Chapter 154
On October [-]th, exactly half a month, the feature film of "When a Man is in Love" was released!
Song Dawei talked to several theaters before, and the other party was willing to watch the feature film first. When the clip came out, Song Dawei immediately copied it into the computer, and then went out to run business again in a hurry.

Chu Qing settled the bill for Han Jie. The total budget of this movie is 500 million!
Up to now, it has cost more than 300 million yuan, and there are 200 million yuan left, Chu Qing plans to smash all the publicity!
It sounds like 1000 to [-] million is a lot, but it is really drizzle for publicity.

When it came to NO.20 in October, Song Dawei finally found a theater that was willing to show "When a Man Is in Love" and the conditions were pretty good.

But the other party can only give 20 days of release time, starting from November [-]th to the end of the month!

During the period, I have to promise that if the results are not good, it will be put on the shelves in advance and the loss will be stopped in time!

Among all theater chains, the conditions have already been considered good.

After all, who made the director not famous, the screenwriter not famous, and the company not famous!
Just relying on a cross-border heroine and an Internet celebrity actor, who can trust you?

After thinking about it for a day, Chu Qing finally agreed!There is no way to disagree, but he has to add one more point, if the film's performance is good, and if the release time of 20 days can exceed [-] million yuan, then the theaters will have to postpone it for ten days to make up for one month!

The theaters also directly agreed, after all, the box office is high, and they earn more!

After the two parties signed the contract, the film was officially finalized, and then the promotion of the film began!

Before the promotional video, Chu Qing made it in the post-editing process. A total of three were made, which is definitely enough for publicity!

The theaters are also willing to cooperate with Chu Qing and the others in publicizing, and now they have put up posters outside the theaters across the country.

In the poster, Chu Qingbi kissed Dong Manli affectionately!
Afterwards, Chu Qing released the first promotional video on her Twitter and Weibo.

The content of the promotional video is the shot of Chu Qing kissing Dong Manli on the rooftop, which directly excited countless CP-eating people to the point of climax!

Chu Qing's Weibo and Dong Manli's Weibo were almost maxed out by these people.

"Fuck! Fuck! Is this an official announcement? Is it an official announcement?"

"I've seen that you two have an adulterous affair! Hmph, but I still want to bless you."

"Bitch! Go to hell!"

"You are the only one who is worthy of my Manli? Hehe, you don't even want to show your face just to get hot!"

"November [-]? Released on Singles' Day?"

"Damn it, give me dog food on Singles' Day! I beg you to be human!"

"I understand that you post food and hotels, but is it too much for you to stay in a hotel and ask me to cut you a knife?"

For a while, the comment area of ​​the two of them exploded, so they really had everything to say.

At the same time, this also attracted the attention of Xie Kun's fans!

This is also a very normal thing. After all, the two debuted on the same show, and they took similar routes. They are both actors and singers.

Now they are all shooting urban love movies, one will be released on November [-]st, and the other will be released on November [-]th, how could this make the audience have no association?
Xie Kun's fans are mainly composed of idiot fans, and some of them are indiscriminate, and they just start spraying and cursing!It's shameless to say that Chu Qing rubbed against his family's idol popularity.

Now Xie Kun's fans have exceeded 2000 million, but Chu Qing is not a good person!

After such a long period of precipitation, the fighting power of his fans was not something to brag about. Suddenly, a shocking scolding battle began!

The two sides are fighting evenly. Although Xie Kun has many fans and a strong background, he has no works!
In other words, he failed to produce a good work!
But Chu Qing is different, whether it is the singer in "A Singer" or the box office of "Take My Brother Away", everything can be achieved!
And in terms of character, all of Chu Qing's songs are free!

And Xie Kun's songs have to be purchased separately if you open a membership, compare the two, and the verdict will be judged!

So the two sides fought evenly, and Chu Qing and Xie Kun also came out to try to persuade them to fight.

What Xie Kun was thinking Chu Qing didn't know, but Chu Qing liked this kind of scene very much, and even hoped that the quarrel could be more violent!
The more noisy they are, the more enthusiastic Chu Qing and "When a Man is in Love" become!This kind of free publicity is simply not too cool!
They spend a lot of advertising money on this side, but it doesn't have such a good effect!

Chu Qing still broadcasts live every day, seemingly stable like an old dog, but actually panicked a lot!
Every day, I have to pretend to be inadvertently promote my own movie in front of the audience, and hope that the fans will support it when the time comes.

He now has more than 1000 million fans on Shaking Hands. If everyone buys a movie ticket, it will be more than [-] million!
Of course, Chu Qing also knew that her thoughts were dreaming.

My more than 1000 million fans have a lot of water, which can be seen from the number of people who watch my live broadcast every day.

Although I am a big anchor now, when I started the live broadcast, there were not more than one million people.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to November [-]st. Early in the morning, Chu Qing, Duan Peng, and Song Dawei gathered outside the cinema. They were going to watch a movie today.

All three wanted to see how Xie Kun's acting skills were.

She also wanted to see what a [-] million urban romance film would look like, so Chu Qing specially took a photo of the ticket stub, planning to post a shake of her hand and add Weibo after watching the movie.

Song Dawei bought some drinks and snacks, and when the time came, the three of them queued up and walked into the screening hall with snacks.

After finding a place to sit down, Duan Peng opened a bag of popcorn and asked while eating.

"Qingzi, are we here to support him?"

"That's right, it's just support. I have to send Weibo to help support later."

Duan Peng looked at Chu Qing in surprise. He really didn't understand this wave of operations. Aren't we competitors?Why do you want to promote the other party?

Song Dawei took a sip of milk tea and said, "Stupid you, they look like good brothers now, he has already helped Xie Kun to promote the movie, can Xie Kun not help us? This is called a win-win situation!"

"Then what if he doesn't help us?"

"The netizens have to scold him to death, but it is more beneficial to us!"


Duan Peng scratched his head, and felt more and more that he was not suitable for dealing with these things. He still did his duty in filming, and left the rest to Chu Qing!Anyway, he would never lie to himself.

While the few people were talking, the auditorium gradually became dark, and a dragon logo appeared on the big screen, followed by the film's producer's LOGO!Publisher LOGO!

After all this is done, the film begins.

Xie Kun was wearing a black suit and leaning on the desk, with a glass of red wine in his hand, full of pretense.

The camera zoomed forward, and a line of words gradually appeared on the wine glass.

"Woman, you managed to catch my attention"!
(End of this chapter)

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