Chu Qing has read the original work, he has an impression of every character in his mind, so he often knows whether it is suitable or not as long as the actors perform a short performance.

But the people who came were really too lazy. Of course, it might be because Chu Qing’s requirements were too high. After all, he was an iron cock. normal.

Then he started to run around, auditioning actors, then flew to record "A Singer", and then flew back to select actors.

After a full month like this, in July, the crew was finally ready!
On this day, Song Dawei rushed to Hai K with all the crew, while Chu Qing went to Hunan Province to record the last variety show.

After such a long shoot, it's finally time to wrap up!
Chu Qing ranked No.3 in the last round, and she is still very hopeful to win the championship.

In the last episode, the title was directly given by the director team, and the director didn't want to make it too difficult for them, so he gave a title that is a panacea, love!

This topic can be said to be as simple as death. Among the ten songs in modern pop music, at least seven songs are about love!This is just like sending out sub-questions!
The program team did this so that they could choose songs conveniently, and then kill them harder in the finals!That way the audience will look cool and the ratings will be high!
There are a lot of songs about love in Chu Qing's mind. After all, he was also a music lover in his last life, and he would listen to music in his spare time.

There are quite a lot of songs that fit his current personality, Chu Qing chose an old song, and his colleague still holds five prop cards in his hand!

[Emotional Rendering Card] Consumable props!Increase the host's emotional rendering ability after use!Duration 15 minutes!The price is [-] points!
[Resonance Card] Consumable items!Increase the voice power of the host's voice after use!Duration 15 minutes!The price is [-] points!
[Voice Follow My Card] Consumable items!Increase the host's voice control ability after use!Duration 15 minutes!The price is [-] points!
[Sound of Nature Card] Consumable items!Increase the charm of the host's singing voice after use!Duration 15 minutes!The price is [-] points!
[Extreme Skill Card] Consumable items!Temporarily increase the skill level of the host after use!Duration 15 minutes!The price is [-] points!
Looking at the five item cards in his hand, these are five 15-minute buffs!
Chu Qing couldn't help but let out a weird smile in her heart, the feeling of cheating is really cool!

I'm done with the main task, even Jesus can't stop it, I said it!

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 23"

"LV: 006"

"Current points 45875"

"Current experience: 4005/15000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

Looking at his remaining points of almost [-], Chu Qing turned on the aura of luck indifferently.

Isn't it just one point per second?Hehehe~ Chu Qing doesn't care~
 Damn, I thought I updated
(End of this chapter)

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