Chapter 152 Security

"Little Qingzi, when will I go over there!"

Just when Chu Qing couldn't figure out what happened on the other end, Dong Manli called back suddenly, and her voice rang through the phone.

After hearing this, Chu Qing coughed lightly and said, "Well, don't worry, I want to talk to you about the salary first."

"Hey, I also know that your crew doesn't have much money, how about this, I'll charge you 100 million for this filming, how about it?"

Chu Qing was stunned, 100 million, this price is definitely a jumping price!

Song Dawei also stared at Chu Qing with wide eyes, as if the two of you must have an affair.

Han Jie also smiled like you really are not a good person, Chu Qing was speechless for a while.

Dong Manli didn't hear Chu Qing's answer for a long time, and thought the price was too high, so she smiled again and said, "Why, 100 million is not there, so let's do it like this, 50, 50 head office!"

Chu Qing didn't even know what to say, the low-ranking one he hired before cost 80 yuan, but now he only costs 50 yuan for the first-line Xiaoge!
"Don't, don't, the crew still has money, just 100 million! I'll give you a bonus after the movie is released!"

"Hahaha, okay, when shall I go there?"

"The sooner the better!"

"Okay, you send me the address, and I'll book a ticket now"

That night, Chu Qing picked up Dong Manli at the airport.

Dong Manli had a makeup artist, bodyguards, and assistants with seven or eight people, not to brag, just to support these people for two months, the 100 million that Chu Qing gave would cost a lot, let alone the usual maintenance And the loss of this time!
That is to say, Chu Qing gave Dong Manli 100 million to shoot with him for two months, but in the end, she didn't make any money, but instead lost money!

Chu Qing silently kept this favor in his heart. He definitely can't afford to repay this kind of favor now, but it doesn't mean he can't in the future!

During the welcome banquet, Chu Qing gave Dong Manli the script of the heroine, and asked her to familiarize herself with it if she had time.

Unexpectedly, Dong Manli cried so much after reading it that she even used up her makeup!Chu Qing comforted her for a long time before coaxing her well.

Afterwards, she was sent to the best hotel, while Chu Qing, Song Dawei, Han Jie and Duan Peng returned to their cheap hotel.

The next day, the crew started filming again, and everyone was very surprised by Dong Manli's appearance!
After all, they are all small actors and small group performers, and it is rare for them to be so close to the 'big stars'.

And Dong Manli is very serious about filming. Although she may be less professional, she is easy to learn and does not play big names, which makes the crew and other actors like her very much.

Some people even lamented that an actress who was not even a fifth-tier actress before was so crazy.

Look at the first-line actress in front of her, she is so approachable.

Sure enough, the only downside to expensive things is that they are expensive!

The only advantage of cheap things is that they are cheap!
The movie was shot slowly like this, and all the actors have more confidence in the movie!
With Dong Manli joining, the shooting progress of the movie has sped up all of a sudden!
At the end of August, the film's overall progress was more than halfway through, which is considered super fast in the industry!
In the film industry, if a film can be completed in three months, the speed is already very fast, but looking at it now, Chu Qing's "When a Man is in Love" may be shot in less than two months over.

But there is one thing that makes Chu Qing more concerned, that is, Dong Manli seems to be a little too involved in the drama.

In her previous life, Chu Qing was the top salesman, and what she was best at was observing words and demeanor, and paying attention to details.

When a person falls in love with another person, everything can be faked, but the eyes cannot be faked. No matter how good the eyes are, no actor can act, unless he himself is also in the play at that moment!

This made Chu Qing a little flustered, because he knew that there would be no result between the two of them, and Dong Manli was not the kind of person he wanted to work together for the rest of his life.

In fact, Chu Qing didn't know what kind of woman he was looking for.

It's ridiculous to say that what a woman did to him made him feel a little bit overwhelmed for the rest of his life.

Sometimes he felt that, in fact, he could marry anyone, anyway, it wasn't the her in his memory.

In his previous life, he often asked himself in the middle of the night, what happened to him, that he fell in love with such a green tea.

It was only later that he figured out that what he liked was not Cui Qiqi who became a queen, but Cui Qiqi who was holding his hand and pressing the road with him.

This failed experience made Chu Qing a little apprehensive. If it was the kind of woman who planned to play with him, he would never refuse. Anyway, everyone is playing for fun, and each takes what he needs.

But when he meets someone who treats him sincerely, he will subconsciously stay away. He is very afraid, fearing that the other party will leave like Cui Qiqi did back then, and let him fall into that situation again.

So when she felt that Dong Manli was looking at her in the wrong way, Chu Qing went out of her way to have a chat with Sister Dong.

Although the words were not very clear, the two of them clearly understood.

From that day on, the progress of filming slowed down.

Dong Manli was often distracted during filming and became a little haggard, but Chu Qing still didn't dare to comfort him after all.

Some things are constantly being cut, and the reasoning is still chaotic.



"Don't hype me and Dong Manli in the future, if possible, try to keep our relationship with each other as little as possible in the future."

Song Dawei was eating a portion of beef noodles, but he just hummed lightly when he heard this, and continued to eat noodles with big mouthfuls.

Song Dawei's thoughts are very delicate, he understands why Chu Qing said that, and also understands why Chu Qing did this, after all, it is hardest to bear the favor of a beauty.

Chu Qing lit a cigarette and stood at the door of the room.

It was raining heavily outside the room, and Duan Peng was lying on the bed in the room and sleeping soundly, probably because he was too tired, his snoring was particularly loud these two days.

Chu Qing adjusted her posture, sat on the threshold, smoked a cigarette, and watched the raindrops from the sky fall on the ground and melt into the stagnant water already taller than a finger.

The rain was pattering and the smoke was billowing.

Chu Qing's mind was exceptionally ethereal, and he wondered if he was the legendary Zhu Gusheng.

Dong Manli is obviously very good, why don't she try to accept it?

Is it because Dong Manli is older than herself?Or was it because he was afraid that others would say that he was eating Dong Manli's soft food and rubbing her fame?

Chu Qing thought about it, and it was neither.

Chu Qing's ideal love is the kind of desperate love. He only has her in his eyes, and she also has only him in her eyes.

When Chu Qing made a mistake, instead of correcting her, she shouted behind her.

When the whole world spoke ill of Chu Qing, she didn't back down, but silently followed behind Chu Qing.

What he wants is a particularly firm choice!

It was the kind of firmness that she stood up and shouted 'Chu Qing, I will love you only in this life'!

naive?Maybe, he's just insecure.

(End of this chapter)

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