Chapter 153

In mid-September, Hai K Airport
Dong Manli's role is completely wrapped up, and it's time to say goodbye.

In the past half a month, the chances for the two of them to talk were much less, and even if they had the chance to be alone, the two would avoid each other. The little love that had just sprouted was strangled in the bud by Chu Qing.

"Sister Dong, thank you, thank you for helping me when my brother was in such a downturn, I will never forget this kindness!"

Chu Qing's expression was extremely sincere, and he really thanked Dong Manli and her manager from the bottom of his heart.

Manager Sister Dong smiled and waved her hands and said, "If you really want to thank us, just shoot the scene well, and then surprise everyone, and let them know that my family, Man Li, chose the right scene!"

Chu Qing smiled and nodded, then looked at Dong Manli.

Today, Dong Manli is wearing a sky blue denim outfit, a cap, mask, sunglasses, and a standard celebrity three-piece suit.

After hesitating for two seconds, Chu Qing smiled and said, "Take care."


Dong Manli smiled and hummed, looked down at her watch and said, "Sister Dong, it's time to go."

The manager, Miss Dong, smiled after hearing this, and waved to Chu Qing and Song Dawei and Han Jie: "Go back quickly, we are leaving, the mountains and rivers will meet again, goodbye!"



Everyone waved goodbye and waited for Chu Qing and others to return to the car after they were completely out of sight.

As soon as Han Jie fastened his seat belt, he said, "Dong Manli likes you, you can't tell."

Chu Qing smiled and said, "There are so many people who like me, I can't accept them all."

"Ha ha ha ha"


The two men in the car laughed, and Chu Qing also forced a smile.

Alas, the pathetic dominance of men.

Obviously he pushed it away with his own hands, but there was still a hint of reluctance in his heart.

But Dong Manli is a good woman, if she can't give her what she wants, it's better not to appear in her world as much as possible.

The main plot of the movie has been filmed in sevens and eighties, and most of the rest are some plots used for post-editing or recalling, as well as some excessive plots and so on.

And in the scene to be shot today, there is the scene where the hero eats noodles and tells his father that he almost got married.

After this period of filming, Chu Qing's acting skills have risen to LV6!

Not exactly a great actor, but not bad either.

After waiting for the props to be ready, Chu Qing tried to walk through the scene first.

Walking the scene means not turning on the machine, not using props, and the actors themselves will perform it first at the shooting location.

The main purpose was to find status for the actors. After Chu Qing left the scene, she felt that she was in good condition, so she secretly clicked on the [Exclusive Moment] in the warehouse.

'Please host to choose a skill! '

In Chu Qing's mind, the electronically synthesized sound familiar to the system sounded again.

"Acting skills!"

"The host's acting skills have been upgraded to level [-]! Please enjoy the exclusive moments to the fullest!"

Changji Diandian ran over to hit the board and said: "Father and son are alone, the first time in the third shot! Let's go!"

After the scene was recorded, he left quickly, and the camera was in place to shoot Chu Qing's scene in all directions.

Chu Qing sat at the dining table, filled a large bowl of noodles for herself, and ate the noodles with a sip.

"Dad, I almost got married, but I messed it up with my own hands."

Perhaps it was because of the food in his mouth that Chu Qing's words were not clear, but the audience could definitely understand them.

"She works in a bank, looks very beautiful, and is also very filial and kind. Her father is paralyzed in bed, and she takes care of her."

When Chu Qing said this, there was a light in his eyes.

There is always that one person who makes the corners of your mouth turn up just thinking of her.

But when I thought that I had lost him, I couldn't stop the sad feeling.

He hastily took another two mouthfuls of noodles, as if intending to use it to forcefully suppress his sadness.

"Dad, I've already lived a worthless life, and I still have this disease"

"Such a perfect woman"

"How can I tell her about my illness?"

"I'm just a passerby who is about to disappear!"

Chu Qing choked with sobs and lowered his head to eat the noodles, but the people present were all dumbfounded.

Including the director!

Han Jie stared at the monitor screen, his eyes were a little red.

The surrounding photographers were similar to him, their eyes were reddened as well, there was no way, Chu Qing's performance at this moment was really contagious!

"I'm not here, she will live well."

Chu Qing turned his head and looked aside. There was an actor playing his father in the background.

He wanted his father to give him an affirmative answer, an answer that would make him feel at ease when he left, but at this moment, his father had already suffered from Alzheimer's disease, so how could he answer his question.

Chu Qing filled another bowl of noodles for herself, and began to eat in big mouthfuls.

His eating posture was still as bad as before, but the tears in his eyes flowed into the bowl.

"Dad, her father is gone, you can be her father"

"After all, after all, she is the woman your son loves the most in my life."

At this moment, many staff who watched from afar burst into tears.

There was only one thought in their hearts, how much this man loved her!
Several emotionally sensitive female staff members covered their mouths and began to cry.

Director Han Jie's tears were rolling in his eyes, and at the same time, he was secretly feeling that with such a scene alone, the reputation of this movie would not be too bad!

Waiting for this movie to be released, just relying on this scene alone, Chu Qing will be able to hold on to the title of actor, even a powerful actor!
"Ca! This scene is perfect! It's over! Come on, get ready to shoot the next scene!"

Director Han Jie's voice sounded through the loudspeaker, and the surrounding staff woke up, but they didn't follow the director's order to prepare the props immediately.

Instead, they all started applauding, applauding for Chu Qing!With this acting skill, Chu Qing completely conquered everyone in the crew!

On October [-]st, "When a Man Is in Love" officially wrapped up!
Chu Qing and Han Jie rushed to Yanjing with the film. They had already booked the post-production, and now they have to edit, score, add subtitles and so on.

Song Dawei led Duan Peng and started their theater sales tour.

Their first stop was the theater chain introduced by director Xia Xiangxiang. Whether it succeeds or not, they must give it a try.

And Xie Kun's "Woman, You've Got My Attention" has been finalized, on November [-]st!Now Xie Kun is frequently active in various variety shows, advertising their movies.

An urban love movie with an investment of [-] million yuan has plenty of gimmicks.

Chu Qing can't do it here, not to mention the fixed file, the theater hasn't found it yet, and if it really doesn't work, he can only talk to the website to discuss the online release!

At that time, there will be no force at all. I originally wanted to fight with others, but I couldn't make it if I took over the stage.
(End of this chapter)

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